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Everything posted by Manveru123

  1. Wizards require micromanaging to be truly effective. Every other strong class can be played with AI scripts. Also, Wizards have inferior single-target damage options compared to weapon users (after the nerfs).
  2. So is she sterile, or just not.. uhh.. equipped?
  3. But Leia is basically a Jesus. Have you watched the latest mainstream movie? You can not say no to Jesus! Aaahh-men! I don't think Ydwin was supposed to be giddy and cheerful. She's an emo vampire. She is supposed to sound like she does. Very good job from the VA, in my opinion.
  4. I'm pretty sure the game was balanced for playing with companions, who are far from optimized. If you have more custom characters than just the Watcher, you're making the game easier for you yourself. Also there is nothing wrong with high-level characters being super strong, this is pretty much every RPG game ever.
  5. So... weren't you the one who opened that thread about the dragon in BoW being too tough for your party, eh? Maybe he fought him at 13.. :D Well I'm not interested in giving a long list of the exact things that could fix the game. My evidence of my opinion is just as valid as yours, which I already gave. D:OS 1 and 2 both do a great job of making encounters challenging without having to conserve or manage meta resources between encounters. There's more than one way to make a game challenging. Yeah for like.. the first act maybe. The challenge ends the moment you get Apotheosis.
  6. Hey, this feels like a somewhat odd request for me, but I'm kinda out of ideas, so.. The team I'm using for the latest playthrough is as follows: Watcher (Ravager) - straightforward dual wield dps Tekehu (Theurge) - purely support from Druid side, offensive chants and invocations from Chanter side. Watershaper's Focus Pallegina (Herald) - a tank/dps mix, passive healing, Shared Flames/Sacred Immolation and maybe Inspired Beacon. Magran's Favor and a Shield. Ydwin (Mindstalker) - Toxic Strike/Confounding Blind/Devastating Blow from Rogue, and mostly crowd control and buffs from Cipher side. Dual Blunderbuss Now the "problem" I have is that I cannot figure out who should I take with me as the fifth person. I honestly feel like these 4 work extremely well together. So my question is.. which character would you add, and what role, to compliment this team setup? I appreciate any input.
  7. I had the exact same dillema recently. ..I went with Ravager actually, and I feel like that was a correct choice. I felt like proccing Streetfighter passive would be too annoying.
  8. Yes, when I summon creatures. Each summon = FPS briefly drop to 0. So annoying...
  9. Greater LOH only prevents death when cast on others, not self. Unless you simply mean its healing. Do the summons have to actually die, or does it also work when their duration expires?
  10. Yes let's beat up our enemies with wooden sticks and throw rocks at them. That sounds like a very fun gaming experience.
  11. The issue is that some people want to play a member of eg. Bleak Walkers and be Benevolent and Diplomatic without taking a hit to their defenses. You know, taking role-playing out of role-playing
  12. Implied? You clearly stated that there is already a group of mod makers who can make more and better AI options. So I asked you to show me these mods. You also state that enemies use the same AI scripts that the players do, how can you know that without looking at source code?
  13. Settling for what you can only do isn't a good reason, how do you have a group of mod makers who can make more and better AI options? That just sounds like someones being lazy IMO Oh, we do? Please show me which mods modify the AI behaviour of enemies, I'd love to try it.
  14. I dunno, I run Voidward on my Ravager and don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. The rings in this game aren't really game-breakingly powerful or anything.
  15. Tried it. Best support character in the game. You can run literally any party you want with this guy and it will be great.
  16. Nah Consulars are common even outside of EU. They are officially more of the Old Republic thing, though. But current canon goes way beyond the mainstream movies.
  17. Then the list is of little relevance, right? Because judging weapons based on their description alone doesn't work well. Take Scordeos Edge: you can't know that its bonuses work for all weapons you use unless you used it. You'd have to test it to find out. Also that Grave Calling and Hel Beckoning can be used to summon imps that don't count towards the summon limit and let you create a huge imp army (if you pair it with the right classes) can only be experienced by testing (or reading people's posts about testing). Another example (not one-handed though): the Espirs estoc will proc Ghost Blades on kill. That's the description. Sounds rather lame because Ghost Blades only have 8-11 base damage. What the description doesn't say and what you can only find out via testing is that those Ghost Blades profit from the enchantments of the blade, from all passive abilities that work with the blade (e.g. Sneak Attach, Two Handed Style etc.). And that not only kills with the Blade trigger those "empowered" Ghost Blades but all kills as long as you hold the weapon. This includes the Ghost Blades themselves which can therefore proc themselves. So, the difference between description and actual behavior is huge. There are so many behaviors that only get revealed once you use an item - a tier list (partially) based on item description is rather pointless in my opinion. Hel Beckoning and Grave calling only summon when killing spirits/Vessels no? So as in the preface to my guide, items like these will be very powerful in those rare circumstances but terrible in others. If only there was a class that could summon an unlimited number of spirits and vessels.
  18. I prefer Trickster. I got some pretty nice results by using Xoti's Sickle and Reckless Brigandine, with Akola's Apex Ward and your own Riposte. Your damage is of course not going to be as good as when dual wielding, but you're not just an immovable brick either. Grab Shared Flames and Inspired Beacon. I like pairing this character with a Herald, who stacks healing auras, supports with greater LoH, and adds to damage with Sacred Immolation. Superb duo, I'm still working on optimizing them tho.
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