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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. She doesn't even make sense there. L0L
  2. "When KOTOR was a huge success," No more than the BGs or NWN. "NWN graphics was a massive downgrade compared to previous IE games." No.
  3. "It astounds me, however, that the people saying it was only removed because of shrill SJW whining are the ones generating thread after thread about it (seriously, you should have seen the Steam forums two days ago), and hijacking other threads to cry about it." Not surprising that at all. Most of the SJWs whining about it don't even post on this forum or play Obsidian games so of course they don't make multiple threads. Also, they also WON. On to the next thing to complain about. L0L
  4. "what are you up to that makes you so afraid of being spyed upon lol" Watching your mom do stuff. yeah, I went THERE,
  5. "SJWs are wrong because they confuse inequality with inequity" - \No. SJWs are wrong because they are hateful, meanspirited, bullies, nasty, nazis, who hate people becuase of their skin colour and their sexual organ (all stuff that can't be chosen) who also attack, harass, maime, and threaten those they pretend to fight for. But, SJWs aren't for equality. They're about power, control, and slavery. AKA They are worse than nazis and ISIS combined. )
  6. Quite frankly, in a real RPG, these npcs would choose ALL their abiltiies for themselves. But, since it is a 6 headed monster c'est la vie. Of course, it's fun to choose abilities but it hurts the role-playing.
  7. "Fire sword on fire elemental? It's going to take the iron anyway." Nobody has suggested otherwise.
  8. So, NOW the BIO forums actually matter to Obsidianites? L0LZ
  9. "I think the pro-prebuffing crowd just refuses to see that even if the duration of the buffs isn't made longer, combat pre-buffing would completely throw the challenge (the little there is already to be fair) into the dirt, especially so in endgame. Combats are already rather trivial after level 6-7 even in Path of the Damned diffiulty, where you spend your 2-3 first combat "rounds" juggling between finding a good position for your frontline, a safe position for your healer/ranged DPS, and squeezing in the casts of Consecrated Ground, Bless, Relentless Storm, etc. If you entered combat with them already pre-buffed and all you had to worry is about positioning and nuking the game would lose a very large strategical value as well as it would be just insultingly easy. Even more so when your priest gets Salvation of Time to prolong all active buffs. You may think differently, but don't take me for an idiot just because I have an opinion that differs yours. There is also a word to define such people." If it's not balanced for a challenge that's on the devs. It's their job to balance it. If combat is 'already trivial' than you are admitting they failed.
  10. Just a random thought. Dunno if a game allows it but I do know games that allow sex with sheep and other critters.
  11. You don't need a cleric in the IE games either.
  12. Nah. That is silly. Some things should just be outright immune to things. And, while ogres should be hard to knockdown they shouldn't be any more resistant to poison than, say, a dwarf. (poisons use fortitude right?). And, if you are gonna go that high might as well make it total immunity.
  13. The same thing can be said about why people like certain games. 'I like it because of the atmosphere.' (l0l). I like it because I can have sex with dogs. 'I only enjoy games where I can mass murder kids.' 'The best game is one where you can play a gay character' (nothing wrong with that but it's as dumb as saying 'I like games where I can play heterosexual characters only'. In essence, people are varied and varied tastes.
  14. "I don't think LGBT people want to murder you, even though the gamergate people tend to do nasty **** like stalk and swat them" They've written articles about how I am dead and how they want to kill me and how that's a good thing. They write things like #killallmen. They threaten to send thugs after me. Yeah, those most certainly want to murder me. Also, FYI, SJWs have stalked and harassed women and have swatted pro GGers and then brag about how it's a good thing. So, yeah, both sides have their mega douches though most pro GGers aren't into supporting that stuff while SJWs are pro harassing, bullying, and agtacking female game devlioeprs who don't agree with them. Anyways, on topic. All spells should be allowed to cast whenever and wherever. The artificial limit is just plain stupid. Most of them only last a minute or less so you really can't waste too much time mass buffing anyways or you will lose them. "Honestly, one of the things I hated most of NWN was the 2 minute pre-buffing before every combat." A) Don't rest every 2 seconds and you wouldn't need to spam pre buffs every fight. L0L B) Many NWN buff spells last a long time so you should be able to do it quick and not worry about it til you rest (don't rest every 2 seconds x2). C) You shouldn't need to buff pre every fight since wasting spells like that against easy enemies is DUMB. D) If you spam memorizing buff spells you are limiting your offensive spells and other useful ones.
  15. Yup. Knocking down ogres is pretty easy. Knock down is probably the best fighter talent. So much I took it as a talent so i can use it 3 times a fight. L0L In fact, knocking down an ogre (or otherwise stunning them) is the way to beat them because a single hit can hurt you big.
  16. "People having nothing to complain about don't go to forums, they spend time actually playing the frigging game " That's weird. The reason I originally started going on the net and posting on forums is ebcause I played BG1 and enjoyed it and wanted to share that with others who liked the game. Over a decade, I've become more bitter, cold, and evil. :D "I feel bad for people who can't enjoy such an awesome game." And, they likely feel bad for people who can enjoy such a crappy game. \ OMGZ! People like different things than you! OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Well.. he is on the side of people who want to murder me so just as bad.
  18. "Task XP at least takes more effort than a simple click" Nah. You get thousands of xp just talking with companions. You get tons of xp being an errand boy - go get this steel dagger for me. DONE. 100s of xp + secret tip. That's ridiculous.
  19. "I actually feel the opposite. I'm a completionist, so I always make sure I uncover the entire map before leaving an area. If every map were a maze or a seemingly endless plain, it would just be frustrating to me." L0L
  20. Your characters yells out something to that effect when you barely do damage to enemies when using the wrong weapon.
  21. "hey probably should have kept it as such, the phat lewt really is reward enough already (people don't need both the physical reward and extra experience base upon a fairly arbitrary skill choice)." No need for any xp then by that logic. Of coruse most of the loot you get is pure junk. Not much of a reward. Lower the xp for it. Also, lowering xp for quests should also be done. Getting thousands of xp for chatting someone is silly when your character is no danger and doesn't use any skills. Lowering xp per monster also should be done. Some enemies give you 200+ xp when they aren't that tough. Getting no xp (or at least cut it in half) xp for new areas and getting rid of xp all 3 areas in an empty inn would be logical too. \Lower xp gains across the board, make combat tougher, and raise level cap to 15 (even if not everyone reaches it that is okay as that rewards explorers) would make the game even better.
  22. "I have to agree, I'm confused that I can blind enemies without eyes." This alone illustrates how illogical and, quite frankly, how stupid the 'no immunities' thing is bull. Yeah a fire elemental - a being made out of friggin' fire - can be burned. HAHAHA!!
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