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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. That shouldn't be the case with a Voyager. I used it many times but never had that. However, using any type of flame based cannon will result in exactly that behavior you described.
  2. Ok. The explanation of double inversion can be looked up in the pinned attack speed thread by MaxQuest for example. The math itself is not difficult once you know what to do. But you mentioned debuffs - and I thought you mean afflictions. Double inversion isn't about afflictions (just saying that to not confuse other readers who might think every maluses/debuffs goes through inversion). Inversion is about percentage based maluses (grazes, underpenetration, recovery/action speed/action time malus and so on). Those that get thrown into one pot with the positive (additive) percentage based ones that affect the same "stat". Most of those don't come with afflictions or debuffs but from grazing, wearing armor, using a modal etc. Afflictions and most debuffs in general apply a flat malus which doesn't go through inversion. Like -10 to deflection or -5 to CON and such. If they apply a percentage based maluses though (like anything that slows down your attack speed) they do indeed. That's why I was wondering what you mean.
  3. Min-maxing stats is not a trap if you know what you are doing or follow a special build idea, but it has less impact than in most other RPGs. Often a more "rounded" stat spread will work very well. But for example a ranged character in a party usually doesn't need any RES and also not that much CON - if you know how to prevent the enemies from rushing them. The "star" recommendations are only for archetypical builds. Once you know more about the mechanics and classes you can totally ignore them. I actually like the stat mechanics of PoE. Also they did a great job of allowing a plenthora of different roles and builds for every class even though there is no multiclassing.
  4. That is correct for the early game. There you don't have many tools to raise your party members' accuracy and thus PER is often the only source of bonus accuracy. You also don't have that many tools to lower enemies' defenses. Both you will get plenty of which trivializes the bonus of PER a bit once you gained more levels. Same could be said about MIG: the more other dmg bonuses you stack (Soul Whip, Biting Whip, Savage Attack, weapon enchantments like Exceptional etc.) the smaller the contribution of MIG. The "best" dps stat for a cipher might be DEX - it not only speeds up his attack animation and the recovery (which is equivalent to a multiplicative dmg improvement instad of the additive that MIG gives you) but also the casting time of his cipher powers (and the recovery from them). Ideally you have all three high of course. If you can't hit a lot during the early game you can raise PER higher and retrain later for less PER. Some players fin that cheesy but I think it's toally ok to do so. Other tricks to hit more often is to always use flanking (-10 deflection without casting anything), using a single handed weapon (gives you +12 accuracy), having a Priest with Inspiring Radiance (must have if you have a priest - stacks with everything) and all the defense debuffs you can apply (e.g. Fighter's Knockdown causes Prone which also lowers enemies deflection). If you know how to easily lower enemies defenses - for example using a single handed sabre and flanking an enemy already gives you the equivalent of +22 PER when it comes to accuracy without any cast or ability use - then hitting isn't a problem anymore. It's common though that you have problems with misses and grazes in the early game. Pretty normal.
  5. That used to be so at release - but they took the "early" brilliant inspiration away from Chanter with a patch since it was too powerful.
  6. I guess it depends where you live whether it was May 8th or May 9th?
  7. You can put the output_log.txt in a public dropbox folder and post the link to it here. Or mail it to boeroer|the|blue|orlan@gmail.com But replace the pipes with dots. I will link it here.
  8. There will be changes in TB mode. It's impossible to predict which classes and strategies will work out best and which not.
  9. Yes, that's nice. I think most players just don't use empower that often in the first place. And I also think most players still don't fully realize - or keep in mind - that any spell use that you can spend outside of combat regenerates if the fight doesn't get started. Seals are pretty cool in that regard because they stay a very long time. Players are often surprised when I write that I use spells to lure enemies away from a doorway or a crate or so. For example I use Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights for that a lot. If you cast them into a corner (and don't hit anybody) the enemies will walk to that corner and check out the noise. Your spell use will get replenished. And so on. You can chain-cast like that and lure them further away. Doesn't work on friendly NPCs though (only Sparkcrackers will get their attention it seems). So - I believe it just doesn't come to mind that seals (and the replenishable spell use in general as long as you don't start a fight with a spell) are actually very useful. Maybe because in actual combat they are not that great - or rather their biggest advantage (stays long) doesn't matter there.
  10. Paladin's Devine Retribution (PL 9) also triggers when any party summon dies (it has to get killed). That means if you have a Chanter (preferably Beckoner - Troubadour's also nice) and summon skeletons (prefreably the version that summons two additional after a skeleton's death) and then those skeletons die - every time you get Zeal for the Paladin. If the Paladin kills the skeletons himself it also works (might trigger further on-kill effects like Inspiring and Virtuous Triumph). You can combine that with a Barbarian who carries Grave Calling. The enchantment "Chillng Grave" also works on Chanter's skeletons, triggering Bloodlust, Blood Thirst and casting a foe-only Chillfog where the skeleton stood - every time you kill a skeleton. A confused Berserker will even kill them all with one strike due to friendly-fire Carnage and firendly-fire Chillfog from Chilling Grave (which counts as weapon attack and will thus trigger more Chillfogs). Berserker gets damaged by its own Chillfog then though can can one-shot himself unless you give him very high Fortitude and/or freeze DR. Basically you use your replenishable skeletons as fuel.
  11. No, the colors were just added (quick and dirty style) by me to support the corresp. element. I quickly eyeballed them. It's just for a first impression. The "correct" background will be added by Phenomenum.
  12. It's from @thelee if I'm not mistaken He mentioned it several times here.
  13. You also get some XP I think (didn't really bother to sink those "Expert Vaillian Captains" and such).
  14. Clear the Path is quite broad and very long. Comparable to Driving Roar but broader (maybe twice the size). Since it's a weapon attack it works extermely well with AoE procs. For example Karabörü... Also mortars work with it if you use a melee weapon in the offhand. Don't ask my why. But that leads to a ton of AoE attack rolls.
  15. Do you guys think that the following wildstrike icons are ok (second row: Greater Wildstrike)?
  16. I didn't try, but it should get +3. Maelstrom doesn't seem to have the freeze keyword. I tried with LD's Voulge (+3 to storms) and Deltro's Cage (+2 to shock) and those stack to +5 with Greater Maelstrom (has shock and storm keywords). Take Otto Starcat (+1 to burn), Prestige and Power Surge and you are already at a bonus of +8 PL for Great Maelstrom. You could use Magran's Favor + Sun and Moon to get to +9 I suppose.
  17. I can do that. I just thought the originals weren't that great because so much of the claw gets clipped. Also: those are always the same icons for Wildstrike, Greater Wildstrike and Wildstrike Frenzy. And since there was so little space in the original icons to expand the fire/freeze etc...
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