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Everything posted by Nemesis7884

  1. So flames of devotion heal allies - what does that mean? The ability heals INSTEAD of doing damage at all or ADDITIONALLY... and how does the heal work? It heal when i target an ally with it? Or it heals allies close by when i damage an enemy with it? or like an aura?
  2. do the kind wayfarer flames of devotion heal in addition to doing damage to enemies or instead of it? I really like goldpact knights - but no aura ( What im thinkin about is going either something like devoted-skald with dualwielding, higher perception etc.. or what might be nice the heart of the party with a kind wayfarer and a troubador - should be very supportive, versatile, tanky - with high int, might and resolve
  3. hmmm barbarian, priest and monk sound interesting - i also like a playthrough with a smaller party, cause 6 for me is a bit chaotic tbh... i might go to white march as soon as i can to get those companions (i think the barbarian you cant get immiedialty?)... i always wanted to play again with a dwarf I think a moon godlike or a nature one might also work with your build
  4. I am currently finishing my parallel playthroughs of a mostly ranged cipher and a 2h-healer-paladin... what would you consider is another or "most" fun class regarding its mechanics that one should definately try and that is maybe also underrepresented in the game? Maybe a rogue? or a Monk? or a specific sub-class build? A melee wizard?
  5. i personally think i kinda like mind blades better than soul shock cause its more versatile regarding positioning... i dunno, amplified thrust im also a bit undecided cause for single target spells i always simply used a paralayze or the silent scream which i think is quite nice for big baddies surrounded by smaller adds
  6. im pretty sure chanter's spirit thing is supposed to scale and read it somewhere in the patch notes? Deep faith i think is an okayish buth for what you get...maybe it could be a bit stronger to make it worthwile - right now its one of those talents you taken "when nothing else" is interesting... I fully agree on the brilliant radiance - there is just no reaseon to take it over the inspiring radiance... brilliant radiance should be stronger to make it worthwile... i say it should start with something like 15-20 fire damage and should scale with lvl (or disposition or probably both - for example by giving additional effects with increasing disposition or burn dots). The other radiance thing should probably be reworked as well...its a nice idea but i dont see its use...maybe change it to a +focus +attack speed +dr....that would work better towards either spellcasting or melee combat....?
  7. to be honest i think a paladin in this game fits a lot better to what you want.... but you could alo play a tanky party buffer as others have stated... for example i am having durance in higher end medium armor, sword and shield and hes buffing and healing and tanking and throwing a lot of fire spells at the enemies (since i have 3 items that give me 3 fire spells each + the ones from the priests repertoire). What could potentially work very nice is a moongodlike weapon + shield tanky/buffy priest....maybe eothas or magran... there are some very nice flails in the game. As others have stated - high res/pers gives you other dialgoue options - but in 99% of the cases these have 0 consequences....
  8. not sure about the "overexposing issue" if the next installment comes 2 or 3 years after the first... i think we can talk about overexposing once we reach call of duty levels... If they want to stay a crowdfunded title do you think they will opt for another kickstarter campaign? Im pretty sure they would have 0 problems reaching their goal... They did go another route with tyranny tough.
  9. the sinister male voice is absolutly hillarious - i think matthew mercers voices are by far the best!
  10. true...some companions story just feld realy not relevant at all and resolved kinda quickly
  11. google for pillars of eternity steam guide 2.0 - its not super new but i think its mostly still quite accurate - i think the same guy has also a youtube channel with guides - alternatively look for Pillars of Eternity: White March 2.0 from nerd commando game studios - these are pretty good guides imo.
  12. Never understood the hate for lvl scaling - i LIKE it, especially in a tactical rpg. It makes every fight interesting and as hard as its supposed to be. Without it, you will have 20% of the fights way too hard and 50% way too easy cause youre over or underleveled. Its something different for different type of game structures.... of course with a game like poe which os more linear and you can guide the player more through quests its less relevant....
  13. - smaller party size (i think 4 is optimal) - more encounter and less per rest - more variability in the possible builds of each class - accuracy not being so over-dominant / combat defining vs all other stats - a simpler to understand system of what effects are stacking and which arent - i think this is really complicated with pillars
  14. so that means as soon as i miss it stopps jumping further therefore? Cause the spell description doesnt mention this
  15. nevermind i found a topic about it - it seems not to be possible with the console and only with quite some changes in the assets themselves
  16. I can "shoot" the spell at an enemy, but in 90% of the cases it doesnt seem to jump to anyone further and just hits the one enemy...is there any condition for a jump to occur? thanks!
  17. I just realised that altough you can change your party members attributes with the console command AttributeScore Companion Attribute Value - but it seems to revert back to the original value once a turn passes (i assume this is the trigger)... Is there any way to change them permamently? I want to slighly modify Palleginas Attributes cause they are quite horrible....
  18. I got the red weed wand (wand) and nidhen's finger (amulet) - both should contain bound spells for usage...but i do not get access to these spells (they dont appear as ability anywhere / the respective icon) - nor in or outside the combat...the other items with bound spells work as expected. Do this have certain prerequisits or anything?
  19. i can see the point for that - kana/chanter is kinda like an alternative paladin and you dont really have other stuff to give him except the chanter unique stuff and maybe w&s and cautious attack I think ruffian makes the most sense because you get the blunderbuss for softer targets, pistol for harder targets and you get sabres which hit heavy enough to not use vulnerable attack no? Soldier with pike is another option and i wouldnt need to get that close to the enemy but im slow... several characters also use soldier and i'd like to spread weapon focus a bit. penetrating shot i thought could also be interesting if it is applied to (some of) the cipher powers... thats why i switched from soulshock to mind blades... amplified thrust im not sure - you can just use mental binding for single enemies, dont see the benefit (especially because for some reason A LOT of enemies imune to charming effects are also immune or very resistant to piercing damage). I guess i could still reasonably fast dualwield even without the 2 weapon talent and would gain a lot defense with the W&S talent... i could also use items or the small shield that gives retaliatory damage. Is it possible that greater focus talent was changed? Cause unless i am completly wrong it just gave me flat +10 focus to start the battle with... thanks guys for your ideas, appreciate it.
  20. doesnt the paladin aura also supress the focus? nobody seems to care about greater focus? is it cause the extra 10 focus become pointless later one? at lvl 7-8 i still find it quite useful....
  21. makes a lot of sense thx! i also just realised that "greater focus" not only improves your max focus but it just gives you 10 focus more to start the battle with... so now i just hit lvl 8 and i got biting + draining whip so far, greater focus and now penetrating shot...next i will take weapon focus and then ill see where i go from there )
  22. i was thinking along the same line...ruffian covers both areas, i could use pistols so i dont need penetrating shot and take 2 weapon fighting or take the shock approach what im wondering if i should skill into dexterity or noth bother about it
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