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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. Based on my observation in the final release Inspiring Triumph doesn't affect the paladin, only his allies. Still a great ability though, especially for my Fanatic who tends to gib enemies quite often. thanks, kinda of a shame tough...makes the decision between inspiring defense and triumph much harder tough...otherwise it would be an easy pick
  2. i have the same issue - CONSTANT crashes for no reasons, even if nothing happens on the screen...very tiresome ryzen 1600, gtx 1080ti, win10, 4k resolution unfortunatly the game is unplayable for me....and even the small portion i could play was riddled with bugs... very disappointing
  3. is that just me? But for some reason the came CONSTANTLY crashes in all kinds of situations - even if nothing happens at all.... i use win10, gtx 1080 ti and ryzen 1600 , 4k resolution on tv, full screen... (steam version)? I am sorry but this game while maybe great is a complete broken mess for me - character become partially invisible or completly disappear constantly or become clones of one another and the game crashes every 10 minutes... well guess im waiting for patches
  4. So when i get ability points for each class on level up - can i for example spend the points from one class on the other class? For example i level up and i spend ability points from class 1 + 2 on class 1 abilities or do you have to spend the points within each class?
  5. maybe if you have time you could look at the questions in my topic about paladin abilities you seem to have experience on them? just in case... ) thx! by the way, greater lay on hand seems great but the recovery is soooo long and the beacon ability seems to have such a short duration...
  6. unfortunatly the tool tip is so vague, maybe someone knows this - Is the bonus from "deep" faith additive to faith or just un upgrade from 8 to 10? - is the defense bonus from inspiring triumph also added to the paladin or only his allies but not him? - is the bonus damage from swornd enemy 20%? Is there also an additional accuracy bonus as in POE1? - inspired defense removes any other bonus from inspired defense bonuses - is simply meant that the armor rating is replaced by a newer version of itself every 3 seconds or does this also refer to inspired triumph since its also an "inspired" skill? If anyone knows maybe the answer, that would be fantastic! Thank you
  7. Well if you want abit more survivability for your melee paladin is great. +21 to all defenses (deep faith) and +12 aoe to all defenses when kill smth. Make you abel to be alot more offensive with your other chars and donĀ“t have to babysit your fragile melee (monk/soul). Monk/soul got good hp sure...but cipher give no more defenseives to speak off and monk can sacrifice offensive abilitys for defensive but then your simply making a worse paladin. Sure you coud make a reatch build (pike/quarterstaff) but you still have to babysit him qute abit. do the bonuses from faith and deep faith stack? so its not from 8 to 10 upgrade but 8+10? And is the paladin affected by the defense bonuses when he kills something because someone wrote only his allies are?
  8. daaam that sucks....and ruins my build idea...can anyone confirm this is still true? the tooltips are really horrible
  9. wondering if fighter-rogue or wizard-rogue makes for a better combo (e.g. eder or aloth)
  10. If an ability affects "allies" for example a paladin ability - i assume it affects the paladin as well? For example inspiring triumph?
  11. even when you use pre-defined histories this bug seems to remain... (unless you DONT have to forge the blade in POE1 to get it in Deadfire?)
  12. the bug seems to be consistent even when you choose one of the pre-defined histories...so you only get the blade when you import a safe...that sucks.... can you console command it?
  13. i assume the blade was forged if you choose any one of the pre-defined histories?
  14. erm my game still says + penetration for - deflection... am i missing something?
  15. can someone maybe link/post the exact numbers? sabre seem kinda getting a lot of love - already in poe1...also their modal seems good compared to swords...the deflection malus seems really large for the bonus you get but still, maybe you go devoted with greatsword and then you find the sword or sabre that would perfectly fit your build...still 1:3 chance we also don't know yet if all the uniques are really useable weapons or maybe rather story pieces...and as a "story unique weapon" swords and sabres seem the logical choice
  16. Some abilities only have descriptions but do not show the exact bonus / malus... for example paladin sworn enemy -> the enemy is marked... is "marked" an official affliction? Is the bonus the same as in pillars of eternity 1 - +20% damage +15 accuracy?
  17. so do you need to box now or not? I wonder if this swords ability could potentially trigger and endless number of mob stance activations on kill
  18. i also read that since it hits the main target twice if applies flames of devotion twice...that seems interesting...but i assume it doesnt apply flames of devotion on the AOE? ps: even in a spoiler forum i might try to avoid putting spoilers in the title but thats just me
  19. it applies flames of devotion twice like dual wielding? that seems really interesting...i guess that is intended...? does it also apply flames of devotion to the AOE hit? hmmmm
  20. i think ancient melody + myth fyr and shared flames + zealous endurance are probably the greatest "standard combos" im wondering regarding shield bearer vs kind wayfarer - the +1 engagement is nice and i like the dispositions better - the greater lay on hands in theory is fantastic and so is the no death - unfortunatly the recovery is nearly 5 seconds and the no death is also only 5 seconds...so im not sure if its that worth it? What are your experiences? also wondering about stats...i would have taken similar stats to you but due to the consitution advice i might go with 16 might / int / resolve so you have duration/range/healing/defense
  21. found this link somewhere on reddit - dunno if it's still correct but was exactly looking for this so maybe helpful to you too https://i.imgur.com/Vvv3daP.png
  22. Since afaik - you cant look at the unique specializations in detail for companions before choosing them... can maybe someone post some comments about them...what they focus on, what you think about them etc... This might be really helpful for people in choosing what route they want to take - of course you don't have to post the detailed unique skills - just a thread where we collect people's thoughts on the uniqe specialization of Xoti Serafen Maia Pallegina (in case anything has changed on her unique order) Tekehu much appreciated cheers
  23. what about dialogue options? Do might / intellect / resolve get the most checks so far or is it all over the place? Cause this would lend itself to a Paladin tank kinda. Does it even check on the main character or can you choose who the check gets?
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