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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Not really, I prefer BG's style over "true" turn-based.
  2. Heck no. Think BG2 > NWN, massive loss of character. Have you seen as beatiful backgrounds as BG2 in modern games (think DA2). City with as much character? Nope. As thus, I don't see why people are going all "weh weh" here. Divinity also does Isometric. And it's definitely a good progression. Wouldn't you want big 8 character control again, rather than the 3 any modern RPG allow due to the camera work? Well, here you go. So, personally I would say "don't make the game anything OTHER than isometric"
  3. RIPOFF Detected. Apparently people can get (for a few more hours) Alice:Madness Returns for $5 dollar. Expecting 5 euro (worth it) I log in to Steam... -75% 49,99
  4. Lots of old posters here. And don't mind it. I haven't played DS3 (demo excluded), F:NV (well, without a dl'ed version 0_0), NWN2 either, even if all of them are in my Steam Library. AP's I did, and it's great, so you should definitely try it yourself, stupid bashers be damned. As long as you aren't braindead (so you can read, and pick an option in a dialogue wheel) AP definitely will please you...
  5. Yeah, it can do that on Onderon. No one knows why. Dantooine, not so much... The warp cheat is "warp [area location]"... so (without quotes) "warp 003ebo" gets you back on the hawk, and "warp 604dan" will help you get to the academy later on in the game...
  6. Steam folder. I doubt they changed that...
  7. Have that in my game-library for years, bought it in a shop once for 1 euro. It's good? Maybe I should try it one day (have a major backlog though)... Aaaaand, as for news, all kinds of RPG's are on sale! Kinda doubt most of us here don't already have the most important ones, but for those who don't; http://www.gog.com/en/promo/hasbro_stacking_promo?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=game_subject&utm_campaign=hasbro_stacking_promo
  8. Can you upload a save? See if it's in the save or in your file. Alternatively, you can just use cheats to skip the plains. It's not required to visit anymore (well, meaning you can cheat skip it)...
  9. You might have already read this, maybe not. Jonas W
  10. I can play without a "trial" to 15. Of course my Maurader is already 15, and my consular? Meh... Rather wait for full F2P.
  11. I'm young... so I rather want Freelancer II. Yet, still 14 hours to go...
  12. What exactly is the problem... "loading issue" is vague. Does it crash upon loading (weird colors in loading screen), after character creation or does the loading bar get stuck around 75% somewhere? Or something else?
  13. So, is it already completely free to play?
  14. Still Mass Effect 3. So far liking it a lot more than ME2. It's too long ago for me to compare it to ME1.
  15. Why the heck are you playing in Dutch?
  16. Nope, it's perfectly possible.
  17. Just bought Mass Effect 3. Going to play it first without the Extended Cut... I want to see that infamous ending for myself. It's been a long time since ME2, hopefully I don't need to completely relearn stuff... and I hope I remember what I did in the past (I often ran into ME1 NPC's in ME2 without a clue what they were talking about)...
  18. What option? Did you try it again after loading your save?
  19. Nope, you're supposed to have a party of 3. It could be because she was "occupied" she didn't spawn in the Dxun camp, couldn't say her line, that broke the convo and hence you didn't get to select the party? Was she there in the camp? Also, 1.8.1 fixes this, so if you update you'll never have to experience it ever again!
  20. Vsync fixes that. However (for me) it turns the game into a slide-show, so I rather take the occassional "being stuck" above that. Save+Reload does the trick too.
  21. Full Install 1.8.1 (for users new to TSLRCM); http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/197-tsl-restored-content-mod/ Users already using 1.8 can save themselves bandwith and download this update instead; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/215-tslrcm-18-patch/ And yes, aware it could be in the TSLRCM thread, but it's inactive here, and this title gets attention just posting there wont get Changelist 1.8 - 1.8.1 ---------- * Modified KOTOR main screen texture (used in the main menu and on loading screens) to make it easier for Steam and KOTOR-compilation users to notice if TSLRCM is properly installed, considering they do not have a launcher, and "how do I notice it's installed properly" was becoming a very popular question. NOTE: When using the patch it's only an indication that the patch installed properly, not 1.8 as a whole. If in doubt, please re-install TSLRCM 1.8.1 using the full installer. If the main screen is updated then it indicates the entire mod is updated properly. * Includese Inverted Droid Feat Gain by Hassat Hunter. ** Fixes the feat gain progression of T3 and Goto being swapped around with the feat gain of HK-47. It's correct now, with HK-47 gaining more feats than them rather than less. * Fixed convo break with Nar Shaddaa arrival scene for male players, and fixed requirement check in convo scanning for handmaiden instead of Visas, leaving Disicple's convo options untriggerable. * Fixed breaking Nar Shaddaa questline by talking to Ratrin before Cahhmakt. This is no longer possible. * Fixed bug where talking to Cahhmakt with an NPC instead of the player would leave that NPC "locked", unable to join your party. * Fixed issue on Ebon Hawk with post-Peragus dialogue with Atton not proceeding properly to the Lightsaber dialogue if certain dialogue options were selected. * Fixed bronze saber turning other saber also bronze when loading a savegame if dual-wielding. (thank Fair Shade for the fix!) * Fixed Handmaiden's armor not being properly returned to the inventory when dueling on the Ebon Hawk. * Corrected small issues with Malachor loading screen story hints, like the first being completely blank. * Included updated k_003ebo_enter.nss and a_next_scene.nss to 003EBO.mod for modmakers, the version included with 1.8 was outdated. * Fixed Vrook's lightsaber not activating properly in the rebuild enclave. (Thanks Qui Don Jorn) English version; * Fixed subtitle error; HK when talking about "his whiny allies" subtitles "her whiny allies". * Fixed Zhug brother mentioning "him" for female PC's on Goto's Yacht. * On Dantooine right outside the Ebon Hawk, when asking the "Battered Protocol Droid" what it knows specifically of your character, it says "You are on the register as one of the Jedi who left the Enclave to fight in the Mandolorian Wars. Should be spelt "Mandalorian." * Fixed map note in the HK factory missing it's description. * Fixed minor typo when clicking on the locked door for the reserved section in the Jekk Jekk Tarr.
  22. The Walking dead... finished all 3 eps. It's... not really that good. Especially as people make it out to be. It's in the trend of recent TTG games; Interactive movies. Atleast the choice and moral choices make it better than BttF and Jurrassic Park, but yeah, it's still not very good a game...
  23. The person who got the same with Bao-Dur got him to unlock by letting him go to the Dxun Tomb.
  24. Apparently instead of returning the armor to the player (as it should), it's given to Handmaiden's inventory instead. So if you killed her, she probably would drop it. Of course, killing her breaks far far more. Anyways, fixed now... does "* Fixed Handmaiden's armor not being properly returned to the inventory when training on the Ebon Hawk." sound right for a fixlog, or is it too vague on what's fixed for those not aware of the issue?
  25. Okay, I have been able to replicate it. It's when a character other than the PC initiates contact, in your case, Handmaiden. Hopefully can get it fixed for a patch...
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