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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. the one thing i dont like about devoted and monk is that you might miss out on a lot of cool weapons...and i hate nothing more than finding a super cool weaon and not being able to use it / adapt my playstile for it
  2. honestly i wanted to go goldpact-troubadour for a suppoert-tank...which would work fine, at the same time youre probably not doing a lot of damage... right now im really unsure... berserker-paladin sounds really interesting and like it could do a lot of damage...really torn
  3. i was surely going to go paladin-chanter... now suddenly barbarian-paladin seems kinda interesting DAMN IT choices! so short before release (
  4. Thanks for this, it does sound like it'd be really fun, actually. I don't mind low stats so much if they aren't used for conversations any more. I'm sure I read somewhere that stats don't matter for that anymore and it's all from the skills, is this true? Pretty sure this is not true someone else wrote that things that got checked most so far were strength, intellect, resolve but also the skill insight...cant remember which thread tough
  5. Paladin for mental fortress? There is another thread about it...seems interesting
  6. I wanted to be a goldpact troubadour but have to think about it...this combo sounds cool and thematically sound
  7. https://wallpapersite.com/games/pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-4k-8k-6025.html my god that wallpaper... i downloaded it on my 4k tv and WOW that is so sharp and the colors pop so much i had to post it...looks amazing!
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  8. goldpact ability and aura do not stack? why the hell is that? that super sucks and makes the ability a LOT less appealing? are you sure about this
  9. but that is the problem - nervring something because of one op combo making other combos to weak in the process
  10. so a lot of nerving seems to be going on...i see a similar problem that is appearing with multi classing now that i see often in mmo's - ESO that i am playing for example where you can freely "mix and match" skills etc... What happens is basically that devs nerv based on the most powerful combination possible - so they look at the strongest combos/synergies and then nerv them so that these op combos are no longer op but just ok...but that usually means unfortunatly that all other combos that included these classes/skills that werent op before the nerving are now sub-par.... this leads to forcing people into cookie cutter / meta builds because everything else is garbage It's the exact same thing that happens in ESO.... and i am afraid this might happen too in POE to a certain extent because it is so difficult to balance such a system - unless you nerve synergies as a whole rather than the skills/classes used to create the synergy. So imo you should rather nerve the "whole puzzle" rather than the "puzzle pieces" to prevent this... its less of an issue because it is a single player game and as such not competitive...but still... or am i seeing this completly wrong?
  11. leaning towards wayfarer or goldpact knight and a troubadour as kind of a leader/tank heart of the party which hopefully will open up other part spots more freely so i can use the "cool" companions rather than the most efficient ones and at the same time have a lot of conversation options but a devouted - soulblade and a barbarian-shattered pillar or barbarian-skald are also still in the ranks
  12. thats what i meant, you need 4 ability points if you want to have the T2 verisons of all 3 - in case they are not mutually exclusive could be interesting being a paladin-chanter + pallegina + the druid-chanter so you get 2 chanters and 2 paladin...lots of passive bonus
  13. so T1 you get them all but for T2 you have to choose one specific and dont get all 3...
  14. so i assume if you have 2 paladins you can run 2 auras at the same time - but i also assume that the same type of auras do not stack? But my real stupid question is - do you have to choose ONE of the auras - and thats it, or do you get ALL of the auras and can choose on the fly which one you want to use?
  15. im especially interested in the druid/chanter - since he has 2 sub-specializations, if they syngergize well or rather take a single class etc...this will influence if i want to play a pure paladin or paladin/chanter
  16. ...what classes seem more / less appealing for multi classing? ...what classes seem to have great synergies? I think barbarian and monk are looking pretty strong - as a standalone or in combination for a crit focused build Paladin has lost some appeal unfortunatly through some nerves that seem to strong to me
  17. After seing the higher level skills - which multi-class combos seem to have the best synergies? to me it seems monk-barbarian is a good combo built around criting.... what else?
  18. seems a monk-barbarian combo could be really nice....hmmm maybe have to reconsider my choices
  19. Well thats the point....people who know and want the game will not watch not to spoil and people that dont know might get interested....his stream will most likely pull in 10-15k viewers as he normally does and hes a huge fan from the first game...that is great exposure
  20. So just fyi apparently CohhCarnage gets early access and will stream the game on twitch in case you are interested....he said he will be the only twitch stream receiving early access. Of course it would be nice if all backer would receive early access this weekend....since tuesday is just the dumbest release day...us old working folk could play all weekend but will probably have to wait another week next week I thought i post the info here quickly in case anyone is interested...but of course watching will mean spoilers - he will play tough on the hardest difficulty so not sure how far he will get - he finished POE1 just yesterday.
  21. Guess you're in a for a surprise then... why? AFAIK aloth and eder and palegina have all neither special sub classes nor access to the normal ones...only the new companions do - which i like...but it heavily disincentivizes me to use them
  22. i really wish companions either had all their unique specializations or would allow for sub-classes..... unique specializations are just more interesting and aloths split personality could make for a great one...
  23. Baldurs Gate 2, Lilarcor naa was not bg2 was another one Enserric, from Hordes of the Underdark? don't even know that... i can't remember, maybe one of the original divinity games when it was still a top down action rpg?
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