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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Right. But basically it works like in PoE1. It didn't stack the effect. Only thing is that now every kill triggers it while in PoE1 only every second kill (was supposed) to trigger it. It stacked with all other speed buffs though. Still the case?
  2. Even if they want to achieve more "tactical depth" (who needs that anyways?) - with longer casting times vs. interrupts - and thus can't shorten the castin times a lot, they could still go and make the damn effects more powerful. Casting Whisper of Treason for (what feels like) ages in order to charm one enemy for mere 10 seconds is just a biting whiplash in every cipher's face. Casting a lenghty fireball that might get interrupted or has to be retargeted all the time because enemies run around like headless chicken during 6 seconds and then doing nearly the same damage as you would do with an attack of a rod + blast is just meeeehhh!
  3. No it doesn't make a lot of sense and should be changed to dual wielding (like dual wands). I just wanted to say that in this case the two-handed approach wouldn't hurt this special subclass very much if it could only deliver a good casting experience. You wouldn't attack with your natural weapons a lot anyways i you could instead deliver some good elemental nukes + CC.
  4. Well the Fury is supposed to be an offensive caster subclass. You get some bonuses on your offensive elemental spells and also a kind of "escape" ability that's not a spell. Sadly all offensive casters are (still) bad with the current beta build - a few whimpy bonuses don't help that.
  5. It's def. casting speed that is the main issue. You can have 6+ spells per encounter pretty quickly - but you just can't use them all in battle because it's over after 2 slowish casts. A paladin with 6 uses of FoD has no problems applying them all. You can see that builds that use fast casts (self buffs for example) are rated very useful these days while every char who mainly uses slow spells (which are supposed to be powerful) just blow. They are so bad, it's really upsetting me although this is only a computer game.
  6. The speed didn't stack in PoE1. And I don't think this is supposed to happen in Deadfire. This would be crazy powerful. Maybe they meant the duration? Does the duration stack if you kill several enemies?
  7. Tidefall is only better if you can achieve 0 recovery with it. If you can't (for example because you don't want to use potions) then dual Drawn in Spring is better. Generally speaking I think Drawn in Spring is better. But the biggest advantage of Tidefall is that you can get it so early. And the draining is very good for front liners if you have decent dmg mods.
  8. Neither. It's just a spell that has 0 range but it's not really a melee attack. It has its own accuracy and damage. Your weapon doesn't matter at all. You don't have to hit with your weapon or fists in order to apply those spells. So you have to pretend that those are "special" unarmed melee attacks - which is easy because they have 0 reach and thus you have to be in melee range.
  9. Concerning Kalakoth's Minor Blights + Devoted: isn't it so that the chosen weapon of the Devoted has to be a melee weapon? Or did they scrap that idea? I would have created an unarmed proficiency. It is a type of weapon after all. And the modals come with gains and drawbacks anyways, so no big power gain here. That way you can always decide to insert some additional "unarmed" weapons like pit fighter gloves, knuckle dusters, artificial claws, push daggers, whatever that use the unarmed proficiency and are not specifically made for monks. I also wouldn't make the modal too esoteric. This would again tie the proficiency to monks exclusively. Instead something generic like more damage but slower speed or so would be ok.
  10. Intended. Disengagement attacks only get triggered if you move away wilfully. It was the same in PoE. You can trigger disengagement attacks with Rhymrgand's Visage and other frightening/terrifying effects. Enemies are more likely to disengage you (wilfully) if they are terrified.
  11. In PoE you cancel the casting process when moving - but at least you don't lose the spell use. Why do you lose the spell use in Deadfire even though the spell didn't go off yet? Long casting times and this annoying loss of spell uses is a bad combo.
  12. As a dev/designer, you can ask yourself the following question: if a caster's spells take 6 (9 with recov.) seconds overall and fights last about 15 seconds (normal difficulty) - why would I need more than 3 casts per encounter? Something doesn't fit here... I understand the desire for more tactical depth. But the current approach is just too much. As others said: giving really powerful effects long casting times is ok, but everything else ist just Overkill and makes casters very tedious to play.
  13. In PoE1 Riposte has a 30% chance on graze and 20% on miss (after a patch that buffed it - before that it was 20% on miss only). That's not too powerful but not bad either. A Riposte rogue works quite well - the only problem was the low health of rogues which doesn't synergize very well with getting a lot of grazes (which with a lot of health would be good for retaliation as well). Since Deadfire rogues aren't as squishy anymore and can exploit healing it seems that Riposte as a concept may be stronger than in PoE1 (especially because you can multiclass) - but that heavily depends on the (probably new) mechanics/numbers of Deadfire's Riposte.
  14. Awww maaaann! I'm not at home - stupid holidays!
  15. Damn... I'm in the holidays with no computer.
  16. Well, it would be really useful if it could handle the self-buffing chain at the start of combat.
  17. No, as I answered in the other thread in the Deadfire forum it's the other way round in PoE1.
  18. It was/is certainly better in PoE most of the time. One exception is Badgradr's Barricade that would be better if it hit secondly and not first. But most of the time it's better to use the offhand first - like you described. Don't know why they changed it. Maybe an oversight.
  19. PoE1 did use the offhand first when doing a Full Attack. For example you would start a Blinding Strike with a bash from your shield and then follow with your hammer.
  20. Again: very transparent mechanics with a PoE game... Watch out! Ironic post!
  21. I don't hate it or something - but I only use it for the Deadfire Beta and nothing else.
  22. Priests will get changed. Some others might be ok but the beta is too short to really see their value. For example a Wizard Slayer barb might be really handy against groups of casters (remember some bounties in PoE). All his Carnage attacks automatically cause spells to fail. This seems to be pretty good. I personally don't use potions that much anyways and most buffs only for the initial phase of combat. So it seems like it's a good class for me. Others seem to be really bad - or badly implemented - like the Ascendant. But I don't think there are lot of subclasses that are bad.
  23. That would be very nice. I would immediately remove WIN 10 from my computer.
  24. I think CON was very useful in PoE where we had endurance and healt. Especially for meat shields with low deflection like barbs it was very beneficial to raise CON. But basically every build that relied on healing instead of high defenses to survive did benefit from high CON. Now there's only health - which can easily be healed during encounter. That makes CON the number two dump stat after RES (in the current beta version). After the next patch it will be number one. I can't see why it would need a nerf. I would even give it a boost. I guess I would give a healing bonus if you have high CON and a healing maluses if you have low.
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