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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Me neither. If possible, could you upload 2 savegames. One inside and one just before entering the Academy...
  2. Yup, I know I'll die often and gruesome... no way I want to replay again and again already my first game. Just... well... want to finish it. If that makes sense
  3. It's intended that PP stays active for a while. How long and if you still can get KS-exclusive stuff like the pet... unknown.
  4. It's not really a goal rather what they already do with the money anyway. Like saying "we made 4.1 Million, we spend 4 Million on the game (since we promised that 0.5M to go on polish) and blow the last 0.1 million on alcohol since heck, we're not going to use extra money to make the game better, RIGHT?" So as anyone else already said, pretty much filler goal besides the music.
  5. I salute those who could give so much money... And look forward to seperating your heads from your torso's xD
  6. Yup. Last was around 125K, but that must have risen since then...
  7. Go give your boss 50% of your work. See how "enlightened" you became doing just half. Also, feel free to tell 'That's terrible and arbitrary. I should be rewarded doing not everything'... @ Azarkon; Is providing alternate options also a wasted effort then? Why make a branching story like The Witcher II if only half the people experience it? Why create something and people are not only not rewarded, but may actually not see it in their game... So yeah, point seems weak. The combat is there to provide a challenge. It's part of the game. How can one complain one is not "using" the game?
  8. How does giving 10XP make combat "pointful" and 0XP combat "pointless". Have you played Deus Ex or Bloodlines? Did you NOT fight? There's plenty of combat... No loot? No gold? No personal forfilment? Seriously? And I am pretty sure "running to the end of the dungeon" is probably going to kill you, especially if enemies have spells like stun or hold etc.
  9. Then no XP for you... Which is another pro for goal based XP. No just doing half the stuff and tear on the reward, you need to get through the end.
  10. Check your mail. Did you get a mail from KS that it got through?
  11. 4.2M... super duper QA. I hope...
  12. The only annoying thing is when they yell. It's midnight, so can't turn up the volume too high due to that, however at the current volume a lot is hard to hear :/
  13. Me neither... which is why everything I hate is super-popular... somehow.
  14. Are you sure you were supposed to quote me? I say Dragon Age 2 is a pretty damn bad game. Why? Because of instead of making a good RPG the developeres listened to all the players complaints they heard. And the result? A piss poor game. A lot of gamers are REALLY bad in what should make a game good. Nostalgia and keeping to bad ideas isn't going to help make a game better. Nor does changing for the sake of change. Also, all games listed aren't using objective based XP. Games like Bloodlines or Deus Ex (original) do. And if you play them, you surely can agree they would be better than their "kill everything for XP" counterparts. Personally I am kinda suprised how many people can apparently no longer enjoy combat just because they can't get XP per kill. Does it change anything about the combat itself? Nope. So why do some people think it's the mysterious link between awesome and horrible. If you think giving a rat 1XP makes great tactical combat, you're too easy to please. I mean, what exactly makes using skills to make a certain group walk away without combat or fighting them for no XP but loot makes the game the worst ever. Instead it makes both choices good. It would add use to non-combat skills. That's good! Why does killing 100 kobolds in a dungeon, gaining 10XP per kobold make a great game, but getting through that dungeon whatever way give 1000XP make the combat useless and worthless and totally change the basis of the game. Anyone?
  15. I have no doubt they music will be great either way... but yeah, live would be a nice extra.
  16. Can't get more NO than that. Even you can't ignore that... :/
  17. Implementing yes. But I think the time's worth it since it will be saved during development, especially when going to the balancing stage.
  18. It would be stupid to think 1000 backers doing closed beta are as good as QA. Heck, I doubt even 10% of them are going to properly test, most probably just play it, never give designers any feedback, let stand bugs. So unless you want the most buggy game ever, QA is vital.
  19. Based on the title I was just going to say "use savegames"... Probably want to word it a bit better if you want people to read it. I don't recall pausing that often. See no harm adding it depending on the technical difficulty...
  20. Not sure if #25 will get one. After all, no add-ons to that, it's a basic tier without extra. They wouldn't need to ask what the extra is for.
  21. So, a lot of discussion on the XP system. I will say I will be dissapointed if Obsidian decides to turn around and re-introduce XP per foe. And since we're so soon into development, why not use a system that's so userfriendly for developers (and thus, modmakers) that it saves time for so much more content. And has an inherent infinite fix? And flexability to kill stuff after peace and still get some XP? The system I propose: Instead of spreading out the XP everywhere, in monster files, dialogs, quests etc. there will be one central XP file. And it's simply a list with the XP-name on the left and the XP-value on the right. Super easy to create and modify. This list would be stored in the savegame and adjusted approximately. That does mean any potential savegames need updating if any tweaks are made after release in a patch though, sure. Now what is that for? For every XP-improvement in the game. Every objective/quest etc. has a spicific XP-name (matching the value set before). Now when the function is called all the entirety of the XP-value set in the above file is overhauled to the player. When modifying encounters thus no longer you have to seek for the specific encounter, just look in the XP-file. But of course, it would be kind of bad if it just worked as that. If the XP-function is passed "as is" the entirety of the XP is given. However if a value is applied instead so much XP is given IF the XP-value in the file allows so much. If not the XP-value is given (if 0 that means nothing). Probably confusing without example, so here's an example. "RedDragonFight" has a value of 8 (so 8 XP). Since it's a big fight and the peace resolution is far easier that one is set to "5". So you now have the following situtation; * Killing the dragon wileds 8XP * Making peace wields 5XP * Making peace wiedls 5XP, killing the dragon afterwards wields 3XP, not 8XP (since the value was 8, drained by 5 by peace, so 3 remained. And even if it called for 8XP it did only give 3 since the XP-value only allowed so much). And that without having to add scripts to check wheter you made peace and therefore lower the XP reward, or giving insane extra XP for doing both. And if you want to make fighting the dragon more rewarding just change the value to 9. And you don't need to modify a creature file, or modify a script to give more XP if you made peace and then kill, it's all there in just modifying a single value. Of course it can be used for much than 2 options. Does a NPC need 3 parts and each need to give 3XP? Assign 9 as questvalue and to the script that gives XP give 3. Added bonus is that if some bug allows you to keep talking the NPC and gather XP-bonusses this also prevents an infinite exploit since once the value's drained, the value's drained. This system would severly lower the "if, else" of XP giving most other complex RPG systems would require to imply, or otherwise risking giving the player multiple rewards each of the complete full value. I can see it saving developers and modders a great deal of time, especially during the balancing phase. And it allows for the player to do what they want. You don't need to remove that party or make them non-killable after you slipped by and got stealth XP in fear of giving double-rewards. If you kill them the XP-reward triggers, notices it's drained and gives nothing. So, anyone see any events where such a system would break, what would be easier, if this actually sounds really hard (as modmaker) to use, problems, additions, anything else? I would look forward to hear constructive feedback, either positive or negative...
  22. No one reads my post That just sucks. I hope they don't back out just because some people don't like it. Don't turn this in a Dragon Age 2 please where "fan feedback" made the game suck beyond reason... So not triggering a trap and dying, the loot in a locket etc. aren't all a reward? You need to be rewarded for every little thing you do? You need a little pat on your back for pretty much every action you take? It's almost as bad as gaining achievements for jumping, getting hit, first crafting, first kill etc. that plague games these days.
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