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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Basing this of BG and the like. P:E will be mapbased. So shouldn't be too hard to make sure no corpses are removed unless you atleast get to another map. Gradual decline and remove on time-limit sounds good too. To appease the member saying it would add extra variables to each area; Why? Have each area-type pre-defined with a corpse exploration date, done. You have to give each area a type anyway for the random banter, what spells can be cast (indoor? No death from above, even if other games allow that these days) etc.
  2. You missed the news that LA is dead?
  3. Perhaps. I just read it to read they wouldn't do internal development, but are fine out-sourcing the license and using 3rd party developers instead to make their titles. (such as they did with aforementioned epic mickey and kingdom hearts)
  4. Well, 2.0 goes live tuesday, a LOT of changes. Really in wait and see approach on wheter it's improving stuff or making it worse. Also, Hutt Cartel seems a re-hash of old stuff. It's entire strength hangs on Makeb. And why pre-order when the planet's story quality is completely unknown. No thank you. Will look forward to hearing how it is from forum members if some here did buy it...
  5. Because... Disney couldn't publish it like LA did KOTOR/KOTOR2? I'm not sure why people think they need a *second* publisher.
  6. Because it already got a bunch of attention (had to re-read a bunch there, such an old post). As for finisher moves, I personally hate them since; 1) They're stupid. 2) They're too long, watching something, which is stupid. 3) They're completely unneccessarily and just prevent me to move on
  7. So what exactly is changed in the HD-version of AoE2 compared to my disk I have lying here? Just a higher-resolution? If so, not much to shell out again for.
  8. Well, I wouldn't still be playing lvl 50 if I wasn't invited in a guild, I know that, so that's true. As for limitations; For inventory there's the GTN. Sure, more expensive, but if you already have one lvl 50 it's no trouble buying them all for an alt. True it might be a bit much for a first char, but using that same GTN you can just walk in money... For Artifacts (purple items), again, GTN. But they're more than 350K so you need help with that. For ops there's a weekpass. For pvp too (but I will never use it, 5's enough for me). As for Flashpoints, they have a "limitation" but it's so horribly broken (no seriously, in 80% of the cases it just plainly doesn't work) that only those unknowing think it's limitating anything at all. Don't waste your credits/real money on that weekpass.
  9. It's time for another round of... What's wrong with this TOR-texture? It's a lot easier than the last time though
  10. Yeah, I don't understand the rush to level 50. This game doesn't start then... IT ENDS. I do have one lvl 50 doing endgame. I seriously doubt I add many more to that though, the FP's are nice, but the rest is just too damn dull. Give me the storyline any time of day. And fortune has it the F2P system is fully aimed for 50+ anyway, so it's doesn't really bother me at all. Like paying $15 a month would bother me. I can understand paying for good stuff... but to be bored out of your mind. Seriously? Also, why would that make a bad F2P system? And yeah, the general gameplay is just... bad. Something you have to trudge through for the stories. All in all, if it was made truly SP this game would become 5000% better than the MMO it is now...
  11. Just want to mention this IS a lvl 50 issue. His HP get inflated due to having to match up lvl 50, and the script just doesn't do enough damage. You can see it in other parts of the game too, like on Onderon where you lightning the Ramp to the Palace, and Bostuco and his people just stay alive and well. Long story short; Don't cheat.
  12. So, Dantooine... And you missed Kaevee, the entire battle for Khoonda, the HK droids etc? If so, I can tell you, you aren't using TSLRCM.
  13. Both are not bugs. One is the hyperspace animation, used when not on a planet. The second is the effect Force Speed has. It can sometimes stick to the screen even when it's expired, but casting it again fixes that.
  14. I assume by unpatched you mean non-HD? Whhyyyyy? 0_o (Was beta-tester on the HD-one, 0_o, and I know I could never return to the old resolution, nor the bugs we fixed) And yeah, it's great still. Still doing the Expedition Conquisitor beta, with some The Old Republic on the side.
  15. White droids attacking a Black droid??? Not quite sure where that would be.
  16. TSLRCM? You can't use the console if Slusk is alive, what with him being there and all. It's completely irrelevant to the storyline, just a small bonus.
  17. Some more pointers, you need proper persuasion (or force persuasion rank 2). And Sasquesh still needs to be alive.
  18. Yup... They pick the shooter over the RPG because "shooters sell" and see what happens. Bet Sega was wishing now they scrapped that pile of **** instead of the RPG.
  19. That's a lot more steam posts/moddb posts to answer for me... And more downloads. I don't mind . The more TSL love around the world, the better...
  20. Talking about weird graphical glitches, saw this on TOR yesterday. It's... weird.
  21. Just be glad you didn't pre-order Duke Nukem Forver previous millenium... 0_o It's also one of the reasons why I don't really pre-order mostly. But yeah, delays are common, so nothing to freak about yet in regards to your pre-order. As for turning it to another system, I seriously doubt that's doable so late in the development stage unless the publisher and developer are insanely crazy.
  22. As long as the escort AI doesn't suck (like, say, Morrowind) or they take needlessly slow I don't mind doing escort quests...
  23. The more options the better. Definitely true in this case. I probably would play with green for my team, blue for neutral NPC's and red for enemies and keep them persistant. But I can understand why people would want to see them only when pressing a button or hovering over them like PS:T had.
  24. And it's *still* clipping through her arm... :/ Huge FPS drop for nothing, I recall something similar in Witcher II. Usually better off without it.
  25. Thanks. After this only took 3 times, first 2 mainly learning how to recharge my jetpack and *not* die from all the missiles, lasers and fireballs. Planted 5 spears just to be sure, and became rather close with 7HP remaining. Off to Jewels of the Nile, but first... the Expeditions: Conquistador beta. EDIT: Also, that last level has shown me what the world needs (even if the world may not know it) and that's an CroTeam made Starship Troopers game.
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