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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Well, the +2 and -2 allow you to exceed minimum/maximum values. I wouldn't call that "useless". Personally I would like to see all values having some use.
  2. Well, I disagree. One-shot conversations can be pretty bad. It worked for DA or KOTOR because they really were stories which had no impact on anything, but it would be good to get reminded of important information your party members tell you. If the "Re-enter Hawk/Re-enter camp to talk" BioWare games have can be avoided, I would like it. (Also, having to reload from god knows where if you get interuppted and can't just re-do the convo easily) Well, this is never ever the case. If it's so deep in there will be a new option on the question list to immediately get back to it. Atleast with KOTOR2. I must have fixed only 1 of them not doing so (which usually is just a requirement error instead of OE missing the option) in the entirety of TSLRCM so even with vanilla this couldn't have been the case.
  3. There is a big difference between a promise now and actual execution if Steam goes down someday. And if it's get bought over by another company inbetween, the purely vocal agreement is void too. :/
  4. Personally I hope the stronghold and house are seperated... upgrading a house to a castle? Seriously? That sounds pretty steep. Yeah, rather have them 2 seperate entities, both with their own functionality and upgrades and such...
  5. Yup, almost near. I expect same 4 day limitation? Since it was 15K yesterday, we should make it easily. I think...
  6. I was under the impression this game would be made to wake up the gamers, and all the many "safeguards" and "believes" of modern RPG's wont hold true. Just because they insanely hold your hand now doesn't mean PE should. Just because modern gamers want to kill everything doesn't mean we should allow them. Give them a bit of humiliation, murder them off, and show them, no, you can't just kill everything because you want it. If you ignore the warning signs you deserve it anyway. I wouldn't want OE to design this game with "but recent RPG's..." in mind. That would only lead to dissapointment...
  7. I seriously doubt you can even "toss a baddy in the water", it's not that type of game. As such, ripple effect when walking over water (BG's already had that) should work just fine, and there's no reason why not to assume that's in. I wonder why some people still (want to?) think it's concept-art and not a screenshot. It is. Unwilling to belief the game actually can look that good? Unwilling to believe 3D isn't superior? Why? I don't get it... Ehm, you think they will have a static waterfall? I seriously wonder that everytime someone asks if it will be animated. Are you really thinking they add a waterfall, and it's *not* moving? I wonder if someone actually really believes that. Baldur's Gate and IceWind Dale had plenty of smaller maps too. Interiors of dungeons usually, and this definitely looks like the start of a dungeon, so it makes sense. Could be part of something bigger, could be not. Not every map has to be gigantic, some small pitesque areas fit fine just before the onslaught.
  8. Other monolith games like Blood and Shogo are up, so... it's not so unlikely... And maybe we bring it up because we just want it
  9. Hey, cities are dangerous you know... especially Baldur's Gate. I don't really mind. It would be nice, but could think of way more better things to prioritize on instead...
  10. Well, I don't really want the RTS. But if that makes my game 5 euro cheaper
  11. Indeed not being clear. Thanks a lot Ink Blot. I can now savely up my pledge
  12. Oh, that would be nice. If you treat the merc badly, he turns up later in a hostile party of the enemy. Nice!
  13. Well, the elf-city of BG2 looked nice, but all those tree-bridges are annoying to navigate. So, rather not that. The Dwarven City idea sounds pretty cool.
  14. It warms my heart that everyone wants to kill it with fire.
  15. We made it! Now for 2.8, still this evening! Anyone hopeful?
  16. It's a good example of a great way to do it though. While Kangaxx was a tough guy, just walking in to him was impossible, you had to do effort to face him. The Dragon battles are good examples too. Having some fights being too hard and asking you to return later makes the world feel more "real" rather than if there is a clear definition of "weak" to "stronger" areas like most action RPG's have. Or if the entire world auto-levels (*cough* bloody Oblivion *cough*). edit; meanwhile, 4 posts, so better adding what I was responding to as quote 0_0
  17. On the other hand, it also costs money and time, better spend in the big city/keep. Unless of course you want goals so tiny that excitement will be pretty nihil by achieving them anyway.
  18. Well, a big city would compass many new items, areas who need art (outdoor and indoor), quests, characters, dialogue, maybe even some areas just beyond or besides the city border. I can easily see it take 0.5 million. Also if the first city is as Atkhatla (I probably mistyped that) in Shadows of Amn or the PS:T city (That I cannot recall the name should give you a hint I really should play it again these days), can't you see it taking 50% of the development cost?
  19. STEAM, explain me this... Game of Thrones the RPG is on sale. The promo states it's 15 euro. The *actual* page states it's not, it's 20. However, the combination with a GoT RTS is 15 (so 5 euro less than seperate). Buying the guide is 15 euro (so total 30, or 35). Buying the guide and game in a bundle is 50 euro Anyone? What the...?
  20. Wouldn't most of these outdoor thingies already be planned and partially executed. I hardly doubt if they make a new city they move every quest over there. Maybe some questgivers could move (even if their quest is still in the 'wild') though... Yeah, not seeing it happen.
  21. I'm not. Stylised seems more used by 3D games to mask bad graphics by being unique. Since this is all hand-drawn, it doesn't need to require such masking, and they can make it as stunning s their artists can possibly make it. And I love it.
  22. Obviously the paperdolls would look better, just like everything would (seen the screen) so I doubt there should be worries there... Just not too big and detailed, so they need to tailor a good high-res character after all you wont really see in proper gameplay...
  23. I definitely hope so... Updated the TSLRCM moddb with the plea to give more money. Probably not as effective anymore though now that interest slowed down, but every bit helps... So everyone, go!
  24. Well, the update states which is mighty different from your "the lore book is included in 50 or above" so yeah... would that really work?
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