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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Read update... 66 I think it was. Where they lay down how a 3x3 area would take 16-man days of time to create. It's not that easy to create maps. Also companions are time consuming since... well, writing? Kinda obvious there.
  2. As the others said, I will expect exploits and bugs to be fixed out. However "balancing", no. This is a singleplayer RPG, not a MMORPG. Inherent inbalance between classes is what makes games such fun. There's no need to turn everything into carbon copies and whatever you chose, your power-level is similar. I'm not quite sure why some developers strive for that, since it's utterly boring and a waste of the class system. Better than to make classes 'equal' there should be monsters around to test you. A mage may be powerful, but there's a monster there that spells will heal rather than damage. You're in trouble. Of course, since you have a party of 6, your other members time to shine is there. That's more better balance I want that 'balance amongst classes, equality amongst classes'.
  3. Currently playing Game of Thrones (the RPG that is). It's... rather good. Although the annoying engine issues are really getting on my nerves, and are really distracting. Combat, like all other RPG's is rather boring too. But all humanoid enemies (so far atleast) and it being rather rare (again so far, though the last chapters I did starter featuring more combat) makes it a nice change from most other RPG's. So yeah, my biggest complaint is they somehow really messed up Unreal Engine 3 to run like utter ****.
  4. It's pretty predictable by now, but still fun to see how a KOTOR2 sale pretty much always pushes TSLRCM to #1 mod of moddb. So far not really that many interesting sales. Thinking about Age of Empires 2. Got "Papers Please" on sale, and it's surprisingly fun, even though my entire family died and I got arrested for treason
  5. More importantly, who, on this forum of all places, doesn't already own KotOR2? I think he meant the steam forum but I did read it as the Obs board first off as well. Yeah, meant Steam's forum... sorry for the confusion. Reading stuff like "it's not worth 5 dollar! Outrage" is... odd.
  6. KOTOR2 is 50% off, and the forum floods with people saying $5 dollar is too much and demand a 75% discount. Gamers...
  7. We, however, don'ts. This, this, master. We don't like thems sandbox hobitses, no, no, we don't...
  8. Never played the original Wastelands, and it's up for 2 dollar (1 euro 50) now... so what the heck? Got it!
  9. It's used in the crafting of 31 (72) items. And very in demand. Price was a lot higher when basic were scarcer (no Oricon and CZ-198), but they still fetch a fair price.
  10. I'd say skip basic gear, use the comms to get Isotope-5. But that's just me... don't mind not listening, the less competition the better. Then again, you're on a different server . It's why I prefer basic (good money) over elites (rather useless for me at the moment... just spending them on 72's for alts with legacy gear now. As for Social X, I leveled from lvl 15-55 with Zbyl (you know, also from TSLRCM?), which already made it to level 6 or 7 or something? After that it was just from the ops, fps and other similar stuff. But yeah, the game is basically a duo-game for me too, especially 10-50. In the endgame you group or get gear so powerful anything dies when you look at it, but during the plot you need to really keep replacing gear, spending planetary comms, spend long times fighting thrash, healing that doing it alone is a chore to me. If I was forced to play alone I would never have made a single char 50. My opinion during the free weekend was pretty much 'this game sucks', but together it makes it so much more bearable by lowering the always respawning fights to tolerable levels of time spend to kill them.
  11. You should! Divinity 2 is a very good game. It's expansion pack, which did away with the pseudo-open world in favour for a bit more controlled storydriven city gameplay was even better. Especially that expansion should not be missed by any RPG fan. I don't recall using the system mentioned. There's a similar system in Expedition Conquisitor, but aside from mentioning bugs in the beta, it got pretty much unused in the game too. There's no real point to re-read the entire conversation if your questsystem is just functional. I like(d) reading the journal in the BG's. In modern games it's usually just a checklist. And completed quests don't even get their description changed (if you can still look them up in the first place).
  12. But... but... thats AWESOME... (Yes, severe case of sarcasm incase one cannot notice)
  13. There is a codex entry you get upon defeating her that makes it painfully clear they intended that to be Kreia. :/ ... I don't understand why anyone thought that a good idea either...
  14. If everyone else shows off their toon, might as well do so too. It's pretty much 1 cartel market item, rest Verpetine (72) armor with the 69 (forgot name) helmet, since the 78 gear looks ugly and the 72 helmet did too. Of course updated with proper mods (78). I like this look . EDIT; Looking through my screens, I see it's not exactly up to date... so in here still a few items are 72.
  15. What is wrong with these KOTOR1 designs? I mean, if you copy your OWN game, do it right dammit. That they ruin Sion I can understand, but damn, they can't even remake their own stuff proper...
  16. You realise 72's are now given for Elites (which means several weekly's, lvl 55 hm fp's)? They are rather easy to get and I generally get the max of the week (200) rather fast... as in, I already have it this week. And I'm pretty casual. Not that casual, but no-where near hardcore. Okay, that was probably a bit confusing, but the point was... you don't need to do that mcuh for them.
  17. Cat ate my post... :/ Recap: Looking at my own main char (72-78 shadow) obviously most stats are higher. Yet, oddly enough, your Force Critical Chance is about 10% higher. Is that some active power or a purchased skill? And have some of what I think are my most succesful GSF flights (Jaellan is me btw). Really depends on the team though wheter the performance is good or abysimal. In that way it is truly a teamgame.
  18. Another hint; get relics. The only ones pre-lvl 50 are mostly bought from the LS/DS vendor. They should give you a useful boost, for a fairly small price. Never really bothered with the ones on GTN (but selling them, since I got lvl 55 ones, and any that do drop for me in flashpoints and such just go to the GTN.)
  19. The big problem is, modern games, like Skyrim and MMO's, don't even give a desciption where to go. No "go North", No "at Damian's house", No "20 steps from the big tree". Nope, it's "will you do this for me", magic quest marker. So you can't even turn them off since then you have no location to go to, since the questgivers never give them. Also full VO is to blame for that of course (not giving descriptions is shorter and cheaper. Yay for VO, eh? ). So, no,I really don't want that, that the questgiver gives no details at all, and you magically know all. The desciption in the OP saying that the journal should know more than what you just heard is really odd and really bad to me. The journal should never include more information than the conversation you just had. It should give exactly the same amount the conversation itself would have gotten. It's supposed to give you a little memorybank to look back if you forgot stuff, not a walkthrough, dammit.
  20. Except while all quests are objectives, not all objectives are per definition quests. Also, the XP-limit will probably result that if you do all quests you are 'wasting' some at the end being capped. Personally I don't mind, playing them just for their own resolution. And this isn't even taking into account mutily exclusive quest(line)s (I think it's going a bit too far to say areas seeing the current size and OE's intention, although that would be cool, just no idea if it's in the design documentation...).
  21. @ Slinky; It's not too late You can still become a backer TODAY... https://eternity.obsidian.net/
  22. I would have no objections to making the fleet as unused as possible. Anything to get me away from that dreaded place has my support. What suggestions would you have on that level (Guild features)? Never played any other MMO's (since... story, star wars!) so not sure what's all 'lacking' here...
  23. I seriously had no idea that was Kreia until some thread pointed me at it, and I started reading the codex. I so wish I was remained unknowing
  24. I was kinda talking about the Operation quicktravel one, not the generic fleet... which has no cooldown depending on legacy status and subscription status (it has no cooldown for me now, but when I drop back to preffered status it will have one again) I don't see the use in community building either. Maybe that's just me though. But feel free to enlighten me on the use, I'm interested
  25. Even HK-47 is more powerful than Revan (sure, he's awesome, but still). Yeah, like the rest, pretend there is no Revan book, there is no TOR plot, and with all of us you still wait for KOTOR3 for the epic resolution of Revan and Exile vs. The True Sith. Hopefully by Obsidian, since BioWare proves they will obviously make it bad...
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