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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys. I have been playing SWKOTOR2 TSLRCM with party swap mod and i have gotten to telos academy second visit. What happens is when i enter the academy i am handmaiden and talk to atris like i am the exile. then i battle and atris says enough the cut scene happens where exile comes in talks to atris and atris seems to kill handmaiden. then atris runs away and i have to run after her and talk to her. However when i go to enter conversation with her dialogue does not start. I run around a bit see if i can click on atris or trigger the convo that way nothing happens and i can no longer continue with game. I have looked online alot. I have always found an answer online i have played this game many times over the years and have much experience fixing problems but i am at a dead end with this one. I have tried to uninstall party swap but that just completely breaks the game and have to start from a very early save game. thank you so much for your reply's in advance.
  2. I have recently started another play through of kotor 2 and as I was about to leave Telos I encountered a masked Duros named "Masked Attacker" and have never encountered or noticed him before. I'm wondering if he has any relevance later on throughout the game or if he is related to any quests? Or that maybe hes just a random element of unfinished content considering he had a lot more to say than the average thug and stood out with that mask.
  3. KOtoR 2: Steam Version I have TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.3 installed. Can I install 1.8.4 halfway through the game? I know I could back up my game save folder, but would my 1.8.3 saves be compatible with 1.8.4? I am wondering the same thing about the M4-78 planet mod. I have M4-78 1.1 & would like to install 1.2.
  4. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/downloads/tslrcm-18 (still awaits authentication though) or http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/197-tsl-restored-content-mod
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