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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. So... 6 contracts... 5 duplicate guys. Hopefully today brings change, since I really hate killing the same henchman over and over :/
  2. I loved that game when I was a kid Good memories.
  3. Had some hard times in Saints Row III with a side-mission requiring a "muscle car" Having no clue what that is, I tried a few that I would think fit 'muscle'... entirely wrong of course. Then tried google image searching 'muscle car'... all looked the same to me, so found a car ingame that looked like the images. Still nothing. So did another search this time for 'saints row III muscle car' and found a few people in the same predicament. A few elligable car-names where given, noted them, then randomly found one eventually and used it to finish the side-mission. And I still have no idea what a muscle car is or why that specific car I drove was one, since I didn't saw anything specifically different about it. :/ And onwards to 'piss people off and kill hookers at the same time, but hookers no longer spawn when you piss them off too much'... still breaking my head on that one...
  4. VC and SA worked fine on the PC. They really just didn't give a damn about porting IV, it's not like they couldn't do it.
  5. Isn't the first, and wont be the last time the way I word things make people misinterpret things. Guess one of the things part of being a non-native english speaker, and not being much of a writer in general even in my own language... I do agree. And with modern monitors and screen sizes there's no use for 3 bars. 2 (or 1) fits better. Not sure about the transition thing. Considering there are plenty of alternative locations (dungeons, outdoors, demon planes(?), whatnot) how to make a proper transition. That would require the UI to gradually merge with the gameworld. While that would be cool, I am not sure wheter that's even technically possible with Unity, and if it is, what the implementation would take. One thing great about the BG's UI is that the hitpoints where displayed on the character. Yes, their portraits where big, but it allowed a good quick overview of health and effects. The mock-up instead has... red and blue bars. Not exactly an improvement I say. Harder to see, and looks worse. Though it's questionable if half red (HP-damage) and one half blue (stamina) wouldn't look similarly ridicilous. Not quite sure myself how to 'fix' that. A pop-up menu could work for spells or abilities, instead of having to hover to the HUD all the time. Like, say, left click regular attack, right click opens the menu. However with radial menus other problems can arise. They can be hard to navigate with the mouse. Currently playing Saints Row III and it's radial menu is just aweful. Works fine on console, not at all on PC. I can't see a profit of making things like the inventory intentionally taking a small portion of the screen, making you required to scroll more for overview. There were alot of things in DA:O I felt could be better combined into one, full-screen tab instead. Also having an unpersonal list rather than a nice doll in BG1 is a miss. It's not needed at all, but it's such a nice thing to have. If we keep thinking BG-style I would probably think OE can savely merge a few screens that were seperate there in 1 (like character screen and inventory. Of course, that's all presuming they kept it like that. All guessing here. I'm not opposed to such things, so you might collapse the HUD even and properly play it with hotkeys and such (although keeping an eye on your HP will become difficult). I don't think there was a good way to cast spells in the BG's with the HUD down, and it could overall help with smoothing spellcasting into the game. It just really depends on how they implent such a list or menu.
  6. I've discussed UI in another topic to detail, so I let it pass here. Check there if you want my opinions As for the screenshot... it looks awesome. Yes, I am aware it's a work-in-progress, so don't mind the shadows and some of the characters being a bit cooky cutter. I absolutely love the art and the character armor/weapon look. Back to the old days of IE. Back when areas where pretty and not just the same dungeon redone 5-times due to 3D asset issues. To beatiful art rather than the 'pretty but absolutely plain' Withcer II/Oblivion. Hopefully you guys can keep up making dungeons and outdoor areas look magnificant like here and the waterfall. And yay for realistic clothing rahter than oversized weapons, massive armshoulders and all that silly crap that's apparently our current 'epic' gear. IWD's and PS:T had some amazing sights, so I am not too concerned here, looking forward what the artists present us with. And please give each "Mega Dungeon" level an unique look... I can see this being good in Mass Effect (closeups on you a lot of times in a lot of conversations) or The Old Republic (since those art developers turn out the ****tiests of helemets, I'm not sure there's a good one besides Revan/Nihilus, which aren't even theirs) I don't really see any added value for a IE-type game. I never played the BGs and ever thought 'I wish I could remove the helmet from my character', and I doubt I will for PE if they provide some nice looking headgear. I would love it if you tried that in PE the monsters would simply break the door down and enter your room. Doors shouldn't be impenetrable obstacles to the UI. Unless of course the door is smaller than the opponent. I feel your pain. Not sure if it fits me, but 40 runs of Nihilus battle to test and update stuff made me get a bit of the vibe XD
  7. Lucky you. Sadly for me ugly HUDs do bother me. Like futuristic UI's in a fantasy game. It just... puts you off. And functionality too. Like how in DA:O you have this huge screen, and all the tabs take a minor portion of the middle screen, with huge buttons making you scroll even more. DA2 made that even worse. Witcher II's UI was horrible too. And so seem most modern games. So it's not just esthetical (prob. typo'd that) but actually has a gameplay effect too. As Istmal already pointed out, how often would you need the character screens to click on? They did their function. IMO if they were upper left, too much in your face. Upper right allows you to just glimpse at it, while paying attention to the main screen. So you get all the vital information, none of the distraction. Also, how often did you use the buttons on the bottom. The quickbar is just there to see what's in your quickbar, you probably will use hotkeys to use said items rather than click them. Same for characters, hotkeys, select them. You wouldn't constantly need to click them. The UI mostly clicked on in the BG's I think are the inventory and spells tab. The rest are more incidential. And I doubt anyone would visit their questlogs or character screens in the middle of combat. http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/3096/faibgeenew4r.jpg Tell me how this is affecting functionality? They are right dab next to each other. Where in BG1, also 2. Also IWD1. It worked fine, it still does so. Why reinvent the wheel? Especially if the alternative doesn't function or look nearly as good. Change for the sake of change is never good. Not quite what I want. I just want a functional UI, simplistic, but not floating minimalistic or all the other crap modern games love. There should be no fear to have some fluff to the UI to make it look good and fit in with the game. But that's no reason to overdo it. And some design decisions (like adding the combat log inside a fixed HUD) are just, IMO, really really bad. Eh. The poster said 'I like this UI for PE', without explenation too. I just disagreed, stating I hated it. I never intended to extrepolate on that, but you all kept asking 'why you hate it', so I stated the reasons why. Why I only listed that since that's what the question was, not an overall impression what I thought, and things I would like in and keep and such. So, I just answered the question. If you're not satisfied with the answer, ask a different question . Case in point; The 'I hate that' was just conversation, and afterwards I stated how I thought a good UI should function and look like. And I still stand by those opinions. Well, here ends the 'functionality' reasons and we just enter my preference. Why I don't like float? Since I don't like it. I much prefer the game area and UI to be seperate, and not that you suddenly have bits and pieces of HUD floating around, or you see the screen behind your character portraits. It's just distracting from the point a HUD should present; clarity. It can't do that to me floating. But yes, this is mostly something preferencial. Huh... I like BG's HUD just fine. We could with modern day big screens probably clip of the right bar. The bottom bar too, although I wouldn't mind keeping it around. It looks good, it's functional, no floating moving distracting things. It's cleanly cut around the playarea. I love it. But apparently a lot of people hate it, hence it gets overhauled. Why? Beats me. Personally I just want to prevent them to tweak the HUD like Obsidian/Black Isle did in IWD2. BG1/2, IWD1's HUD was perfectly fine, and in IWD2 it's absolutely crap. Considering several of the same people are working here, I just want them to not make the same mistakes they did that, filling up like half the screen with a completely unfunctional space-wasting distraction that that was. Maybe that's also why I strongly oppose a horizontal only HUD. I played IWD2, and seen how absolutely bad that would work in an IE-type game. That's pretty much why I care here. I don't want them to make a IWD-2 hud. I don't want them to make a DA:O HUD. They can burn in hell if they remake the DA2 HUD. I just want an updated BG2 HUD. Sure, it can be improved upon. But to me, improvement isn't making the character portraits harder to spot since they're a half-cirlce, inside a circle floating around the screen. Improvement isn't incorperating the combat log making the HUD even bigger. Improvement isn't posting the characters top right "in-your-face"...
  8. I realise not all space unused is wasted. But for me, on that UI messup, it really is. Because if at the side of the screen you make a circle, that automatically makes it 'floating', something on the sides has to be there to make it a circle, unless you want a half-circle at the side, with half-missing, which would look horrible (I think all can agree on that). So a rectangle would fit the side of the screen more, since it would 'hug' the screenside, since that's flat. Ie. the way BG1/BG2 and IWD1 did it. A system I definitely find more aestethically pleasing than all the circles and float and whatnot modern RPG's throw about to stay minimalistic. And not immersive at all.
  9. Depends if you have 1 million credits. If not definitely the high level dailies to gain it faster. Also, slightly dissapointed with CZ-198. That area is so small. The only thing making it cost time is 80 people fighting for 5 clickables of which you need 8 (x2). Once a new instance spawned and I went there, swoop, it's a 5m- deal. I suppose nice to have a daily area be over so fast, but... I was hoping for more. Flashpoints are also, lacking. In order to keep them classless they are rather easy, and the bossfights are just, not that good. Also after the great H4's finishing the Seeker and Macro, it's dissapointing there are no puzzles, no thinking. They would have been much better if you had to split up 2/2 once. Or click 4 things at the same time. Or a small solo-sequence. But no, just fight fight fight. Though I have to admit this is from SM, haven't had a group form for the HM new FP's yet, which have class-functions.
  10. I wouldn't sell them if the reward for 'badges' was good. But it's crap, so selling them off is better :/ Fundamental flaw there to make us all want for them. Now some do for... I am not even sure what. I did one (the event one) to see what a 'badge' would do, but nope, never again...
  11. Well, the parts are easier, so if that's your goal, you definitely got it good. Otherwise, here's a 15page thread on it (with a few posts of me when I was still a sub); http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=664285
  12. Well, sub's over, back to pref. That means no more 10 bug reports per play session too . I'll miss that. And quicktravel being 20m instead of 2h. Nothing else though... Squashed my money on GTN on ship and various upgrades, all legacy boons for all chars, around 20 operation weekly passes and kept around 2-3 million left. Squandered them on collection armor unlocks. About 15% now. So I suppose plenty to do for money still. Got hooked up on Seeker droid hunting, was a lot of fun... 2.2.3 ruined it. Great, didn't even get a week of fun. Now it's totally sucking. From addicted to never touching a droid again in 1 patch. Way to go BioWare. Anway, couldn't play for a while, need to try out the new daily area and 2 fp's today. And bounty hunter week starts wednesday. I hope they are less dissapoiting than the 1.7 Ilum addition...
  13. Yes, that's him. Hi! And the 'unreadable' name is zbyl2. Which isn't that hard to tell because 'zbyl' is pretty much in it
  14. It's hard to explain taste; but here's my attempt... * Circled portraits with small circles. No, give my my portrait BG-style, just a rectangle. * Portraits 'float' and so do icons next to them. * Seperate twirly stamina bar. Again, I rather have it be a flat line if there needs to be one than shapy and floaty. * Ugly wasted space top and bottom to finish off floaty half-circle display, waste of room. No need for that if just like BG. * Wasted space bottomleft. * Combat log integrated into fixed HUD, taking screenspace, always. * Actual usable items too small compared to major waste of space fluff graphics. * Lots of wasted space on "journal", "inventory" etc circle. That's about all I get now looking at it...
  15. Sounds like the OP just uninstalled M4-78EP but didn't put the Korriban academy backup in it's place.
  16. Sounds like the pre-Onderon Sith Assassins didn't spawn when they should and instead do now for you, breaking the cutscene. TSLRCM fixes it, but that's a bit late for you now. Going back to the base and killing the spawn before the cutscene might work too, but that needs you to load a save from before getting the previous master.
  17. It's probably the same place. No level requirement, just DS/LS. And yes, if you were too shifty (taking both DS and LS hits) during gameplay it can happen you fall short on it, since it's IIRC about 75% LS or DS. And it's really hard to say what's left to do out of a blank, not knowing what's been done already.
  18. Final death toll; Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon Risen 2 Gold Sleeping Dogs + DLC Dishonored + DLC System Shock 2
  19. Ruining economies though, since clearly farming with 4 characters, meaning 4x the daily income in 1/4th the time a "legit" character would accumalate that wealth. With bonus-multiplication in Section X it's then *more* than 4x the regular player. And I didn't repeort it by /bug since I was pref at that time. Maybe should try again now if no action has been taken already (not quite sure, not really venture BH or SX frequently anymore)...
  20. Well, it's not that. If you play multiple accounts similtaniously, it's hardly possible to do everything with all 4 *at the same time* Some kind of script is needed for that, and that's definitely not allowed...
  21. What's multiboxing? Considering "Humanoid" talks about it as 'leveling measure' I assume not the same. I suppose that could be. I did mentioned the server and time (albeit no player names). So if they got it through game logs, I suppose that's good (if). Can't really post on the official forums since calling out players, even obvious cheaters or grievers is not allowed. And the names are plain and clear in the vid. Heh, yeah, that's what I pretty much did as preferred player, letting my excess cash stack in my mailbox instead of my inventory. It works very well to get around. Have to get them in 30 days though, so there's a limit to it, but nothing I couldn't work around . Depends on the worldboss. Some like the Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Tatooine can easily be soloed by lvl 50 alreaddy. Which is why they're usually dead since someone went 1on1 on them :/. It doesn't help that a single player can wipe bosses on all instances for himself, and the weekly isn't trying to discourage that. I myself done it once doing 3x NS within 10m all 3 instances bosses dead. And only during one did another republic show up to join the fight (in another an imperial gave me a little help, but can't invite them, so he went home lootless, xp-less and kill-less)...
  22. 4 people doing exactly similar things (jumping, healing, attacking, mounting). 3 of the 4 following one of them. So obviously some kind of trick is used to use all 4 characters in tandem, which in return gives 4x the quest rewards, which isn't allowed. Aka, cheating. EDIT: If a screenshot it would only show 4 people, so nothing to see. The vid on the other hands shows all 4 doing stuff exactly at the same time, which immediately should ring a bell that something's being used there violating the user agreement.
  23. Then what would be evidence. A video's a lot better proof that a screenshot. Can't show people doing stuff similtaniously in a screenshot. :/ If I could send them a screenshot I would have, but in my experience to prove a cheat, you need a vid.
  24. It's time for... Your typical Obsidian dialogue... Which should show that yes, they do got it handled. However, like here, it can be that half or more of it doesn't even appear ingame due to bugs. So personally, I am not that worried for P:E in this instance...
  25. The release day was set without any of the additional goals, like stronghold, second city, so no I wouldn't be surprised if it got pushed back. Heck, I would be GLAD if it was pushed back. Last thing we need is OE's flagship Kickstarter game to have the same rushed issues several other OE-games have, so they finally break the stigma some gamers associate with the company...
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