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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. While higher level for more booster pack chance sounds good, it does mean... not selling cards to get higher level. Seems it only makes a loss in the end rather than a a profit. Sold my globes early on when still getting around 30 cent a piece... after that just gave them away to a friend who did care about crafting, and sold the remaining for scraps. I usually just look at the market and post it one cent under the most frequent price. Sure I could probably get more, but I'm impatient
  2. There are people who say JC2 ain't great? Where? Where are those illusive strange people?
  3. Probably since it's horrible playing as such. Which... you know, it is. Which is why the game isn't designed for gamepad's, and doing so would harm the depth and UI build. But, they still want it. Since they also fail to see how it will harm the game in the process of making it game-pad friendly.
  4. I don't know, but the TOR team got a swell reputation on making patches that re-apply old fixed bugs I notice in the time I played so far... It's probably their organisational skills are crap and they ship old outdated files in their patches, but that's just m intuition, no solid evidence ...
  5. I still think the reason why some would prefer to use a X360 controller for a PC game is cause they're horrible ports, that simply work better than way since K&M wasn't properly added. But maybe that's just me...
  6. As soon as one finds it, it'll probably end up in a walkthrough, for all to read. So, yeah, it's fine if things are really really hidden...
  7. No-one seemed to knew how to handle the second set of adds. But unlike in the past, we still murdered the boss even with both our tanks KIA. Heh...
  8. Heh, with the 78 gear, HM isn't that hard... I remember thinking 'Was it set to HM?' last week. Haven't done it this week yet... 0_o Haven't really played much TOR this week to be honest. Not that I really mind, and when I did play more story than end-game, which again suits me fine.
  9. This. How can one discard it after 4 minutes? 0_o
  10. Oh yeah, we really need that dislike button. Aren't there enoug aRPG's to ruin this. It's more made just because Obsidian wants it, rather than pure for the profit. And how often can that be said of games anymore in the current times. Less so from actual professional developers. Also, "looks high-end for about 2003"? Guess the graphic whores entered the conversation... *sad sad sad* I'm a sad puppy...
  11. Well, some people (also due to the objective XP) are saying combat stategy takes a backrole. I'm not especially looking for fancy loot finds. It's more to the effect that not all loot can be found in one game, that you cannot predict your shiny weapon to be found somewhere. That if your entire build hinges on finding a two-handed sword +5 in the beginning game, since it's a fixed drop it might turn predictable. There are several BG2 guides that advise builds based on when loot is found, or as said before, because no kantana +x is ingame while other weapon types do have it. That would be... bad. Just shafting certain builds due to it's placement. And even if the katana +x was ingame, and a fixed find, that could affect builds too, knowing pre-determined when and how to acquire. I think it would be a lot more interesting if that wasn't possible. That builds should be made just to work overall, not dependent on fixed loot (since your two-handed +5 might suddenly be a katana +5). Roll with the punches, adapt to what the game gives you in that specific ply. And it would be fun if your second play you could still be surprised by items you've never seen before, that might radically change your tactics. Keeping the second game very fresh. Sometime pure fixed can't deliver. And pure random will probably take a piss on :/
  12. No wonder they looked so bright and out of place... a big overload of color... too much.
  13. No, no, no, no. They can't just use the funds given for another game for Project Eternity. I think the publishers for said games would be really REALLY pissed off at that, actually it might be borderline illegal. The 4 million we paid is mainly for the salaries, for all involved, not just the external factors. As for technology, it's not really that it's easier to make games than years ago. Look the manpower needed for Unreal Engine 4 games vs. Wolfenstein games. There's a lot more personal involved, and it takes a lot longer to create a single area. Same would be BG vs. PoE. For the modern technologies, with it's multiple special maps (in order to for example know elevation, or just for graphical effect). While some things become more efficient, more effective, even without going overboard, to make it 'modern' they need to do a lot more graphical and technical wise compared to the BG crew years ago. So yes, it would depend on salleries, and the tech and engine taken do take more work than 15 years ago, mainly because it needs to look better (it doesn't need to me, but apparently a lot want a modern looking BG2). It looks phenominal of course, but yes, that result takes time to make, effort to make, many people to make.
  14. @ Gromnir; True, it takes developer time to add loot-tables. But personally I think that that's worth it, especially compared to, say, more wilderness areas. More replayability, more different loots to adjust to. It's all good for a game I think. Especially one meant to be replayed. I do agree a fully random system like KOTOR2 is just really bad though. If that's the only alternative I would prefer fixed. But there are alternatives. Time-consuming ones. But IMO well worth the benefits.
  15. Is there a 15-level dungeon in IWD where you don't do any talking inbetween in? Because apparently, that's what some people want...
  16. Au contraire to some other posters, the less Diablo (If I want to play Diablo I play Diablo, not Project Eternity) and the more plot and quests and random people to talk to and puzzles the better. 15 levels of only combat... would be the ultimate anti-Baldur's Gate. And... that's kinda not really the point of this Kickstater is it?
  17. That's why in TOR they don't do that anymore, and just give out tokens which you exchange for an item of your wish. Which is pretty stupid, but it's an MMO, so yeah. Doesn't mean I want such a system in my singleplayer RPG. If I want to make a team *all* with swords, the game shouldn't adjust for me and drop all swords. I'll probably have to supplement my horrible decision with store-bought swords, and make choices who gets the new sword if I find a sword.
  18. I already posted my opinions of this on another thread... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64505-random-loot-or-fixed-drops-from-certain-mobs/ And still stand by it. By using a list by which it picks one item (random) it mixes the best of both worlds without the cons of non-random (predicable) or full-random (usually crap). EDIT (a wild post appeared) @ Pluto: Why? You've got a 6 party team. You probably have the other classes standby at your keep. A truly bad system gives you exactly what you need. I think such a party system would only degenerate the game than add to it. "Hey, I'm a ranger, I want to join your party" "Cool." "So, why am I my underwear here, and while you all have shiny +5 weapons I got a crappy -2 weapon." "Well, funny thing you see, till now we never ever found ranger itemry. How odd, no. But hopefully we will find something before you get mashes into a bloody pulp. Now would you please try and attack that dragon there, please? Thank you!"
  19. Yup, my first 2 events or so I was getting 12 helixes and I was wondering, how the hell do people already have those legacy items? Then I did Xeno II, and well, it became pretty apparent. It's pretty much literally the only source of those things, the heroics are peanuts. Pretty much the only thing of the Gree event I'm going to do this time around.
  20. Forgot about the X-pack... they need to shell all they plan on ETERNITY 2. NOW. I personally want destructable terrain, full PlayStation 5 compatibility, romances with everything, including the squirrels, I want to be able to everything in a single game, including getting the LS ending and then the DS afterwards (and don't add more, it will be too confusing!), and of course there should be boob-armor in, and full nudity (as we all know that gives woman the highest armor class) for maturity and attention. Yeah, that's my wishlist. Is it in? Is it? IS IT? *cough cough* That was just in response to above poster, not a complaint about this thread . But personally I am still too focused on the core game to discuss expansion, ask me again after it's released and I know just what I want different or more of, or less of
  21. Go here; http://eternity.obsidian.net/ and finalise your pledge. Seeing you don't even have a backer badge, you obviously haven't done that yet...
  22. I think you mean pathing, not patching. Unless the patches changed something about it I don't know It's probably, as mentioned, mostly pathing related, so as long as they fix that it shouldn't really matter where the shop/whatever is...
  23. The only failure with your above post was there not being +4 katana's then. For the rest, I think that was an excellent system. Much better than modern systems where combat you mostly can not care, since everything dies anyway, and resistances only add 0.2 seconds to the combat. Wow, I really need to get me a second gear-out for that... wait... not.
  24. I remember AP; everybody maxed sneak and kept shooting people from the shadows. I've played AP around 5 times, and none of them had that build...
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