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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. i am wondering which other weapon will best complement modwyr when dualwielding... there are some nice swords/sabres...but can't decide which one i like the best
  2. So the issue im having with my chanter is that either enemies are so easy that i dont need any invocations or they are still easy (on potd) but invocations such as the armor debuff or paralyze would help etc... but enemies that are on or below my level are super easy so i usually fight things 1-3 levels above - and they have such high resistances that most of the time a debuff chance on an invocation even for something so simple as an armor debuff is like 0% up to 15%.... I think the difficulty really needs some tweaking....
  3. but i don't understand the ability at all - it basically means you can repeatedly empower lvl 3 invocations constantly without a break or am i seeing that wrong?
  4. Even for plant based enemies where this makes no sense I mean its kinda dumb in a game where so many weapons / abilities are built around that...i mean sure you can do that but why should i even bother with classes / abilities / weapons that focus on that... maybe im just unlucky but my last 10 battles everything had piercing and fire immunity regardless if it was a metall construct or a plant monster or a undead... its really tiresome leave your ranger at home...useless
  5. So this guy has a pretty sweet stiletto.... but i can't kill him - after he gets bloodied he just disappears in a scripted scene....is there a way later in the game to kill him or get this weapon? It also has insane enchantments...
  6. i dont really see why you shouldnt shoot the gun in melee range and hit with the sabre ...feels to me like its a bug or an oversight that it doesn't work
  7. most guides i see say you can complete sinkin feeling and then resolve it peacfully...doesn't work for me either...i still have the option to talk to the one lady ans she agrees to a meet but the valera family has no other dialogue options more regardless when i visit them but to escalate it against either family... really disappointing because i got to the negotiation point earlier in the game but decide then to do other things first and sinking feeling first... honestly timed quests in an open world rpg are just stupid especially if you don't get a clear message that you need to hurry.
  8. okay just tested it ans answered my own question, eternal devotion does not stack on itself but stack with shared flames
  9. When using several flames of devotion with deep devotion (sorry meant eternal devotion) after one another while the lash-duration is still running - do they stack? so i get +10% +10% +10% etc... or will the new bonus replacet he old one? Will deep devotion stack with shared flames?
  10. so i noticed that inspiring triumph is buffing at least some of the enemeis in the area as well... i assume that is not intended....
  11. yeah its pretty bad...they should either increase the damage or maybe turn it into an aoe i also REALLY miss the FOD passive that gave the group a speed buff
  12. if you're a multiclass you'll probably achieve ascendent faster and the +power level means you're kinda on equal footing to a normal single class (non ascendent) cipher... yes you loose out on 2 spell levels and the really good cipher spells are on the last levels.... I'd personally go multiclass and choose another class that has an accurate hard hitting ability that can generate a lot of focus fast - such as the paladin with flames of devotion (which also works ranged). My issue with single class cipher is also that outside of cipher spells they don't have any interesting abilities and it takes quite some while to get the good cipher spells so in the beginning your character most likely just "comes along" ...at least thats how i felt about serafin before respeccin him to a witch
  13. i assume power levels do not work with martial abilities/lashes? For example if i have +X to fire power leves it doesn't make my flames of devotion stronger or +X to electricity doesn't make swift strikes stronger?
  14. So i am looking to build a fury druid - probably built around lord daryn's voulge.... Does it make any sense to multi-class a fury due to how power level work? I ilke the ideao f a tempest - fury-barbarian but i don't know if that makes no sense (i walso wouldnt know which barbarian sub class to take - maybe corpse eater since furys have no heals) Alternatively a Fury-Chanter sounds also interesting...but again not sure if that makes any sense regarding power levels... Does anyone know what happens if you meet both classes with a souldbound weapon - do you have to choose which one you want to bind to?
  15. it seems when you shoot down the crew before boarding this might have a slight impact on the guys on deck (at least there are some dead lying around) but my god - especially in the beinning of the game - there are SO MANY enemies when you board a ship...its incredibly hard to win fights very early on...at the same time its incredibly easy to just sink the exact same ships...i think that needs some balance tweakin
  16. not sure i agree - if you play a melee cipher, for example an inquisitor, one FOD will most likely fill your focus which is lower anyway, so no need for draining whip
  17. Maybe they should introduce one more weapon style/focus that takes such combinations into account
  18. Is there a recommendation about what path to follow? First thing i did is sail to the main city and am now doing everything inside it has to offer...?
  19. Wondering if u loose too much cipher power if you go witch... on the other hand youre faster and the toredos items or how they are called sewm to be made for serafen
  20. Is there a general formula or rule of thump how much stronger/better abilities are per power level to get a feel of what we are talking about? Is there a general formula? or is it completly dependent on the individual skill? Are we talking like 5% better or...? I am having a hard time getting a feel for this...
  21. i assume when i start a new game - that achievements are automatically enabled again until i use the console in the new game again?
  22. almost as if its a role playing game and not a tactics game... i know CRAZY
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