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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Never EVER trust a review on the interwebs on a site. I trust people on forums like here way WAY more than any official review. I do read a paper magizine (which is payed).
  2. Trying to answer as much as I can (and hopefully right too XD) You actually NEED to go to the questline atleast once before you can throw credits/CC at it. While I personally think that's a good idea, of course a lot of people too dislike it and just want to throw their cc at it and forgo stupid content. Who likes content anyway? "Why play then?" I always ask myself... Heh, didn't even knew about crystals on Alderaan (did hear about the egg-nodes, but never bothered finding one since the GTN is flooded with them for a very very low price anyway). World bosses drop schematics for magenta (including for +41). Can be pretty annoying to acquire though thusly. Personally I can't be bothered with them anymore, too much annoyance, very little gain. I wish they redid the world boss system. The Ghost should be soloable now... was hard for 50, but now we're all 55 of course, with way better gear. It's a status effect that happens on your character, sometimes allowing some boosts. Generally; 1) Used for relics that have a random chance to trigger ("proc" thus) 2) Effects that can be triggered on your character, allowing a boost on another skill. Generally acquired to the skill tree. For example; My shadow has a chance (30%), when attacking an enemy hit with force breach with my standard attack, double attack or finisher move to get a free mind warp. If it's triggered that's called proc. My maurader has 100% chance upon using jump (in either way) to get a free scream, and a damage boost to smash. 2 procs. He also got a proc that using crush he get's a force reduction cost for smash (which is heavily bugged and exploitable and they never ever fixed). So it really depends on your class wheter you need to look for procs, or the developers just shafted you (like my shadow). As for relics, they just give their effects, nothing really needed to look out for unlike procs that give other powers a boost, so you should use them in the proper order for maximum effect. Like Mauraders using jump, crush, then smash (for 66% bonus damage) then getting ANOTHER free smash from the same crush since BioWare can't fix their exploits, and thus smashmonkeys being so powerful in PVP... *sigh*
  3. Thankfully, started to drag on a bit there in the end... @ Drowsy; Yup, still waiting for, say, No One Lives Forever. Or Rogue Squadron. Good games not found on any digital distributor
  4. Indeed. Reality isn't as intoxicating... Sadly, I am stuck with it, cause I can't live in the fantasy that pastering a brand new top-of-the-line engine automatically makes a good game. I know there are plenty of gamers who can, but I ain't one of them...
  5. You can get all pro's and con's for 2D and 3D... but... I don't get what bugs or crashes have anything to do with that discussion? Since... it really has absolutely zero effect on it.
  6. Wait? Missing sex scenes is a bad thing or a good thing? I'm getting a bit confused which of the 2 you think. Personally it's a GIGANTIC plus for me. And of course it can do cutscenes. And can cutscenes work in isometric. Never played Baldur's Gate II? It's clearly not as efficient and powerful as your stuff...
  7. The thing you see a lot in TOR now is hatred to new players... how the storylines are so easy, you should have no trouble with them, etc. Of course those same 'pro's' tend to forget new players don't have; 1) Large presence boosts 2) -5 min recharge on Heroic moment + double duration + all the bonus spells it gives 3) Probably those datacrons (if they know they exist at all) 4) The 5 companion one-time boosts It can get a little tiresome on chat sometimes hearing those 'elite' players chew out new players... and they always forget all the above :/
  8. Hopefully you didn't register your copy yet... so it wont go off your 30 days...
  9. Well, provided you got 1m (or pay with cc of course) you can get him from lvl 1 on your alts. Sadly, he wont have fun stuff to say during missions and you will probably loose influence using him instead of your companions since no hits are added. I haven't really bothered with the bounty hunter event this week (despite only being 'hero' level). Couldn't be bothered, and was much more fun leveling and questing my bounty hunter.
  10. Actually, it's BioWare who should have seen the brick wall of reality I hope. What with DA2 sales plummeting so rapdily after word got out it was total ****.
  11. Yeah, the title 'wants to play' doesn't really reflect perfect beta material. I wouldn't mind testing PE, but $115 (or $25 ontop my current pledge), yeah, too expensive for poor student me...
  12. Why hate BioWare? Since they went the good way with DA:O, then wringed it's little neck. Cause they turned KOTOR into a MMO. And celebrated KOTOR's 10th birthday with an outright insult. Cause they force MP into ME3, and see what good that had done. Why hate BioWare? Since it's a shimmer of the RPG-god it once was. Actually, there's barely any residue left. And with a RPG environment already thin in good titles, such a loss can be very painful. There was shimmering of hope at the horizon, with DA:O, and they shattered in into a million pieces. Of course RPG-fans are upset with that.
  13. We all do. We all do. Sadly, after all the hype up to TWD, it was a major dissapointment to me. A growing line in a list of TTG failures. And here I was hoping they found the way again, sadly, it was a false hope
  14. Baldur's Gate 2 Complete 80% off If you want it, last shot now, 750 copies. Goes *way* faster than the other games. I'm off to sleep XD
  15. DA2 is the Indiana Jones 4 of the RPG. So bad you really REALLY want to forget it, and then learn the makers want to make a sequel and you all go "seriously? SERIOUSLY? What the hell are you people smoking that you want to continue this? Let it die, oh god, let it die!"
  16. No one wants Eador, eh? It's been stuck there for quite a long while...
  17. It's more an indication that modern games are not nearly as good or grasping than old games than anything else. A sad development The game will give you that feedback on default. Expert mode will turn this stuff off, which is something I think a lot of the 'yes' voters fail to understand. Expert mode turns ALL help off (and locks it). Ehm, unlike your posts try to make out, both BG's actually HAVE this once you use tab to hover over them. Where do you think ThrashMan got those terms from? BG! I don't see why it should be turned off completely, expert or none. It's just the right balance of information for both modes, nothing needed to be tweaked about further :/ I agree about skill/stat checks in convo's, but I am not quite sure those even existed in the BG's. They did in the KOTOR games, and they were 'hidden' there, I think it's a much better sollution than the F:NV method.
  18. I got Jack Keane 1 some while ago, it's pretty bad. Also got Ankh 1 and Ankh 2. Ankh 1 was pretty fun, but had a gamebreaking bug in the end with characterswitching which made me never finish it. Ankh 2 completely went about switching characters, and naturally, the same gamebreaking bug was in, so that if I loaded a save as the other char I ended up with an invisible nobody and all was broken. And going on playing the game with a walkthrough next to it, just to do it in 1 run to prevent saving, not my idea of fun. And thus Deck13 got in my disregard and I can't be bothered with their games anymore :/ Is in superslow mode now (bar the freebies, no System Shock 2 for me ), hope to still get a fun game or 2. We'll see...
  19. Didn't read most posts (will do once I got time next logon), just replying to above. Do you use Heroic Moment? What gear do you have?
  20. Sucks they put up this promo exactly the few times my girlfriend is here. Otherwise I could stick around all time, but nooo... not when they add this :/ Apparently started way earlier than the mail judging from the thread here... Anyway, got NWN (1 euro 50) and privateer (1 euro 15). Not too shabby. Same on the free games, all gone or error. I do agree bots probably lurk them up. Just like BG, gone so fast. Omerta and Rollercoaster III took way long though. Back to quick now, but I should go sleep now Reminds me of my graphics card promo. Used to be first come too, never won. They changed it to random draw instead, won 2 games since... EDIT: Add NWN2. Got it on Steam, but apparently (according to you guys) this version had some extra's Steam lacked. So 4 dollar (3 euro) went poof.
  21. But it's still english. And actually updating for me now, even though I wont buy the expansion till a sale. 4gb worth of stuff. Hope some atleast are usable without expansion...
  22. The "penalty upon revive" sounds very Drakensang. Hopefully it's not as easy counterable as in Drakensang, by simply using any of the 1000 random bandages you randomly find. Kind of completely removed the purpose of having the wound-system at all. The question is... would you like to play chess for 50 hours? And not over the course of a year or more, but for a gamerun, say a week or 2. Sounds more like an issue with NWN2 balancing than D&D to me. I do know that by the end of BG1 my PC had an AC of -10 and was pretty much invernable against anything other than magic. So that depends more on the integration than the system. No, someone was complaining that they kept the mage alive, and it did a good dose of damage to his PC. And that apparently meant BG wasn't tactical (rather than that his tactic sucked) and the solution would be to minimalise or completely do away with random factors, since that apparently would make a game better. I disagreed. The problem with your suggestion is, it relies on you *needing* to react within combat. While those insta-death spells usually focus on your preperation (saves, feats, powers). If you go willingly into a demon fight without negative plane protection, you should pretty much die. If you are willingly engaging fire-elements with items that give +ice resistance -fire resistance, you should pretty much die. If you focus full on on the offensive (attack powers and feats) but decide to skim the defensive, you pretty much put it on yourself if you do get attacked. Not everything should be decided only in the battlefield, it's an RPG after all. You must not be watching 24. Though there's pretty much always a timer there, bomb or not XD. If you read the 'what are you playing' thread, you would have known I *didn't* reload. I moved on. And got mauled horribly. Hence being very able to say that, yes, it's not technically game over as in the screen appears forcing you to reload, but it's over for you advancing in the game. Just making it clear that the game over screen doesn't tell all, or if you avoid it it's automatically sure you can finish the game (depending on the game).
  23. And the joy of surviving something which you thought could kill you? Gone. The thrill of scoring a crit and turning a battle in your favor. Gone. The game will become a spreadsheet. Not a lot of fun, well I think anyway. When I play The Old Republic there are many people who just love to have "the best" rotation, skills and gear and think everyone should follow their rules. Well, screw them, I'm not going to lock myself in a boring repetition of what THEY want me to do. If I don't like a certain build, I'm not going to have it forced on me since they think it's the best. If everything is fixed and static in a fight, it's just a cross-off puzzle. I'm pretty sure we all want a RPG, not a puzzle. I know they aren't fixed, and for good reason. However some people here suggest that, and think it would add "tactics". But tactics are already there, without making the game dull and static. And 'reduced' is indeed giving me a bad feeling, since it's already very well in BG/IWD/PS:T. The fear is, if reduced too much, the combat indeed becomes too static (since predictable) and the player gets a big safety net. And that safety net irritates most players in modern RPG's, why should we add it to our return to the root? If your elites top notch guys got killed and you had to take rookies in the endgame, yes, you were done. It might not have a fancy 'game over' immediately, but we all know you're screwed over without way back. And yeah, if the PC dies it's game over in both BG and BG2. IN PS:T it's back to the respawn point, and IWD didn't have a main character to begin with. Nope, but I have Gothic 2 Gold (unplayed) on GOG and played Gothic 3, and it's combat is atrocious. Also, tell me where Gothic's team is. Right. It's like saying "It works in FPS (and it does) it should go into RPG's!"... apples and oranges. For example, a 3rd person or 1st person camera works in many games, but both are terrible systems to reliably control a group. I can say the same as you about the game I currently play (Mark of the Ninja). Does not mean anything of it AT ALL is suitable for PE. If you leave stuff to chance when controlling one person and it's not hack&slash it usually gets frowned upon. Look at Bloodlines or Deus Ex (though personally I think it works GREAT in DX). But there's a reason criticial chance was added to RPG's, weapon ranges, to hit rolls. a game that does no rely on luck is not inherently boring, as one that does is not inherently frustrating. As far as I know it the system in PE has a x per fight limit to spells. So even without the modification that a save is still negative consequences, it would have dealt with the problem you mentioned. It takes a slot, yes, but if you miss and fail, you can just use it again next time to try, no rest needed. I wonder what a system where spells always have positive effects even if saved would do to magepower. Will they become powerhouses? Or are all spells nerfed into the ground to compensate the fact they always hit?
  24. I smell PR-Bull****. Don't believe everything Sony or MS might tell you...
  25. I don't know... "normalisation" sounds to me like 'as easy as modern games with all their failsafes so you can barely die' As for above post, the amount of skills would also be less with fixed values. Gone chosing a weapon based on 'less damage, more crit' or 'more damage, less crit' since crit's a chance. Skill's would be boring cause +1 is a lot less interesting if you already know your value, rather than if it adds 1 to the 1-20 roll *maybe* allowing you a hit. No, I can't see it working. Not fun anyway.
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