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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. honesetly, i think that after playing a bit and trying stuff out that perception and dexterity are really important for strikers - especially perception....so really any DPS profits from it...the game does a bit a poor job explaining it because its for nearly no class a recommended skill....even with high perception you miss quite a lot. And for some reason i seeme to miss with 2 handed weapons way more than with others - even on characters that have much more perception than others
  2. There is a unique morning star you can find "saru-sichr" in the main city - but its property is doing 0 poison damage over 0 seconds...is that broken?
  3. I dont get it - it doesnt get me an option to eat any of the food in my inventory, i can also not double click it or drag it somewhere or do anything with it outside of using it for ship supply....?
  4. So i have no reputation / beef with the valiant trading company...but they attack me as soon as they see me is that normal? does it have to do with the colors im flying on my ship?
  5. grape shot should damage crew and chain shot should damage sails - but when i use them the opposite happens...so grape shot damages sails and chain shot damages the crew...seems to be a bug...anyone else noticed?
  6. whats the chance they might fix it for tuesday? probably lowish.... achievements are kinda nice due to beraths blessings....altough they are not necessary might make a new playthrough a bit faster / more interesting in the beginning
  7. what is checked the most is insight, diplomacy, intimidate and bluff.... so a cipher or cipher + something aristocrat might work well
  8. is the stacking a persistent bonus until combat ends or does it reset after every attack from you?
  9. im a bit scared to start potd cause i cant change it later...now its easy but what if they jack up the difficulty by 200% or something lol
  10. is there a way to change the sub-classes of your companions? (to change for example from the generic classes to specialized ones)....?
  11. I heard there is a ptach coming on tuesday, anyone knows what it will contain?
  12. 100% agreed. Tbh, if you wanna have fun with Cipher in any kind of melee build - doesn't really matter if single,- or multiclass - I think the best advice to give is to just skip the Subclass. I feel that all of the Subclasses except Beguiler, which isn't exactly great for a melee build, simply limit your playstyle way too much. Yes, SA can hit for ridiculous amounts but it's also simply sleep-inducing to play while the Ascended mechanic is way too gimmicky. Good overall testing though, thanks for the effort o/ yes a soulblade makes you a bit of a one trick pony....but a lot of melee classes are and it doesn't make a lot of sense to have a melee cipher who predominantly casts cipher spells because the recovery time is way too high
  13. depends if you want to play a melee cipher or a ranged for a melee cipher i think biting whip, the passive that gives weapon penetration, body attunement and borrowed instincts... for a "wizard" cipher all the dominate/charm skills are incredibly useful - whispers of treason is lvl 1 and amazing, ring leader is great.... the damage spells - amplified wave, disintegration, mind lance, and maybe mind blades
  14. but if you multiclass you cant take the ability its lvl 8?
  15. imo what would work well is anything with devoted in it focussed around criting.... i have started an orlan devoted soulblade that has like 80% hit to crit conversion....monk or barbarian would probably work well as second class too
  16. If a passive says "with weapon attacks" etc. - for example "hammering thoughts" from cipher - i assume monk fists are classified as weapons?
  17. i'd go dual-wielding goldpact-soul blade with high might, intelligence, some dexterity and perception focus on sworn rival + flames of devotion + soul annihilation and good passives
  18. barbarian-paladin is fun (berserker + goldpact) or a cipher-paladin but take ascendent and ranged-flames of devotoin build i also like orlan devoted-cipher focusing on crits but fighter is not in your list i also often hear stalker-paladin for the defense bonus you already have played through the whole game 5 times? thats crazy
  19. if you want to be a spell caster its probably worth while to go with a ranged weapon that hits hard like a blunderbuss or a arquebus and with a soulblade melee and focus maybe more on the cipher passives and the buffs - like the +penetration and borrowed instincts... sworn rival is nice cause it refunds the cost...so that you can hopefull repeat the cycle of sworn rival -> flames of devotion -> soul annihilation i think ascendant + arquebus + pally could be interesting.... for a melee build, i tried around a bit and think devoted + soul blade is a bit better for pure melee as long as you can commit to a weapon
  20. im kinda surprised there arent more rapiers and guns, seem to be weapons that would fit the pirate setting nicely
  21. are all the boni you get additive now or some still multiplicative (as long as they stack)? Thinking of maybe trying out a one-handed orlan psyblade -> with the oraln passive, disciplined strikes and one handed style that would mean that you get an additional 80% hit to crit ratio? And if you go battle axes you get a 45% bonus to crit damage right from the start....unfortunatly there seem not to be many unique axes...
  22. new computer might not help - i have a high end pc with gtx 1080 and my game crashes about every 5 minutes regardless of what i do so....
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