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Everything posted by nikolokolus

  1. The idea that tacking multi-player as an add-on for a game like this is trivial seems to pop up a lot. If it's not "baked in" to the design from the ground up it just isn't going to work ... or it isn't going to work without a complete overhaul with tons of expense and time invested. Not gonna happen regardless of EA's influence on gaming.
  2. "Superiors" I'm still trying to wrap my brain around what this means exactly? In any case, maybe fantasy RPGs aren't for you? If you're this morally conflicted about it, might I suggest a different hobby.
  3. I think some minor variations are possible at a minimal development cost if they use a tinting scheme and maybe some ability to use a few different clothing and armor combinations, but overall, this is something that doesn't really matter to me all that much.
  4. I'm intrigued by the Numenera setting, but then again I count Jack Vance's Dying Earth and Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun as some of my all time favorite books. If a game ever nailed the look and feel that those books evoke I'd be a happy camper even without the "Torment" tie-in. At this point I'd say they've got my attention, but I'll wait to hear and see more before I give it any money in a kickstarter effort.
  5. I backed the project, but I couldn't care less about some private forum. Sounds dreadful.
  6. I'm all for characters with a touch of comic relief, so from that perspective, Minsc-like character is fine, but it really shouldn't be a mentally handicapped, barbaric ranger with a pet rodent.
  7. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but there is no resurrection mechanic in this game, right? So assuming that the Player Character is somehow central to the game's plot in some fundamental way (even if that doesn't mean the "savior" archetype) having the game carry on with the central protagonist dead seems like a stretch. Sure, we all get frustrated when our main character gets whacked in Baldur's Gate and we're forced to reload our last save, but that's part of the challenge; protecting the central character at all costs so she can get to the end and deal with the big conflict should definitely be part of any game and your tactics should adjust accordingly.
  8. I don't want needlessly silly time sink elements like progress bars, but I would like some depth to the crafting system. Maybe something along the lines of the New Vegas system where new feats and higher skill opens up new recipes as you progress and then some super rare item creation recipes can be unlocked through completing quests or looting musty tomes from the depths of Od Nua. In any case, as long as it's presented in a way that doesn't add tedium (like a slow moving progress bar) I like the idea of having to collect ingredients or even being able to experiment and discover "hidden" recipes.
  9. Imagine if Luke died half-way through The Empire Strikes Back (Yoda finally got sick and tired of his whinging and choked his *&$#@ ass) and the movies just carried on ...
  10. Nice one guys. What are you going to do with that processor? Cheap AMD gaming rig, or low-cost HTPC?
  11. Herve's got great big balls of steel. Clearly he's a huge fan of PT Barnum.
  12. Correct. You are not understanding it fully. The "stash" is carried, but inaccessible during combat, i.e. all of those bits and bobs buried deep in your pack that would take fifteen minutes to pull out. The top of your pack is presumably a place to store consumables or other things that your companions can get to in a hurry during combat if you fall, etc.
  13. With a name like Project: Eternity, release date slippage is going to be met with some barbs.
  14. I look forward to playing perma-death with my companions, Lindsay Lohan, Justin Bieber, and the Twilight chic, whatshername.
  15. Definitely not enough boobage present ... Just kidding, very nicely done.
  16. Many that played BG2 will firstly remember their romances, then other companions, and only then general plot - baalspawn, etc. Majority, i dare to say. Really? Really? * shakes head * This can't be my life ... can it? Don't mind me, I'll just be over to the side rhythmically banging my head against the wall.
  17. They did ... and their case was dismissed if I recall Three cheers for a judge with an an ounce of common sense!!
  18. I love all of these armchair game developers and self appointed games publishing experts dispensing advice. It really warms my heart.
  19. I find that it's a lot easier to keep track of things the less time I spend clicking through sub-forums and the more I just use the search feature. Else, why spend all of that time and energy tagging topics? I'm sure once the game releases we'll see a few more added (technical, hints and tips, modding, etc.) but a sub-forum for discussing specific topics, like magic, is beyond overkill.
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