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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Was more thinking about the classic IE inventories where it's a screen per character. This really only would be possible if you could open multiple inventories next to each other. Which I am not sure is such a good idea... :/
  2. It would be nice to get some boosters to companions from your actions (instead for the PC for a change)...
  3. Yup. Also no stupid stuff like the easy mode cutting 50% of your XP (Baldur's Gate!) so it ends up being harder than normal actually. That's just mean those of us who aren't so good as us. Also have to think about them. And I do also agree that "difficulty bonus items" are a bad idea, so don't do that either. Let everyone make their own decisions, lets not make some extremely better due to extra rewards. Hey, a bit like a CRPG .
  4. Yeah, that would be great. No-one opposed that. Something the above posters said about a quest being written as "what to do" and have a button to review the conversation with the questgiver again would be great. I definitely don't want a 'mark it easily'... I would definitely want a seperate journal and questlog. So you can easily find what you need (which quest? Okay, I'll look at these entries, not the rest) without any difficulties. Kinda like Morrowind with expansions but with larger chuncks of text
  5. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61188-the-obsidian-order-of-eternity-wants-you-part-3/ Go and tell what unique name you want here, and you'll get it (well, if you give $8 extra)
  6. Oh, god, that DA2 one looks more horrible than I remembered. DA:O's fine (it's basically the UI of Freelancer), but still not what I hope for in PE. Especially bad were popup screens. Yeah, sure, they took up little space in the middle of the screen, but so floaty is... weird. And why should we still view the game while busy with that? It would be much better if UI screens where full-screen, but put in most of the information as possible. So the inventory + character information next to it. Skills and feats on the same page. Mini-map and character selection. No point why they both need their individual screens if they combine so well. Do best with the space.
  7. Hahahaha... no. Cases in point; Drakensang and Dragon Age. A better idea IMO instead of multiple versions of one NPC per artist would be making multiple versions of one NPC by the same artist... who express states (poisoned, stunned, fear). So you can even without icons immediately see what state a NPC is in.
  8. The very first itteration of the HK factory, you could complete it without any battle. It was complete and utter boring. Good thing that didn't make it in the final... So yeah, no combat RPG gets stale, so as goal it's not that great...
  9. And then when I want to play my game do I need to login to GoG again? Nope. I do with Steam. I need to activate the client. Login. How is that NOT DRM? How is that the same as GOG? It's not. Now you know. The only additional DRM the Steam version will have is Steam. I have plenty of old games on Steam. Heck, most of my library is made of them. And none can work without activating the client.
  10. Just confirmed by Adam Brennecke to be part of a larger area. So it's not one full-area...
  11. Nope, when I pledged the $50 was there. Afterwards the $65 physical (but darn shipping). I decided not to go 50 since the bonuses compared to 35 were meaningless to me (telephone ringtone etc. Meh). The book definitely WASN'T on it. And now... it is. So they are able to change stuff. Definitely proven now, since they added the pet there too...
  12. One good example of Achievements done bad is The Walking Dead. It's just 8 achievements for playing the game. Doesn't matter what you do or find in the game, just play it, done... :/
  13. I bet that would make a nice KOTOR3. Alas, not going to happen...
  14. I am pretty sure vanilla Morrowind allowed that. Unless marker is something else than I think it is...
  15. Then you just need to go back to the questgiver and ask... right? I don't think adding a "just show me the damn location" button works, that's kinda what we don't want in...
  16. No time for celebrating yet... march onwards! To the 3.5M!
  17. Or just generic people in the wilderness, like kobolds.
  18. I however am thinking like that. Not just for the player but also for developer. Since if the gain vs. time doesn't hold up it might be better to do something else instead. And yes, animation one pet, or allowing the house to have some things that can be changed do take less development time than making the area rotatable. Gains about the same. Thus gain vs. time is better for them than for this... My 2 cents.
  19. Why would anyone remove the journal? I mean, quest markers, ! and stuff, yeah, I don't want that. Map markers ala BG are good. But loosing my journal? How are you supposed to keep track of quests? Also, why would we need a mini-map when the area is 2D and we have a good clear overhead map???
  20. So, I've increased my pledge from $35 to $78. I'd like to be the "Royal Rodent Catcher of the Obsidian Order"
  21. Well, we have the awesome theme songs thread in computer and consoles. It's filled with awesome music tracks, like Deus Ex's... A good song on the main menu is half a game (maybe seeing Adam play IWD2 and here the theme also makes me reminiscent of that)...
  22. There are pro's (more money)... which can be good for the game. However if money keeps pouring in and more ideas get added "content creep" may turn up... and... that's a bad idea if you want a release. Eventually, enough's enough.
  23. Well, with the CMI system there's not really a lot needed to make it work properly. So while I first objected, I am starting to warm up to the idea more and more . Heck, the final "captain" with the biggest treasure/gang/etc. could be Guybrush Freeptoad, a mighty pirtate. And his VO line when talking to him the "Your mother wears a toupe" from CMI. Or too much humour for PE?
  24. That too would be limitating the writers. To do nothing the last few months of development. With all the text that's going to be in, I would be glad last-minute refinement is an option...
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