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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. I really wanted a boxed version, but the high shipping costs here to Europe made me go digital instead :/
  2. I don't see the problem. Instead of a random thugs group being always the same, you know need to variate based on their randomly generated weaponry. Hence, more challenge, more replayability, more strategic thinking required than if you know all bandit x wear itemtype y. As I said, I only see pro's to that.
  3. Those Steam versions don't include the DLC right? I would like Shadowbroker, but if not in, might aswell stick with my DVD-disks... Also, in Europe it's 5 euro generic ME2, 7.50 euro special ME2, 3,24€ ME1, 10€ special ME2 and ME1 (which does save 74 cents).
  4. Cats. Will they be ingame (pretty sure it was a backers rank we made), feature cute dialogue (like in Icewind Dale 2), and perhaps be a pet/disguised noble/lucky charm if kept alive the entire game...?
  5. There's a BG dragon with a +5 sword... I was refering to it... and many people building themselves or a teammate around that particular sword. A good example for what having a well-known fixed drop can do, and what randomness to it might add. So yes, it works as example, since it's not even theoretical at all... As for random items will upset balance of enemies, I don't know about P:E, but in most games (Obsidian ones included) there are 'proficiency: all' settings for foes just for that. No point adding a specific sword skill, and +2 attack in sword powers to a foe, when you can simply add 'can use all weapons, gets +2 attack' to it. Which allows also the use of ALL weapons. So wheter random generated, or a developer just changes opinion on what weapon to use, the boost is always in effect. Of course, I wont suggest making archers randomly get a sword, but wheter they get a bow or crossbow should techniqually have very little influence on them, just the difference between bow and crossbow, not that the enemy suddenly gets -5 penalties cause 'it's not their item'...
  6. They seem to be getting better in fixing up old long-well-known bugs in the recent patches. So here's hoping they continue that line and do fix all those old stuff up some day. If the fashion show is on my SM-Jedi Shadow will be posted too soon
  7. Also got a -25% off Shadow Warrior. Everyone got those? That game must really sell bad then. Also got a -33% of Foul Play for someone if they want it.
  8. I assume, like other games with re-spec, there will be a cost to it. So changing your whole build just for the last drop you got would be highly costly, and thus improbable. It would still be a cop-out in the highly unlikely scenario you need a broadsword, and all items are somehow to +5 while the only broadsword is +1. Dunno what you really talk about with the money. I've talked a great deal about the economy is some other threads, too detailed for it to be of use in this specific discussion, but I think if vendor's actually sell useful items, a variety, and thus money actually has a worth, that would be a good thing. Some people say vendors should wield good items, and all good loot should be drops. But in doing so, money becomes worhtless, only used for additional moneysinks you then have to invent just for it to have a use. So if you think the RNG really hates you, and you really need that broadswoard +5, and it doesn't drop, the vendor is there for you, provided you have excessive amounts of money to shell for it. Money you should think of, isn't it better used elsewhere? My point exactly. It would add some extra developer time, sure. But I personally think it would be of a significant added value to the game. Do note this does not mean a FULLY random loot system like KOTOR2, but rather a system where enemies posses an intern randomness system. Good for unique foes to add variety to the game, but also, as stated before, for an common enemy type, like, say, the "Black Dragon Bandit Clan", so they can have different armors and weaponry, without a developer needing to manually set them up for it. So while it needs more dev-time, it also helps reducing it at other points. And I think we can all agree we wouldn't mind clone enemies to become part of the past (besides maybe Dopplegangers ). I definitely agree here. True randomness in loot (like action RPG's) rarily leeds to a very good system for more hard-core RPG's. But the game will be made to be replayed, for people Obsidian knows will replay it over and over. And then the system like BG1/2 or KOTOR1 where you know in advance all items can become stale. Having just this tiny bit of randomness would add freshness to those replays, or even first plays.
  9. I'll play it again after I get the x-pack. Which probably will be a while since I, as golden Steam rule, always buy when discounted proper. It does look a lot worse based on just those screenshots.
  10. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED http://imgur.com/a/2H1Ey (sorry they seemed to have uploaded a bit random) Comparing them to JFSOCC's screens... obviously every cheater in the world plays easy, and the world statistics are a joke. * I did a whole bunch less missions and alien kills, yet the same amount of deaths (in easy vs. classic of all things) :/ * I somehow made battles last longer than him on classic (what the?) On to Dragon Commander!
  11. Well, from what I hear re-specs are in. Personally not a fan of them, but they would prevent the player from being able to get 'stuck' like that. Also; vendors (money has a worth? OMG!). And of course what Lephys says is correct too. That all 10 random +2 drops would become greatswords would be highly improbable to boot. But I figured that would go without saying...
  12. I got some crafting skills, but... I really don't bother with it (except for Biocrafting to get myself stims). Too much not fun. Let the other people handle it, I'll play the GTN and get money to buy it all Mk-9 kits are pretty cheap, not worth the hassle of making them yourself. Slicing for me too is the best skill around. Can't say no to free money, can I? The rest is far more hit or miss.
  13. As usual, I disagree with Valorian. I would love it if the big baddie didn't have a fixed specicial items, but it could be one of 3 or so. Then each game you can even find new unique special items you never found before in the old game. And if your entire build is focused around finding that Long Sword +5 on that Dragon, well, you're in bad luck if it drops another +5 item instead. Less number-calculating and pre-determining item finds, more flying where the flow brings you and dealing with the punches.
  14. Maybe later on if I ever get the x-pack. Enough other games for now (including my new Dragon Commander). First the final mission though, but not today. Easy was hard enough for me, until I got super-armor and plasma weapons. Then everything died quickly, and it became a lot easier to counter being hit with a health pack instead of death. I think classic would do me in for sure. Not quite sure if the stats posted are right, pretty sure I missed some 90% shots, but maybe since more than 4-man. And still would question the heavies, since it's just ONE rocket. And their main weapon is the worst of all. It's just so damn inaccurate, and the damage feels the same as the much more accuracte rifle. And it eats ammo. So even firing twice seems less efficient than firing once with other weapons.
  15. They've made achievements for us But I kinda happily forgo it for Hoth or Tatooine. Anyone I was planning to play ops, and do the BH-event, but seriously can't be bothered launching TOR. Maybe I'm fed up a bit. It's still fun once in a while to do ops with the guild, but getting tired of the gear grind.
  16. Heh, got all but one sattelite too (India bailed out). Moved from "all my troops are dying" to 'let's dump the heavy (okay, got killed first mission after turning colonel)', 'my colonel snipers are seriously overpowered', "I can take 3 cryssalids, 2 muton elites, 2 thin man, 3 mutons, a sephopod (sp?) and 2 repair bots at the same time, from all 4 directions"... So yeah, easy actually got easy, but it was a long bloody way to get there, and not done yet. But really, colonel snipers are OP. And heavy... kinda REALLY suck. Assault troopers are still king though.
  17. Sounds like the best of both worlds, yes. Randomness to add replayability, but still making sure vendor's are useful (think KOTOR1 vs KOTOR2) and tough enemies drop items that are actually useful to you if you kill or defeat them at the intended time for you to meet them.
  18. I got someone else to play X-com? Sadly, not that much more gametime myself... progress is slow. Have to shoot down a quest UFO, but for that I need a speed boost for my plane that requires 2 corpses of a enemy I only faced once, and it's corpse got autopsied, so I still need 2 more. And it seems a pretty rare foe. Also got Dragon Commander during the sale, but I rather finish my current game first . Also, what's this I hear about DX:HR director's cut? Steam page is unclear on what exactly the changes are like to the bosses. And can I upgrade my DX:HR or need to repay $20? If so, that's pretty heavy for a game I already own :/
  19. I do use the mousewheel. Have to stand under the ladder for the roof to even be able to appear. And only if I max zoom out and point the camera a certain way it shows... Of course to dissapear again if I use my mouse to actually try and select something. Atleast with stairs on another map I could get up after 3 turns... crazy.
  20. Aye. Could cancel my second laboratory with 1 day left for full refund. Pfew. Also, ironman showed it's head. Fired a rocket at some mutons. On second thought, that was a bad idea in a GAS STATION. The cars where outside the impact display, but still blew up. My 2 best snipers, and my best assault trooper died. Afterwards spend 5 rounds trying to get my troops to climb a ladder. Did I say I hated elevation? At the end of 5 I got one up, but both sectoid on the roof thankfully decided not to wait so I could both gun them down on the ground. Now just have to live with my losses of my own stupidity.
  21. Well, it's going swell. Much better than the last time. The advise here and learning by shame from the last time did work wonders. So far only lost 1 sniper, because I was keeping my oponent alive for the Arc Trower (the outsider for the mission). Oops. Aside from that everyone levels up fine, I unlocked 6-character teams, building out my base, and this time everyone got good armor and some laser weaponry (still working on replacing all). Kinda keeping the main mission aside and just focusing on expanding. Should give those cryssalids what-for this time. A big boon is actually knowing the UFO intercept works. Being able to shoot them down really helps, since last time I ran out of alloys and now due to that I have alloys a-plenty. Snipers still feel kinda clunky to me, even with squad sight. A LOT better, true, but still less than the other classes. Assault must be my favorite so far. My highest leveled just unlocked free response shots without overhead if enemies are near. It's pretty neat, in my last mission he blasted a floater to death and a muton to 2 health in 1 opponents turn. Muton free for capture . Last mission I described also allowed me to capture a muton (was their introduction) and a thin man, and get a muton corpse. Still had a cryssalid corpse too. And low-and-behold, 1 day after that mission a sattelite went up over South-America and my interrogations and autoposies became free. So done 4 in a row. Suddenly all remaining research doesn't take that long anymore. Maybe shouldn't have gotten that second laboratory . So far my X-Com: Enemy Unknown update. PS. I hate elevation. Going up stairs in that game is a nightmare.
  22. I pretty much have Treek for the convo's. Can't go wrong with teammate conversations. But aside from that... yeah.
  23. Restarted my Xcom game, easy ironmode. Going pretty well so far. Then again, so did last time. Did the "all female team" achiev for fun and to get some more teammates leveled up. Unlocked 5-team ASAP so they can get XP from just being on a mission (they get XP for that, right?). Soon should get more XP per kill. For now focussing my money on building the base and sattelites, trying to get many engineers (much more useful than scientists imo). No good items yet to craft, research goes it's way. While first game I was forced America or Europe (and went Europe) this time went Africa for the money boost. Got sloppy on an escort mission, thin man got 2 of my escort's 3HP. So lucky. Shotgunned him almost to the face (poison and all, kept a move inbetween) with run&gun. That's quite a good move. Never really used it last game, should use more. Also the game seemed to think I need a LOT of snipers. Got around 5 now. Thought they were kinda useless last game (not being able to shoot after moving, got the upgrade that did that away, still... the penalty. Would have used a machine gunner instead), so hopefully they will not be when I listen to you guys this time and get the squad vision upgrade. But, well, very early, don't even have the stun item yet. Still wondering if capturing more than 1 of each type alive is useful, guess I should test that out this time.
  24. It's not the screenshot thread, sure, but no point posting there and then linking here IMO; I suck. Though the disrepecy with the worlds average damage is astounding. I suppose I didn't even do that bad with 10x less damage. Next time; more weapon upgrades. Report of the last few days; * First mission again mutons where introduced. I defeated them. Sadly enough my highest medic I made a mistake with. Thought I targeted an area on the roof, instead dropped down, right in the enemies LOS. Got shot... lucky, critical, 3 rounds. Couldn't revive since he had the only medic pack. Sadly enough, everyone started missing, and of course just the round after he passed away the enemy got defeaten :/ * Had a VIP escort mission. Figured the VIP could jump a wall like my troops. No, he couldn't. Instead the click let him to a overwatch shot and death because his turn ended wide open... *sigh* * UFO landing. First encounter with the so-called 'disk.' Learned about it being healed, and lost a full squad of rookies without a single kill. * Terror mission. About 6 crysalids in, and only 4 civilians found (all killed), my team was 1 down, with 3 on 1 health. So decided to retreat. Without alloys to make weapons and armor, and not getting any failing all the time, I decided to just get to the end of it. Sattelites got attacked, ships got shot down without being able to make a single counter-shot, it was the end. End movie, end-score as seen above. EARTH HAS FALLEN. JULY 2015... RIP. Better luck next earth xD
  25. Dragon Commander is 40% off. But since part of a larger promo I wonder if it might turn more, and I'm waiting it out for now...
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