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  1. I love Game of Thrones, too. What is it, two weeks away?
  2. This isn't about the show in general, but the opening of the most recent episode. It opened with "Maybe" by The Inkspots and really had a Fallout-y vibe to it. The episode itself was also crazy as balls.
  3. That review was awesome and hilarious! Thanks or sharing.
  4. If that was true, then Skyrim wouldn't have been as "dumbed down" as it was...this is coming from someone that likes the game, too!
  5. I heard about Thief 4 a while ago, then saw it was available on Steam and watched the trailer. It looked okay, but then was flabbergasted when it wasn't Russell doing the voice. Upon research I read about a bunch of the other problems. Can't jump whenever? Wha? Yeah, jumping is a context-sensitive action now. "You're at a large chasm. Press Jump button now to jump over it." I imagine it's kind of like how the Mass Effect games for instance handled jumping. Most elements are directed like that, rope arrows for example are used when you have all but a big neon sign pointing to a surface saying "hey, shoot rope arrow at this!" How disappointing
  6. Well then there wasn't much dialogue in the previous Thief games, except for the guard banter, of which Russell was a big part, as well.
  7. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-03-thief-dev-explains-why-it-ditched-original-garrett-voice-actor Yeah, I had read that. I also hear that's the same fate that befell the voice actors for Solid Snake and Sam Fisher. What a joke. I've worked with actors in both the Vicon and XSENSE Motion Capture Systems and I can tell you that what they say is actually correct. Motion capture actions combined with voices by someone else causes an unnatural disconnect... when you have super high quality CG and a lot of dialogue spoken during face close-ups as the character goes through the action - while I haven't played this game, I really doubt this is the case. The thing with Garrett is that most of his dialogue always seem to take place in his head, as thoughts to himself, rather than something that is spoken, so I don't know why there would be a disconnect.
  8. I heard about Thief 4 a while ago, then saw it was available on Steam and watched the trailer. It looked okay, but then was flabbergasted when it wasn't Russell doing the voice. Upon research I read about a bunch of the other problems. Can't jump whenever? Wha?
  9. Did you play it? It is definitely a Bethesda game, for better or worse. I get what you are saying, that it is developed by Zenimax Online, but it's really splitting hairs. Bethesda has its hands all over this thing. Haven't played it, but MMOs were never my thing.
  10. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-04-03-thief-dev-explains-why-it-ditched-original-garrett-voice-actor Yeah, I had read that. I also hear that's the same fate that befell the voice actors for Solid Snake and Sam Fisher. What a joke.
  11. Won't be buying ESO. Never bought a MMO, not about to start, and Beth didn't even develop the game.
  12. They changed the voice actor who voiced GARRETT! I just saw a trailer for the game through Steam and was immediately turned off by it because of that. Stephen Russell IS GARRETT! Bad decision. They lost a sale
  13. Possibly because you've either been dead, in a coma, or simply living under a rock these past few months? Where have you been that it has not been mentioned? Not here, that's for sure. I don't hang out at gaming sites like I used to
  14. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pump the breaks. Backspace, backspace. Shift + Home. There is a (spiritual) successor to Planescape: Torment in the works!? WHY was I not told of this earlier?
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