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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. You have to substract the casting time (75 sec) of course.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't also the base damage scale with Concenhaut's Staff? I had the impression. I didn't look at it very closely though because I immediately cast it away when I realized that the weapon is bugged (no draining). Besides the scaling quality the priest weapons' lashes seem to be determined by power level as well if I see it right...? With a Nature Godlike (+2 Power level) I got +62% lash instead of 60% at lvl 6. So maybe it's a flat X% + 1% per power level?
  3. You also get a chant that helps against dragons and lots of summons which is very helpful in a solo game. Open with a figurine and then summon some ogres to distract enemies. Chanter can also use mind control. A paladin with maxed out defenses is quite boring (until lvl 13) and tedious to play but a rel. save bet. Early Outworn Bucker helps a lot. Later get Drawn in Spring. Priest is a bit hefty at the start but is good later on. With all those buffs (esp. Radiance + Devotions + Minor Avatar) you can land everything on a dragon. Summons and mind control items (Munacra Arret, Spirit Spiral, Ring of Changing Heart) help to distract enemies while you buff (and buff and buff) yourself. I would use a priest who has another "Symbol of <whomever>" -damage type than burn. Because if you meet burn immune foes you would be screwed. Shining Beacon, Storm of Holy Fire and so on - all burn damage. So either Berath (corrode), Skaen (pierce) or Wael (freeze). Combusting Wounds + multiple pulsing effects is always very nice. There's also the Colored Coat which triggers Wicked Briars. That also is great with Combusting Wounds. Paladin + Sacred Immolation, Druid with Nature's Terror & Wicked Briars + Venombloom, Wzard with Chillfog + Wall of Flame, Barbarian with Hearf of Fury and so on are all great with Combusting Wounds. My best experience with a party is with Spark the Souls of the Righteous - but when goind solo you don't have that many allied bodies. Wood Beetles and Skeletons die too fast...
  4. No. Silver Flash procs Divine Mark with every second shot (~47% per shot: 10% chance with every one of the 6 pellets) and blinds in a cone shaped AoE (friendly fire). It is clearly better than Lead Spitter.
  5. It's not unique I guess but a standard weapon for some nagas. You can actually cycle through all items with tab if you know how to start. For example headgear always starts with Head<tab> and so on.
  6. Does Minor Blights work with the rod proficiency/modal? I thought I tried it but couldn't use it...? As I already said: I really like the rod of the Priest of Wael. Its lash gets carried over to the blast and its base damage is good, too. If one would combine it with Sharpshooter + Driving Flight it might be too good. What about Blast + Driving Flight + Swift Flurry? Stack overflow?
  7. Yes, it's a totally viable alternative. I have no problem with a slower pace in general - if I can trade the speed for survivability.
  8. No, both wounding's and ranger's pet damage will not get documented on the char sheet. That's a reason why a lot of people don't realize how powerful wounding (and animal companions) are. You can download and install MaxQuest's UPMod. It documents all damage sources correctly if I'm not mistaken.
  9. To maximize HoF you'll also need Vulnerable Attack, One Stands Alone, Merciless Hand & Dungeon Delver, Gauntlets of Puissant Melee or Gauntlets of Accuracy, maxed MIG and maxed INT. And Dragon Leap is also very helpful in order to reach the center of the throng. It's difficult to position yourself perfectly without the leap. An alternative would be the Cape of the Cheat that gives you Escape 1/encouter. Oh, and always target the strongest/most healthy enemy with HoF. Because if the initial target gets killed by your first swipe then the second swipe will not be executed - and that's a bummer.
  10. Because you can stand in the frontline and move over the battlefield without getting knocked out while trying to reach your priority target. And the plate gives you +2 survival which lets you reach 14 survival. Plate penalty while casting was never a problem for me. It only affects recovery and not casting time. The main reason for the plate is Frenzy though. If you run around a bit to reach enemies like casters and such you most likely will catch a disengagement crit - then you can shift. Of course you could also use Jack of Wide Waters and cast faster. Or even use Angio's Gambeson and activate Alacrity 1/rest for a massive speed boost in an tough encounter. I just remember that Consecrated Ground from Shod-in-Faith stops once you shift (rel. new nerf). So you can choose something else that triggers on crit instead - like Greenstained Boots for example.
  11. Dual Bittercut with corrosive lash and Spirit of Decay is the best option for Heart of Fury (and Barbaric Blow). Another very potent trick is to cast Combusting Wounds onto the crowd before using Heart of Fury. For example with a Ring of Searing Flames. It adds a lot of burn damage to your physical damage and can make a big difference when fighting tough enemies (e.g. bounties).
  12. I don't really know if this is intended or not, but I guess not: When you use a sword and switch on the modal "half-sword" for +2 PEN and then summon Concenhalt's Parasitic Staff, you will keep the active modal and the staff gets +2 PEN.
  13. I just had a paladin/wizard and summoned the Parasitic Staff while dual wielding two swords with my half-sword modal on: I kept the modal and it worked with the staff (giving me +2 penetration). Bug or feature?
  14. Hi! As the title says: the summoned staff has no draining effect despite its text description. I guess no screenshots or something needed to reproduce this.
  15. Haha, hilarious. Blast seems to be the same cheesefest as Carnage was in PoE beta.
  16. I wonder what happens if you multiclass ranger/fury and pick Driving Flight (if it's still in)?
  17. You don't need to do that. Wounding damage stacks. The Mad Hornet only did it because of Deep Wounds (which don't stack). In order to get the most out of Deep Wounds you need high MIG, high INT and hit different targets. With wounding you only need high MIG (low INT is even better) and you can simply fire at one enemy all the time. You can't see it on the enemy (but in the combat log): the wounding damage stacks.
  18. Which micro do you mean? It does woundig damage automatically. Woundig is a raw lash and gets more powerful with MIG. The base value is 25% of your pre-DR damage roll. If you hit for 40 damage pre DR that's additional 10 raw damage with 10 MIG. If you had 20 MIG it would be 13 raw damage (and so on). With decent MIG it's the best dps ranged weapon for a ranger in general. Imagine you meet an enemy with 20 DR: your initial 40 damage would be reduced to 20, but the raw lash would still hit for 13. This is the power of woundig. It also works against pierce-immune foes. The damage from Predator's Sense which triggers 100% of the time comes as a bonus on top (if that's what you meant with micro). Another plus: you can get Persistence very early and start enchanting it with a lash and quality (fine, exceptional...). So you profit from those investments throughout the whole playthrough. I would even pick Stormcaller over Rain of Godhag Field. With a bow cipher I would always use the Rain, it's the best focus generator at range - but not with a ranger.
  19. Well, there are offensive AoE "spells" that are really good. But those are fast cast and don't do damage but either lower AR or disable (looking at chanter's invocations). I seriously don't understand why Hel-Hyraf is a tier-1 fast cast and lowers AR by 5 while a tier-2 looong cast like Expose Vulnerabilities only lowers it by 2. And I don't think that Hel-Hyraf needs a nerf (well, maybe a bit) but that wizard/druid/cipher/priest spells need a hefty buff. Either in the magnitude of the effects or casting time. Or both. Fury in theory is nice because elemental spells do more damage while you are shifted. But basically it's only Returning Storm that profits (you cast it before shifting and it stays "on" and profits once you shift) because all other elemental spells except the one Sun-Thing take so long that shifting is over after one or two spells. Suuuupermeh! The ranged attack is not powerful enough to balance that out. In theory it's a nice subclass though.
  20. Superawesome, thanks! I mean it should be easy. If you save a lvl 3 adventurer he gets unlocked once your main char hit lvl 4. If you save a lvl 16 adventurer he gets unlocked once you hit lvl 17 and so on. Usually players pick up their adventurers early in the game anyways. I think this would be easiest. A great, great feature would be if you could save a max level adventurer with name, portrait, backstory and share it. And his level-up decisions would also be saved (basically like auto-leveling for official companions or the beta mercs) you can pick him up at lvl 2, 3, 15 - doesn't matter. If you enable auto-leveling he will get leveled like the build describes, if not you can level him yourself. But version 1 would also be fine.
  21. I played them all and they are all good, although I think that the Fury is the weakest atm because offensive spells suck compared to melee.
  22. Early game is the hardest part. But still the paladin should at least be as tanky as the Chanter. If you send him in first so that he gets all the heat that may explain why he gets pummeled so hard while the chanter isn't. You can cast Lay on Hands in advance if you know he will get attacked soon.
  23. Persistence with durgan steel is the highest single target dps weapon for a ranger due to wounding. You need high MIG. It's also very good for a ranger because its wounding triggers Predator's Sense. The Rain of Godhagh Field is the best ranged weapon for a cipher. That's because wounding doesn't generate focus. Lead Spitter is great for burst damage, but its dps is strictly inferior to bows.
  24. Hi, just reposting this here so that it gets the attention it deserves in this backer beta feedback/discussion forum: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94988-suggestion-save-adventurer-builds/?do=findComment&comment=1960067 Gromnir made the great suggestion that we should be able to save adventurer-builds/profiles (preferably with a portrait and a name) so that you can pick them up in another playthrough. I think this would be a great thing to have. It not only makes it easier and more convenient to hire an adventuerer (without the need to level him up to level X every time) but it also would make the process feel more "real": having adventurers with names and faces and maybe a history, sitting in the inn, waiting for work instead of those faceless Jon Does all the time.
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