A few tips for Wizard in PoE:
Since there is Endurance and Health (PoE-Endurance is like Health in Deadfire, PoE-Health usually only gets healed by resting), you can't rely on healing too much. While stuff like Veteran's Recovery (kind of cross-class Constant Recovery) and Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon help to stay alive during encounters it doesn't prevent health loss. If health drops too low you are going to die.
Luckily a Wizard has a very useful spell against this: Infuse with Vital Essence basically gives you back 50 health (+healing modifiers) and is especially good in the earlier game, but also useful in later, prolonged fights (solo).
Citzal's Spirit Lance does not transport any afflictions to its AoE like in Deadfire. It used to apply Runner's Wounding Shot, Envenomed Strike (poison) and Knockdown (from item) but got nerfed.
Kalakoth's Minor Blights will do an AoE splash. Every AoE hit will trigger Blast (wizard talent). If you combine this with Combusting Wounds it gets ridiculous. Since you like Combusting Wounds...
The AoE of Blast helps to proc on-hit/on-crit effects of implements (wand/scepter/rod). A rod like the Rod of Pale Shades can stun in an AoE. The soulbound scepter dominates a lot with Blast and so on.
Spells and summoned weapons don't scale (except with stats like MIG and INT of course). Chillfog is crazy good for a lvl 1 spell. So is Parasitic Staff (exceptional weapon at lvl 1 with very high base damage and draining).
Summoned Weapons have a lot more base damage than in Deadfire and also a lot more than their mundane counterparts. They are very strong.
Phantoms don't get gear like in Deadfire.
Priests' Inspiring Radiance stacks with everything and itself. So instead of bringing two Wizards (which is also good) I would rather bring two Priests. Also because Priest is one of the best nuking class on PoE from mid to high levels - because his DoTs like Shining Beacon profit from high (buffed) ACC that leads to crits (=longer duration) and the stats boosts the priest had (+MIG leads to more damage per tick, +INT to more ticks). If you want only official companions then brining Aloth as well is fine.
Wizards are also good nukers, but they excel in CC and also melee/ranged combat (just because the summoned weapons are so strong and provide a lot more oomph for a spell use than a nuke). You can summon such a weapon for the usual mob fight and use the hefty stuff for tougher encounters.
Self buffs are fine as in Deadfire. However, stacking rules are different:
Item bonuses almost never stack unless they are from weapons. So a torc of intellect and a ring of intellect will not stack and so on. On the other hand Arcane Veil stacks with everything and is a talent rather than an ability. So with Wizard's Double + Arcane Veil (+90 deflection) you are usually untouchable for some time (attacks on fortitude etc. are not influenced of course).
Tou can also get some cross-class vibes: Blunderbusses have 6 pellets instead of 4. But they are two handed. You can pick an Island Aumaua + Arms Bearer and Quick Switch (or the Coil of Resourcefulness which gives you a form of quick switch and spares you a talent), cast Combusting Wounds on a target and then fire 4x6 pellets on an enemy. If you do it with Runner's Wounding Shot usually every non-boss enemy dies from DoT. Usually several die. Bosses tend to have very high DR and that eats a lot of Combusting Wounds' damage unless you find a way to reduce DR (fighters Sundering Blow, Expose Vulnerability from Wizard - great spell by the way).
Having one melee wizard and one implement wizars usually is fun.
Official Companions are totally fine for PotD. Some people will say that custom adventurers are better but I disagree. The game is especially tough at the beginning and there the official companions have +1 level which is much more useful than a few stat points in "better" places. Later on the game has the same difficulty issues as Deadfire: it becomes easy so the advantage of a custom adventurer who catches up on XP don't really make a difference.
There's several other stuff but my kids are starting a riot...
Edit: I forgot: speed calculation is different: every additional speed bonus has increased returns in PoE unlike in Deadfire. So if you combine Alacrity (whopping 50% speed bonus, it's super good with Gauntlets of Swift Action you will be very, very fast). In PoE it's rel. easy to reach 0 recovery. Dual wieldig means -50% recovery and the style does add 20%. Combine with Alacrity and you can wear plate and still have 0 recovery.