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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Uh... You'd be fatphobic then... Remember, in 2015, it's okay to hate skinny women but don't hate overweight people. Not cool.
  2. "I really, really hope he remains anonymous. No one deserves the death threats, harassment, and attacks he will receive from the SJW crowd." If it were me, I wouldn't mind being known. The SJWs have already murdered me so...
  3. Yeah, it is spam that makes the forums look clean in terms of lack of spam. L0L
  4. "Yes, I do think that men face less institutionalized issues and that most of them manifest from men." Men are more likely to be inprisoned and more harshly than women for the same crimes. Men are more likely to get screwed over in custody/divorce battles even when things are 'equal' otherwise. Men are more likely to be sent off to war to die. Men are more likely to be assaulted, abused, raped, and murdered. Men are more likely to commit suicide. Men are less likely to be encouraged to go to school and their participation in post secondary education is dropping. All of this is because society sees men as nothing but a resource to be used, absued, and thrown out in the trash. But, yeah, misandry ie. hatred of men, doesn't exist. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  5. " I don't feel misandry is really a thing" Only an ignorant person would claim such a thing. Misandry exists. This is fact. PERIOD.
  6. "This defense often fails" L0L
  7. Sawyer is not Obsidian. He is an employee. Obsidian put in. This FACT. We wouldn't be having this discussion if they hadn't CHOSEN to put it in. The fact that Sawyer is supportive of a group who loathe him and the company he works for is sad.
  8. Well. Obsidian made their choice. It's in the game. If they take it now it's because they were bullied into it.
  9. "if that is what they decide, then sure. there is no organization with authority over obsidian that is gonna be able to compel them to take out the backer silliness. no censorship." The SJW bullies are. "owever, like Gromnir said a few pages back, if the joke were about a man who killed himself after accidentally sleeping with a black woman, because he is disgusted at the thought of sleeping with a black woman, this conversation wouldn't be happening. You'd all be talking about how offensive the joke is or how it "just isn't funny," but somehow it's a totally different conversation because you're all of the mind (currently) that it's okay to disregard the feelings of some groups but not others." Don't speak for me. I wouldn't care. Just like I wouldn't care if the joke was 'black woman accidently sleeps while white man while drunk so offs herself.'. It's a silly little joke. Get over it. The 'feels' is pathetic. TRIGGER WARNING! Censorship is EVIL. Period. "This isn't a free speech issue, people. Stop trying to make it into one." Yes, it is. Obsidian chose to include something in the game and now SJW bullies are attacking them, shaming them, threatening them with murder in order to censor their work that they chose to put in. If Obsidian takes it out now it's simply giving in to bullies. PERIOD.
  10. Which is a lot more logical since if you get 6 skill points per level, and they didn't carry over... 6 would be the max you could have 9aside bonuses) which would make things limited at high level.
  11. Eh.Those are all good issues to point out but if thsoe are the reasons the game is 'broken' for you... oh oh.
  12. And, there we go. Sawyer is letting the bullies to bully.Letting censorship win out. I wonder if he cares the person who whined to them brags about 'killing all men'. This is the type of person he wants to associate with. But, hey, let people whio don't really care about your games or you censor you. Hey, Mr. Sawyer, you are a white man that games. The SJWs loathe you and proclaimed you dead. Why are playing their games? \They attack every single one of your games for the 'feels' (which is dfifferent than arguing about actually quality). "So if it is such a complete non-issue, why are there a ton of people shouting about how it would be a TRAVESTY and an ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH to remove a dumb vulgar joke that QC should have caught, but didn't, from the game? If it is, to you, a non-issue - and I totally agree that to anybody who doesn't particularly care about being inclusive, it really should be - then why not just go "oh okay, lets remove that then" and be done with it? The torrent of complaints by people who are not, at all, affected by this is baffling." I loathe censorship and that's exactly they want. Obsidian chose to include this. Now, they are going to remove it due to censorship. L0L Lack of publishers. L0L
  13. Not an issue. Only crybabies worry about such small potatoes. if anything the tombstone is making fun of a man who would kill themselves over such a situation as it paints them as wussies and cowards. Oh noess.. TRIGGERED pro suiciders. Obsidian did NOTHING wrong here.
  14. The outcry over the silly gravestone or whatever is silly. It is such an irrelevant throw away line. Getting all triggered over it shows how weak and pathetic a person is. \On top of that, to me, it shows how the character who committed suicide over such an unfortunate event is weak. To kill yourself over that is pathetic. Oh noess... KI just triggered someone who is pro suicide!
  15. "It was a joke mate." YOU DON'T SAY. *the more you know*
  16. Huh? Only nazis and satanists have suckpuppies.
  17. I'd like that post 100x if I could.
  18. Plenty of women are like that. As for video being fake, it happens. But, yeah, absolutely fake. L0L Just like there are men who are gold diggers. Your point? Oh, I forgot. Women are perfect and they can't be criticized. What's funny it shows how little you think of women cause you see them as weak and pathetic. Me, on the other hand,s ee women as string independent adult human beings who can handle life including criticism. So why do you see women as pathetic children, huh?
  19. SJWs strike again!
  20. GOG is superior in every way outside of not being mainstream like Steam. Plus, I got stuck with PE on Steam beta and was dissapointed in it. Maybe, it being on GOG will improcve the game? *shrug*
  21. Hmm.. I thoguht I checked this before but I thought at $250 you'd get the hard copy of the strategy guide not just the internet version? Am I wrong or did it get changed? I got the Royal Kickstarter Edition but am getting the Retail Collector's Edition . Interesting. P.S. Otherwise, hard copy stuff is called 'shipping soon'. YAY.
  22. He deos make a good point that works with games 9and other stuff). Instead of whining about not being part of the so called 'men's club' why not a 'women's club'? Just go out and do stuff. Just go make you female oriented movies, games, tv shows, books, and businesses. Seriously. Why demand men do it? The disrespect shown to women by SJWs and their ilk is hilarious. The idea that you need men to do everything for women is sickening.
  23. I find it weird that they are accusing him of violence and extreme abuse yet nobody is taking him to court. If he's guilty of these firing him shouldn't the main concern. LMAO I don't watch these shows. Don't really care about cars but this case has been spammed and I know too much.
  24. "You are too extreme in your opinion, its like there is no middle-ground with you. And I find it very hard to debate with people who are not prepared to compromise on anything." L0L
  25. "I think they just decided that paying lip service was better than being confrontational, a lot of people just make that one tiny change just to get them off their back. " That tatic doesn't work. Time and time again people have tried that and the SJWs find something to complain about. btw, Obsidian games have been targted by SJWs hardcore by SJWs. SJWs (with exceptions of course) loathe Obsidian games. Even BIO, the SJW panderers publicly (so much that they harass, bully, intimidate, and attack GGers for ****s and giggles) are asttacked repeatedly by anti GGers even while being praised by them. LMAO \ You can't kiss anti GGers butt because that just gives them an opening to treat you even worse. Give them a bone they want the whole damn skeleton - and if it's a dead white male gamer or some poor woman game developer with internalized misogny all the better. :) P.S. Afrikan Amerikan = black is pure nonsense. But, hey, in Kanada I guess they are Afrikan Kanadian. Are there Afrikan Kubans too? Why is it okay to simply say white but not black now? RIDICULOUS. If you are black you might be from Afrika or maybe you are just Amerikan. I don't refer to myself as Euopean Native Kanadian. L0LZ "And yes I am aware you are from a minority group, you Cuban right, so thats why your opinion is interesting and relevant " Finally you admit to your racism. White people don't mattter. LMAO SJW is SJWing. Not news at 12. Just typical hateful disgusting racism. \I guarantee you Obsidian would be warning you if you had said if you are black your opinion was uninteresting and irrelevant. 2015 where racism is a-ok according to those who claim they are anti racism. L0LZ That's why anti Ggers, SJWs, and feminists are evil. Equalists and Ggers are all about true equality.
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