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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. the question is just when you're building around back stabbing predominantly and not around utilizing your pet - why do you want to be a ranger in the first place and not just rather go rogue, or rogue wizard or something
  2. i am not sure if i like marked for the hunt much to be honest....because when fighting a lot of enemies the mark can appear anywhere, but i usually want to exactly select which target to attack and which target the pet attacks... the pet might also have to run around a lot...so i am not sure its worth it Also remember that for aeterial strike the target has to move for the dot - but if your pet engages the target it wont move a lot... The eye gouge also says the dot lasts until combat ends...that seems pretty great to be honest, no need to reapply
  3. It says you cannot change this selection - can you maybe do it through the console? Or only by adding / removing individual abilities?
  4. The rogue blinding strike upgrade seems neat because it does dot and allows for sneak attack so both pet upgrades should work? +80% dam
  5. Ps: i like when you basically make any advance on pallegina shes like nope never gonna happend....
  6. Id probably exchange maia for aloth or xoti (mechanicly shes week, maybe she works better as geomancer) but as someone has mentionned pallegina (still said her return was so badly written), tekehu, serafen and maia all represent one of the 4 major factions in the game....while i love aloth and eder they both feel a bit misplaced. Xoti is interesting...if only i could take 6 characters
  7. I find only cats and dogs - where are the parrots and monkeys?
  8. Depends what u mean by ranged dps? Like a sniper with weapons? Definatly maia...she has a huge range...but no aoe capabilities.... if u want aoe nukers take aloth and tekehu.... i just had a fight where i was literaly swarmed by 20-30 enemies and these are the harder fights and maia is pretty useless here...
  9. i mean reselect if they are a single class or which multi class, and which multiclass - i am not aware you can do that. I think thats not a great design decision because of course it will take some time to figure out how things work, what you like, dislike etc... i am not necessarily unhappy with the choice but would like to try something else.
  10. i think it would be nice if we could also re-select the initial class choice for the companion when we reset their skills...it usually takes a few levels to see if something works out or not....
  11. Is it just me or are a lot of areas incredibly dark?
  12. I assume regardless of endind she always gets the same abilities? Man her special passives and the fod speed boost was so much better in POE1
  13. What bothers me is that whole intro storyline is unbelievably lazy and bad writing....and then she just shows up at VTC and just joins....they either just couldnt bother or run out of time
  14. I think rogue has some nice additions....the eye gouge applies sneak and dot which is nice for the pet
  15. Psyblade is stronger but has less group utility.... i tried an orlan 1h psyblade with 80-90% hit to crit for a while....was very reliable
  16. On a lot of cipher skills the penetration value seems to be missing Silent scream seems kinda underwhelming for the amount it costs and disintegration is kinda a better version of soul ignition
  17. Its just bad design in my view that u have to actively read click on the items for them to be counted as 'read'...pretty sure i havent read the 3rd tablet either actively because there is no need to complete the quest for the priest which u encounter first
  18. anyclass with a ranged weapon can do that But the ranger and companion are better at it
  19. Which talents and spells do you pick for Serafin or another ranged cipher that is part of the group? There is a cipher talent that increases spell penetration - does this apply to all spells outside of raw damage (because some spells don't have penetration values for example soul shock or soul ignition while mind blade / mind lance do?) Which spells do you think are useful? Deciding also between mind blades and soul shock as a spammable.... mind blades does less damage but the range/jump is really nice...in a lot of fights enemies seem to be scattered all over the place a lot of times.... I am also wondering if its worth taking things like silent scream or mental binding in addition to whispers of treason - because you can just whisper of treason everything and its basically "stunned/paralyzed" as well....(unless it has specific charmed resistances) Pain link and borrowed instincts seem the best buffs... any other tips / thoughts?
  20. i have a question to this as well - some abilities show a penetration value while others do not (often spells with magic damage do not show a penetration value)....do only weapons work through the penetration mechanics?
  21. what is the console command to switch from veteran to path of the damned and vice verca? is it the same as pillars 1 - difficulty 3 = path of the damned?
  22. Ranger has only 1 function imo - take out / interrupt mages and priests....great for that and alpha strikes....bad for everything else
  23. It would be kinda nice if it was possible to switch party members on the fly for conversations and if you could move to another map area without having to go to an exit every time.... when moving inside a bigger city / zone, having to run back and forth all the time to gather party members for specific dialogues / quests can get a bit tiresome....just a small improvement
  24. Is there a difference if factions (dis)like me? Like access/no access to quests or such and on what level of reputation will you start noticing a difference?
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