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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. Where for example can i see my captain level and what is it good for anyway, or the crews level? Is ist just beneficial for scripted events? What are the character traits of crew members doing, also potentially infulencing scripted events? How can i get ridd of crew members i have in case i want to exchange them for others?
  2. So i want to try out to turn Maia into an elite sniper ghost warrior - basically sneaking up to targets and shooting them in the back with pistols.... the skill says you need to be 2m or closer to the target. Is there a way to turn on a distance indicator or any other indicator that tells me how close i am? Or do all these kind of awareness circles around npc's when you are sneaking all have the same distance (looks like 5m maybe?)?
  3. i just dont like having abilities picked for me i don't want and will never use while on the same level there are some i like - as said, its no big deal for martial classes where often you kinda have to pick those because there is nothing else there - but for chanter etc. you have lots of options...
  4. in your list you write that serafen has 2 unique blunderbusses but afaik he only has the one (the other weapon was a normal pistol....or will he get another uqnie one later on?
  5. because they all have iconic looks and i don't want to put them in other armors / outfits that look weird - for xample Xoti. Her armor looks very distinct... so does Serafin's.... Even if it's just a normal armor it would be nice to have them all upgradable...
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  6. honestly, the wirting for this quest is absolutly HORRIBLE what a wasted opportunity - they could have made a really cool story how you have to help her fight her way back into the order etc.. but the whole "quest" is so weird.... "hey get pallegine" "she's banned" "alright".... "hey pallegina you want to join" "well ok"... wut?? I also dislike that they changed her FOD and Avian abilities
  7. its a shame there aren't more great rapiers...the setting would lend itself so well for some
  8. i think one option is to go to the roof top, his bed room and then get his robe and dress as him and the imps won't recognise you and you might get the combination from them....i think ive seen this solution somewhere but for some reason it didn't work for me and they attacked me anyway..... What also works is on the same level where the vault is, in a room to the very right where there are these metal constructs and some kind of torture chamber you can get the code in there too (i think mind reading one of the dead tortured spirits)
  9. I guess most people have realised this but you can talk to npc's and move their line of sight this way, safely away from your rogue.... Besides this you wont get caught before the red circle is completly full - so you can stay out of someones attention circle, then distract him with another party member and then just move in where you want to steal and grab stuff before your circle is entirely red. You don't need a high stealth level - if have basically robbed every store blind in the main city with a stealth lvl 1 guy - you can steal some really high end and REALLY expensive gear this way (the most expensive armor ive found for example)... I am not sure if this could be considered exploity?! but the way it works i assume it is intended to be used/applied this way....
  10. It's not a big deal for most martial classes because they have hardly options - but on magic class this is really annoying... for example chanters where you're just given the most useless phrase/options.....so it would be really nice if i could actually choose which one i want...
  11. well you get 2 different auras and there are some paladin talents that lend itself much better to a damage dealer like inspired triumph that benefit the party while others lend itself better to a tank / healer...so yeah absolutly worth it for the party....
  12. ok got it....worked now...guess was to early in the morning the other times
  13. kinda confusing that you call your fanatic the inquisitor while there is an actual inqiuisitor class I wa thinking myself if retribution is actually worth it - i think it resets the stacks after every weapon attack back to 0; could you check that? At leas tthe way it is worded it seems that way, which means that in reality you will probably not get more than 2 stacks on average before your next attack...so the benefit might be a bit limited.
  14. kinda off topic lol but if you wanna side with them...don't do stuff against them . even if i resolve quests in their favor i don't get positive reputation.... and they just challenge me to fights all the time, what am i supposed to do? not choose the "punch him" option in conversations??
  15. for some reason i never seem to be able to gain favor with the principi pirates - even when doing quests for them, its always neutral... or negativ when doing stuff against them
  16. Hes not there for me regardless of time thats my issue
  17. So i solved this quest and it says i need to go back to Tawenu - but where is he???
  18. my only complaint would be that i'd really liked a character voice in the same dialect....
  19. It would be really nice to have an option where you can essentially right jump into character creation and not have to go through the lengthy intro sequence which gets a bit tiresome if you restart / try out things, replay a lot...
  20. I am wondering if it would make more sense to use a trickster + either a plain mage or an enchanter (depending on which spells you get on trickster) or an assassin + and illusionist... Illusionist has a really nice passive
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