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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. I thought the point was to predominantly use only soul annihilation and passives or buffs from cipher when using this combo with soul blade and invest mostly in pally skills...unless you make some kind of ascendent mage build
  2. Will she get the respective bonus depending on her order or always keep the fire shots
  3. is dualwielding still that much better than 2h? the greatsword modal could be interesting....+50% damage is quite significant
  4. i wonder if the complete self is also triggered from soul annihilation - e.g. if it is also considered a cipher "spell"
  5. one interesting question tough - is my assumption correct gilded emnity only works against ONE enemy - so it only overrides the zealous endurance armor buff against that ONE enemiy - but you get the armor buff against any other enemiy not affected by gilded emnity?
  6. that means if you turn that on in the beginning of the game also companions you encounter later in the game will therefore start at level 1? thats good
  7. Can you reassign or level companions from lvl 1 onwards and completly decide on how you want to build them - or will they already have points spent at the level you get them - irreversibly?
  8. i guess it depends on the combination - i am debating this myself... i am deciding between a paladin-cipher and a paladin-chanter for the cipher i think the combo of gilded eminity + focus aura is useful because you are really a 1v1 kinda character that downs foes and powers up the attack for the next foe this way - so basically you are a single target striker for the chanter where you have more a support-tank role i think a kind wayfarer + zealous endourance + ancient meldoy can be nice for lots of heals to the group
  9. how would you set up the attributes? focus on might, dex, int and some points into perception? Maybe Might 16, Dex 15, Per 12, Int 15? looking at things like sworn rival + gilded eminty flames of devotion + upgrade inspiring triumph virtous triumph retribution.... echoing horror ...i see some nice synergies even things like FOD, scion of flame, eternal devotion, brand enemy might work well in combination with soul ignition from cipher maybe for a fire based ascendant am i right assuming that for example borrowed instinct and zealous focus / exalted focus will not stack? since both are active abilities and gilded eminity doesn't seem to stack with zealous endurance
  10. I'm a bit biased because of the original penetration system in beta, which is why I stick to weapons with at least two damage types. But even with a less harsh penetration system there are still immunities to contend with so a weapon with two damage types still doesn't seem like a bad idea to me. Without knowing what kind of weapons I'll find in game my first choice is dual wielding longswords. to me these modal that give you -15 deflection for +2 penetration seem like a really harsh trade off but maybe thats just me
  11. which weapons do most people choose for devoted? kinda interesting that people aren't afraid to be locked into one weapon class...but i guess most people will take sabres or greatswords
  12. Soulblade/Devoted, double penetration bonus, Conquerer stance + Borrowed Instinct = high acc + high deflection, Cleave generate focus -> focus for Soul Annihilation -> SA causes more Cleave. Also quite tanky in late game due to fighter abilities and good motility due to Charge. Ascendant/Goldpact, open fight with FoD to get max focus, and get buffed by Eternal Flame because the lash applies to Spells. Also Sworn Enemy increase spell damage. Light armor + Gilded Enmity can make sure you are sturdy, also make u cast faster than wearing heavy armor. Mind blades is pretty strong in this setup. Soulblade/Assassin, backstab to generate focus, then use SA, but is too fragile so I don't recommend. Beguiler/Ranger, good because you can cause flank easily with pet, which synergy good with Beguiler. Also ranger has Mark + Stalkers Link that offer u +20 accuracy, this affect spells too so your CC will rarely miss. Cipher/Monk I haven't tried but should also work because monk has the best autoattacks now, combo with cipher to get soulwhip would be great. i assume for a devoted you'd go dualwielding sabres? I am just really unsure to lock myself into a specific weapon...and then find a nice soulbound weapon from a different class lol what attribute allocation would you take? i'd think might / dexterity / intelligence at 16, rest at 10....? or maybe int 14 and perc at 12
  13. What is your opinion on preferred weapon proficiencies depending on role (melee striker / ranged striker, tank etc.)? The immediate choice for a striker seems to be dual sabres? Any more reason to go 2h than in the first game? What are your thoughts about the weapons? There doesn't seem to be much change from the first game with regards to sabres for striker and hatchet/spear for tanks? Anoter thing im thinking about - for a tankish character if daggers might be worth it over shiels...dual wielding with for example a sabre and a dagger or two daggers over a shield...the modal seems kinda nice
  14. still not released for me on steam (central europe)
  15. Hey, just saw this while lurking so I'm gonna hijack it a bit. What do you think about a Soulblade/Paladin combo? Probably not going with Bleak Walker if I do because of dispositions. Goldpact / soulblade seems like a nice combo to focus one target after the other down with hard hits and get ressources back
  16. Seems quite a lot for a pretty game but no 3d monster...is that from all the voice files?
  17. What's the benefit of a Paladin + Cipher vs something like a Soldier + Cipher. I'm thinking the latter has more stuns and the former has more buffs? I'm juggling between the two at the moment and not sure which will be suitable for me. Eventually I want something with okay defence but which one does the most damage? or is the difference negligible. Well high defense, focus on one enemy, hard hitting attacks and both cipher and paladin get ressources back when they kill an enemy...devoted might be even better but then youre locked into 1 weapon and i disslike that
  18. I think inquisitor makes for a very nice single target synergy striker that is very efficient against single targets and very ressource friendly with sworn rival - FOD - soul annihilation ; rinse and repeat.... and herald offers tankiness healing and support as well as a lot of flexibility.... hmmmmmmmm
  19. I feel like the whole needing to use fists as monk thing is overstated. Its true that fists can be very strong from an accuracy and damage standpoint, but there are plenty of weapon effects/enchants that can make them worthwhile to use. You can also put a weapon in offhand and fist in mainhand, and still get the benefits of transcendent suffering for MH. In the first game, i really enjoyed having at least 1 draining weapon on my monk, as it provided them with a good chunk of self sustain with the healing. And with high end enchants on weapons and other special abilities on them, the slight loss in raw damage/accuracy can often be negligible. Thats not to say fists can't be great too, but I wouldn't entirely discount using weapons on monks. As for your question, I'd say a lot of it depends on what you want to do for the character and how you intend to build your group. chanter/paladin has a lot of potential as a tank, as a support char, as a summoner, as a healer/buffer. There are a lot of ways you can build it. If you want a tank or support char, i'd say that option is your best choice, where as berserker or soul blade multi with paladin is going to be more of a striker type char that also offers some utility with paladin skills, depending how you want to spend your points. You're likely going to want one relatively tanky character in your group, so you may want to consider which NPCs you want or if you're going to use hirelings or how you plan to round out your group. True i know i take the cipher, druid and priest/monk but that will leave a spot open to either take aloth or eder depending on needs....
  20. so i have a hard time deciding on what i want to pair my goldpact knight with; my initial thought was: a) a troubadour (probably 1h + shield?) + lots of synergies as a buff-tank + lots of passives, buffs, support, heal etc. + synergies on attributes and focus on might/intellect/resolve will probably work well in conversations + some synergies in skills - seems good from an rpg perspective but will probably not do a lot of damage b) a soulblade (probably 2h?) + seems more fun/active than a pure buff-bot + the combination of soul annihilation and flames of devotion cycles seems like a strong combo + especially because paladin + soulblades both get ressources back for killing enemies so you can become a perpetuum mobile + ciphers might get some uniqe conversation options - they did get so in the first game - more of selfish build, not that much group support and maybe worse for rpg / conversations c) a berserker (probably dual wield?) + seems more fun / active than a pure buff-bot + paladin can negate the major negative from berserkers with mental fortress + lots of nice synergies with the defense of the paladin and the speed/offense of the berserker - same as above, more selfish, less group support, less rpg - might be a bit more annoying until you get mental fortress - barbarian and paladin both have quite a lot of skills you'd want so you might get stretched a bit thin and focus mainly on passive skills hmmm having a really hard time to decide ps: why no monk or devoted in the combo - i hate being locked down into one weapon
  21. i assume since both are active abilities you cant use FOD and Soul Annihilation at the same time? man i have to decide between a goldpact-berserker and a goldpact-soulblade (or a herald) both seem really interesting
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