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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. It seems to me people fear 'Obsidian going back to due to feedback' more than that they actually want durability in. They aren't in arms because they really love durability, but they rather think Obsidian loves it, and they only went back on it due to feedback. To them I see... why fear feedback? Kickstarter is there exact for that reason. So games can be made for us, developers keep in contact with their fanbase. And if they're given feedback THEY TAKE IT INTO ACCOUNT. It's not mandatory they change it, it's not mandatory they even listen. But if they don't then there's no point at all using Kickstarter. Then it would be just another game like publishers THINK we want. You know, with ample quick-time events, no dice-rolls at all, all characterbased action, full VO, dialogue wheels and who-knows-what-not. So ask yourself a question; Do you REALLY want that? Do you really want them to make assumptions? To just guess what's good and right and we see at release day if they were right? Or use this opportunity to actually take a peek into the backers mind and see what they think? Gain value feedback on things like this, or the UI, and maybe get some pretty good suggestions out of it.
  2. Really? It looks absolutely horrible to me. To me, Icewind Dale II's UI was the worst of all Infinity games. Large, bloated, took waay too much of the screen. I liked the BG's, but then again I never played them higher res than 1440x900 (should try them on my current PC, yes). Consdering the post is old, and the UI has already gone changes we don't know yet, I'll just stick to generic feedback rather than specific about the mockup posted; * I think a vertical UI would be best. Especially with widescreen monitors being widespread as they are now, that by default means a bar takes less space than a horizontal bar. It'd probably be best if it was made for 16:10 or 16:9 being the most common nowayds, and 4:3 will have to live with a bit of unused spacing added. * We probably no longer need a horizontal bar at all like the BG's had. Or a very small one (just quickbuttons and such). * The combat log should be able to be turned off, and thus probably at the bottom. While useful for big fights, sometimes you just want to enjoy the scenery, and this is a big would be a big part of the UI that would block it. Thus making it stuck fixed in the UI wouldn't be my preference, since then you can only have no-UI if you want that space used for your viewing pleasure. * Even though some might want it, I would prefer if there's no 'floating'... everything is stuck on a bar, and it isn't interrupted by no HUD. If for example the mockup was used and then combat log disabled, a huge part would be missing (looks odd) or just blank (no viewing space). Thus I probably think combat log is best like BG1, atop of the bottom bar (if there is one) so disabling it wont interrupt the view of the bar. * Try to prevent quickpages too much. Like spells in IE games, clicking them then clicking more. A vertical bar could allow you to hover the spell button and it would then onfold listing all spells for easy access. This would allow one fluent behavior (move mouse right, then left, click, then further left likely to your target and a final click to cast. * If like the mockup dialogue is in such a storypanel, I would think I prefer it if it's boxed in the middle or full-screen (no HUD). It just looks weird this way. Full-screen being my preference. Think that's about it for my train of thought right now...
  3. I don't really want to reinstall it to see who misremembers here :/ Considering the most games that use degredation are MMORPGs and action RPG's (who need a moneysink to cope with their unlimited respawning money fountains) I am actually more assured now there's more based towards non-combat than combat. Odd how that works, eh? EDIT: @ Chrononaut; Then they might as well go full publisher instead of using Kickstarter. I'd rather not have another IE-prodegy murdered off like BioWare did...
  4. Well, I was waaay back on Kickstarter, but the whole item-debacle made me catch up (also having time helps ) And I have to say, it looks beatiful. Certainly takes me back to when games look good. And not fake-good like The Witcher II where everything's super-high definition but it all feels stale due to it's art direction being lack-luster and generic. Hope it keeps up throughout the game and we get the beatiful areas we all know and love from BG2, PS:T or IWD.
  5. This is kinda funny. I had a similar idea for an online RPG I worked on, where there would be an unique weapon that trained with you, syphoning XP to become stronger. So first it sucked, but the more you used it and let it slow leveling, the more powerful it become. Another developer really hated that but really wanted a repair system. Most of the developers (me included) would never want any kind of degredation system though. The joys of teamwork and trying to make a game together :/
  6. Morrowind had no item degradation/durability. So, what?
  7. Oh, it works fine in System Shock II, so I know it can be done. But I can't see it work at all in an IE-type game. Different game, different rules, different definitions of whats good and bad for the game. They might think adding aliens in. Would work in a LOT of games. But in a fantasy game like PE it would just be out of place. Should they add them now just so they can? Or maybe think hard what it would add, and if nothing, just not do that?
  8. That's why Blacksmiths post DRM on their newmade sword... *cough* Anyway, just going to quote myself from posting in another thread about this...
  9. While I compelely ignored it due to not liking crafting at all (personal preference), I can't deny it worked pretty well. Even the simplicity of the components (a good part IMO). Just, the bad part was getting too many stuff to transform to basic components (loot creep)...
  10. BG2 did it really well in this regard. A lot of unique usefull expensive items in stores, so you had to make choices what to buy and what not. Sure beats vendors having nothing (most RPG's) so they need to invent money-sinks needly to offset that rather than properly stock their vendors or just a few uber-weapons, which are merely uber rather than merely have a different utility like the BG2 special items. It did bad in that 2 of these vendors became exlcusives, but that's another story... So thruthfully, I don't really think a good RPG needs many moneysinks, just a lot of good vendor items to buy that aren't easy to come by. And not just sell +1 +2 +3 so there really isn't much choice, but the +1 ice, +1 fire, +1 poison which all have their uses in the gameworld, so not one destinct item is better and you just buy that and ignore the rest...
  11. Oh my, I wont have to visit a vendor every 10 minute and click the "repair all" button like I do in The Old Republic. I miss it already, it's so much fun having to click that button. Click, click, click. OH, THE COMPLEXITY. Yeah, good freakin' riddance. I loved BG2's "crafting"... it so much better than modern day crafting where I have to carry around 1000 wood, 10 rolls of duct tape and 12 cats through the entire game to make the 'wooden shiv of cat destruction' endgame item. Because, hey, it's so much more fun to have you search 1000000 lootpiles for wood than get the item whole in the end. Let's add weight too to make the system even more annoying (The Witcher II, Drakensang). Can't say I found a game where crafting was actually any fun, and not something I completely ignored.
  12. The XP weekend is best to skip hated planets (Tatooine, Hoth). Aside from that, yeah, not much use...
  13. I much prefer 'planning' like "It's a fire dugeon, so bring ice weapons as backup" or "skeletons ahead, let's use arrow heads with sand bags on top of the tip to hit them with my ranged heroes' rather than 'oh my, I need a second weapon if the first breaks due to item duration'...
  14. Because then there will be mods disabling it you mean?
  15. So, walking dead updated, 8 new achievements I assume mean new content, and I am 'wtf?' Is that free or do you need to pay for it. If paying, worth it? TWD itself was kinda a let down to me...
  16. The mission terminal is in the supply section, so you know. But I know the feeling of it taking long to load (and thus long for icons to appear). Had a hell of a time getting the Section X, Black Hole and Directive 7 quests for my alt last, since not only is it hard to know who gives what, it takes so long for them to appear. And I wasted a lot of time loading up absoulutely nobody before getting all I wanted :/ It's since 2.1 btw... and I HATE it...
  17. While I didn't read the whole thread, I don't see durability having a point in a game that's not an action RPG or MMORPG. And last I checked, PE was neither of these.
  18. First off all an actual bugfixing patch. Sure they broke stuff like usual (like the Cathar)... BUT... an actual patch-patch! Looks good. Hope they keep it up, and not make a dozen cartel-patches again. Still plenty of issues need fixing. That's rarely the way I get knocked down though, but I'll keep Resilience in mind if that ever comes up. I'll have to check that if Voidstar ever gets my picked WZ. Really, stealth is awesome in huttball. See an enemy on your side of the arena clearly waiting for a pass? Get close in stealth and knock him off and he cant do anything to stop you. Don't recall ever seeing that, unless they are with 3 killing everyone at the score line, in which you can't get there anyway, even with stealth. See bunch of enemies running with the ball towards the goal? Stealth close and knock them down. If they were completely unattacked. Which is also never the case. Also its REALLY effective to wait for a pass in stealth on enemy side and then force speed to the goal. I do try that sometimes, but that usually amounts of waiting and my team getting slaughtered and never getting the ball, then get spotted and killed by 3 enemies after doing that long wait for nothing. Indeed it is. Not sure why I though 2 min, just feels so slow maybe. And Force Speed is a not much use when falling from the top all the way to the bottom. Warriors and Knights can simply jump to the finish line, everyone else just has to take a loooong walk around back to those platforms. I suppose that's one of the reasons I hate that WZ too, the long walking around and vertical puzzling. In other WZ's you can quite easily get back into action and traverse between points. In huttball you're usually taking a looong detour wherever you go. Maybe I would have liked it more if it were less vertical. Plenty of good CTF or Domination matches to be found in online FPS that aren't super vertical. I'd just rather get quickly back in action rather spend the majority just walking backwards to get back to the point of interest.
  19. I like it... But KOTOR2 has the same, and I still to this day have people who go 'KOTOR2 ate my saves once I made a new character!' :/
  20. If only. I would disable Huttball and Ancient Hypergate and enjoy the 3 good ones
  21. Okay, never really tried that, only used it for countering slow. But the 100% is for like 3 or 4 seconds, and knockback is instant, so I'm not seeing it being that effective a counter. Just speed for me. And it's really only a patch to the bleeding. With a 2 minute cooldown, speed isn't so effective. Maybe with the Infiltrating skilltree (which lowers it's cooldown). But that's majorly a pvp skill, and since I only do pvp as an aside, and you really don't need it for anything else than Huttball, I put my points elsewhere. Speed really doesn't cover how knights/warriors can just zip around or how ranged classes can just shoot you silly from a ledge while you have to take a 30 second detour, probably getting quite dead before arriving. Actually, it takes 15 seconds. Disarming it is 8 seconds IIRC. But viewing your suggestion, the '8 seconds to place' might have been unintentional anyway. Yeah, the 60 second stealth stun is handy. Can't use while in combat though. Perfect for holding up a node (very useful in Alderaan) or taking out the defender. Gets harder in Voidstar since usually when you try to stun an enemy your teammates crash in and make it unusable. And of course pretty much useless in Huttball since there's no real defending or attacking there. That's what I meant with stealth being useless. It's in huttball.
  22. Ehm, yes, what made you think I didn't know that? Stealths pretty useless. You can't use it in combat, except for the long cooldown skill, makes you run slow, most people can still detect you (also helped by graphical glitches, yay!). Knockback's pretty nice, I agree. Pretty sure we got no immunity to knockbacks, I can't see the skill in my list anyway. My trooper has one for 6 seconds. What's the name? Also tell me about that immunity skill. Since I'm not seeing it either. EDIT: Just checked the descriptions of all 3 defensive buffs my Shadow has and none of them do what you say. Nor does 'Resilience' the power that untangles you from slowing effects I think all classes have. So, what *are* you talking about?
  23. I really hate my Sith Warrior. Was glad to finish the MQ and dump him for a Vanguard, which is a zillion times more fun to play. And yeah, how I wish so many times clicking something would make me walk up there and do it than that stupid error. Atleast it's not nearly as annoying as playing my Shadow in Huttball, everybody flying about and shooting me from ledges and then I have to take a long walk around all the stupid traps. God, I hate huttball.
  24. Saint's Row 2. Having a LOT of fun. Can't wait to finish it and go straight into III.
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