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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yes, paraylzed is especially weird because it doesn't let you hit the target more easily, but if you don't miss/graze you will crit a lot more often. That doesn't sound right...?
  2. Okay, so not too bad actually. Cool stuf...
  3. Maybe also the AI scripting tool they announced might take care of this.
  4. Neat thing with Ryngrim's RV. How long does it take to cast?
  5. Hm, I have the impression that somebody here from OBS reads most stuff thoroughly and reports the most pressing and interesting things to Josh. Else he wouldn't have said anything about the universal talents and the other discussions we had here.
  6. I personally have no problems with fighters/barbs/paladins and so on having more passives and others having more active abilites. In a party it can be of advantage if you bring characters that don't need pausing, choosing an ability, targeting, repeat. To be honest for me it's already too much active abilites when I multiclass all my characters. Because those will end up with a ton of actives anyway. This causes a micromanagement nightmare for me atm. A very passive yet effective build can bring some relief. So... focusing on good passives with some classes is not a bad thing for me. But I understand that it might annoy some people if they have the impression that their favored class gets pulled over the barrel when it comes to "cool" active abilites. My first action would be to make Knockdown good again - then bring things like Clear Out and Charge back and don't put them at the end of the level scale. You can make them less powerful but accessible at lower levels and then provide an upgrade that is high-level stuff and makes it more awesome.
  7. Really don't understand the decision. If you can keep stun and paralyze, why not keep prone as affliction? As some of you already said: Knockdown is bad in Deadfire, so is FoA. At least FoA pushes targets away a lot and this can be used - for example to push them into my unbroken's engagement. But it's a lot of fuzz and not really worth it. Especially against fast moving enemies (Lagufaeth) it's quite pointless.
  8. Yes, I like it too. It makes the game a bit more tactical without adding micromanagement. You can still use inspirations/resistances/immunities to shrug off afflictions, but you have to watch out more if your char has very low resolve. And as a CC guy you could max out INT and cast spells first that lower enemies' RES in order to maximize the CC duration. I like it even more now...
  9. Yes. But I also don't like that those things should now go to the proficiency category. In my opinion it would have been better to just "copy & paste" them as abilites into most classes and then give the fighter something additional that might build up on this passive ability. Like "Two Handed Style" can be upgraded to "Two Handed Mastery" and would give you either additional damage, a bit more speed, more ACC - whatever.
  10. No. But I already know what I'm doing in Deadfire and it still sucks to miss all the time OR that I have to cast superlenghty buffs in order to not miss all the time OR have to multicalss with a fighter in order to get Disciplined Barrage aka grazing. It's annoying and frustrating. Nostalgia or not, I believe the old solution was better. Also, the argument of "we took it out because it confused people" gets reduced to absurdity once the same mechanic gets reintroduced, but you have to cast a spell or pick an ability in order to get it back. Like if that's less confusing...
  11. You mean with Full Attacks? No, not necessarily. It depends on the base damage of the weapons. If base damage of weapon 1 + base damage of weapon 2 (dual wielding) > base damage of weapon 3 (single handed or two hander) - then yes.
  12. That is correct. In case of abilites that deal CC effects I wouldn't use Full Attacks because of that reason anyway to be honest. I'm not fixed on how many attacks a light weapon should get with a Full Attack. This could all be balanced. I just find it sad that abilites that give you a weapon based damage bonus are always best with those weapons that have the highest damage per hit. Which leads to some very unintuitive decisions like arquebus or great sword for Backstab and co. If Full Attacks are there to balance out the dps advantage of light weapons then ok. But the weird decisions will remain. Nobody will paly an Assassin who does Backstabs with dual daggers because a) it's a Primary Attack and b) daggers have low base damage. The highest Backstabs I had so far were with a great sword. THis is not very smart design. In my opinion it would be better to rebalance weapons so that they all deal comparable (not the same, but not extremely off) dps with 10 DEX and 10 MIG and use Full Attacks in a way that I described above. Just my opinion though. This will not happen but I still believe it would be better.
  13. Are you on console? Because then the answer is "yes, it is limited". If your playing the game on the computer (Win/Mac/Linux) it's not. I can't say what will happen to the reward items if your treasury is full. Maybe you should store your other stuff in another container just to be sure.
  14. Lowish DEX doesn't feel too bad once you have Bloodlust and Blood Thirst. In the early game it's a bit tedious with a two hander even though you'll have Frenzy. You could start with something like dual sabres or so without investing in it (just to benefit from the 50% faster recovery) and switch to two handers (Firebrand) once you got Blood Thirst. Actually the best way to use Blood Thirst is to start with a dual weapon setup and wiggle down enemies as fast as possible and once the first is near death switch to a two hander. But that's not too cool with Firebrand because you would have to summon it in the midst of the fight. I you have a disabler in the party (wizard fo example) then it's nice to use Firebrand with Barbaric Blow once the mobs are disabled and open for crits (especially if you also picked Doemenel's Merciless Hand). Because Firebrand has enormous base damage (average 25), is Annihilating (+50%) and Barbaric Blow adds another 50% to crit damage your first strike might already kill enemies which will start the Blood Thirst chain right at the start. I mean with Firebrand (in this situation) you would deal 106 burn damage on the average crit (including Scion of Flame, One Stands Alone and Two Handed Style). This kills a lot of enemies right away. With crits + Blood Thirst, Firebrand is hard to beat. Only other setup that is more fun is Redeemer + Blood Thirst + group of vessels (that are not above your level).
  15. your feedback founded 'pon nostalgia for poe? okie dokie. HA! Good Fun! If it makes you happy...
  16. If you want to focus on my well-founded feedback about the backer beta and call it nostalgia...
  17. I remember in one of the videos (that came with a fig update) some barbarian was doing a Barbaric Blow with a single mace and hit three times in a row very quickly. Do you remember? At that point I thought "Neat! They are improving Full Attacks." - But either it was a bug or it didn't turn out well - no idea.
  18. That's not a proper comparison. It would be if you took two active abilites like Disciplined Barrage and Lay on Hands. In PoE fighters/rangers also could take talents that sounded like they were more suited for casters - like Scion of Flame, Heart of the Storm or Secrets of Rime for example when they wanted to use Firebrand/Stormcaller/Bittercut. At the same time casters could take Two Handed Style or Weapon Focus. That would be a proper comparison. I'll leave out the "cross class talents" of course because those were just htere to simulate a bit of multiclassing light and can now be emulated with real multiclassing. In Deadfire casters don't even have any passives that could be used by someone else. I wonder why they didn't at least give them stuff like Scion of Flam, Brisk Recitation and stuff as passives. And if they did I would hav no problem with a fighter being able to become a Scion of Flame. Why not? It's nothing that cries out for class exclusivity and if you fing a flaming sword you might want to become one even as a fighter or whatever class you are.
  19. Voted, really like this idea. Yes, it's neat and comprehensible.
  20. ... is amusing to see boeroer (and others) dismissing a nostalgia argument. HA! Good Fun! Yeah, as if I am the advocat of nostalgia. I thought over the last years in this forums I painted a more differentiated picture of myself...
  21. So base FoD is "fixed" with the additinal ability - which is good. But if you don't take that then FoD itself is still broken. I don't know the exact numbers of arquebus - but another example: Rapier + Dagger will not deal the same amount of damage with FoD as two swords - despite the fact that they do comparable damage per second (dps) with autoattacks. So you would switch to dual swords just for FoD (but no Quick Switch) or you don't use Rapier & Dagger as a paladin with FoD at all. And waht about Wounding Shot/Finishing Blow/Backstab? There's no addon-ability that fixes that. It's not as bad anymore as it was in PoE, but still their base damage is a lot lower and so is the result of the FoD/Backstab/wahtever attack. Who says that? They have lower base damage and therefore have to be faster to do the same dps. If they don't they are just not balanced.
  22. Ah, yes. Quite strong for early levels, too.
  23. I'd just give more Concentration with a threshold IF you have any means of getting Concentration after all. Every Concentration "point" gets removed by an interrupting attack at the moment. With a lot of resolve you could get 2, 3 and so on points for higher resolve once you get Concentration.
  24. I'm not set on the numbes I gave (like 4 swings for light weapons and 2 for heavy and so on). That's just examples so that you guys get what I mean. Generally speaking a Full Attack should roughly have the same amount of base damage (added up). So either one hefty blow with a heavy weapon or a couple of swift strikes with light ones and so on. Then all the problems around those abilities are solved. Did you ever use Flames of Devotion with a rapier? Not really I guess. But Darcozzis seem to like rapiers. But few Darcozzi players would consider rapier + dagger a good combo for Flames of Devotion. They'd take an arquebus instead, which is weird...
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