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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. No, it isn't. How many nuclear deals have the US and Iran agreed to already? A dozen/ How many of them have actually done anything worthwhile? ZERO. Or else we wouldn't be talking about them making yet another deal. Plus, Iran is a country that mass murders their own citizens, have their hands in so many meat pies (probably just as much as the Great Satan in the ME), the fact they want to wipte entire nations off the map, etc., etc. Iran gov't 9as opposed to the people) is pure garbage. Throw them in the garbage with NK, ISIS, and AQ. Bottom line is that any deal 'made' with them will be broken by them or be so twisted that it will be completely infectual.
  2. Yeah as opposed to not white people. But, yeah, contrary to what PC bullcrap pretends.. racism is NOT a white only disease.
  3. He did. He was awesome in the role. That doesn't eman the enxt one needs to be white. The new 'Kingpin' should have been named Queenpin and been a Cuban woman in celebration of the new 'friendship' with the US.
  4. "The women one will be superior." L0L Not with mcCarthy in it it won't be. Also, this new GB movie is not enccessarily all male. Also, the two films are going to be connected and likely will be a 3rd movie with both groups combined. Stilll.. why can't we simply have a GB3 where the old team passes the torch to a new team where gender is just not that important. HOLY MOLY! Daredevil: Ben Affleck is better. But, it has True Blood Gal in it so that is bonus points!
  5. A lot of this is SJW nonsense is largely over sensitive whities who feel the need to over compensate for others' evil. It's nonsensical. Look at their gatherings - it's more white than gamer conventions. LMAO I saw a pic on the Codex of a 'we need more blacks in game development' with basically only white people and one asian person in the entire pic with no black person unless I missed it. If the people you claim to be fighting for don't want you to fight for them perhaps they don't need to be fought for. \P.S. I also don't see a lot of crying over the over emphasis of blacks in the NBA which leads to a lot of often posisbly 'racist' nicknames for white players. There should be a law/rule to dicate that whites should have 60% of NBA roster spots to be closer to their actual total representation in the US (or whatever the actual number is). Heh. Also, instead of different places and cities banning or making it really hard for men to work with children (because all men are rapist pedophiles) we should mandate them being 50%ish. L0LZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  6. Uh.. it was the last thread on this issue. Someone showed a pic with a bunch of books that had 'hunky hunks' on the cover - clearly using 'hot male bodies' to sell books to women sallvating over them as pieces of meat.
  7. She doesn't need a hug. She needs the hateful an evil and nazi SJWs to stop chasing women out of the game industry. Not to mention for them to stop the **** shaming and telling women what they can eat, wear, draw, think, or say. That is EVIL. \As evidenced by that Harlequin romance pic with all the 'hunky hunks' heterosexual white males' are the only ones who salivate over bodies they find 'sexy'.
  8. Yeah, when someone is stabbed a bunch of times and are bleeding out... the truth of the matter is they aren't dying... but getting stronger as the weakness pours out of them....
  9. "You're aware of the inherent irony of defending women who are told what to wear from people telling them what to wear, yes?" How is that ironic? I'm not telling anyone what they can and cannot wear. You are being illogical.
  10. Yes.
  11. "Mmmm,.....this is a bit of a disappointment. I wont lie I am partial to the attire of booth babes. And I imagine that will now change as people will complain about this or that" Deal with it. That is the side you chose. The side that believes they have the right to slutshame and tell women what they can or cannot wear. "On the other hand, PAX is a private entity and their management has a right to enforce as idiotic rules as they want to." \Sure, but we have the right to mock them for their old fashion puritan evil anti woman rules. "I think you're overstating this. The only thing it says regarding cosplayers is "can be asked to change", what it really talks about is booth babes, a.k.a. women who are hired and dressed by other people to stand there and look sexy for money. Nobody is teling others what they cannot wear, only what they can make others wear. Essentially they want PAX to be about video games, not a meat market." They are telling women what to wear and what jobs they can have. Unless you can prove that 'booth babes' are slaves and are forced to do it they should be allowed to wear what they want without nazis telling them what they can or cannot wear and slutshaming them. That's just plain evil. "Guys, its not about consumers. It's for hired booth babes, i.e. people who are dressed by someone else. They're not telling anyone who wants to wear those things as a visitor that they can't." It's about slutshaming women and telling women what they can and cannot wear. It's because they think women are too weak and pathetic to make their own choices. That's the SJW way. The fact people cna defend thiss ort of backwards non logical sick and twisted policy is shameful. But, hey, we should ban all sports because those are just meat markets too. <>
  12. Sexist day is sexist day.
  13. But, hey, we gamers are now an atomic bomb. SWEET.
  14. So, the SJWs have invaded PAX and are now **** shaming and telling women (and men but the main tagret is women) what they can and cannot wear. \EVIL NAZIS ARE EVIL NAZIS. Why do SJWs hate women so much and see them as weak ansd pathetic little children who need to be baby sat and told what to do? DISGUSTING,. https://twitter.com/TheMercedesXXX/status/574356436454629376
  15. "What's wrong with not displaying the flag ?."| For me, it's not the decision to not fly the flag irks me 9I don't care for flags myself). It's their reasoning not to do so. It's garbage and stupid and insane.
  16. "Americans and their flag obsession, honestly." Yeah. Only Amerikans. HAHAHAHA! Go to any other country, burn their flag, and see what happens. Also, if the flag was so unimportant there wouldn't be yahoos like you whining about the Confederate flag. Also, Amerikans aren't the only ones who are obessess with their flag. lenty of non Amerikans go out obessessivelty and buy/make a bunch of them just sot hey can burn them. L0LZ As for OT, it's bigotry. But that's not new for SJWs which liekly invest the school. Hateful. Hateful. hateful. "Nothing to see here other than perhaps some of the insanity that one can find in many if not most student judicial boards at University X. Certainly not racism. A student applying/running for a position on the judicial board, with an affiliation to some organizations, is being questioned in regards to how she'd handle a situation that arose where she might have to make a judgement that would involve those organizations. Pretty much a standard question for such a position. It so happens she's Jewish, and at least some of the organizations she's apart of are Jewish, so some are freaking out with the 'race card' (even though Jew isn't a race)." I wonder what your reaction would be if they asked the same sort of question to a black person (a race0 or a Muslim (not a race)? I bet you wouldn't be simply shrugging your shoulders.
  17. "I've also read of high levels of addiction (drugs/alcohol) with strippers" I bet those who go to strip clubs also have high levels of addiction. I know a guy who once spent upwards of 1k at a strip club and that's despite the fact he was not rich. "Hate speech ? Nah, just a really poor attempt at wit." \ Nope. Hate speech.
  18. "...Fictional strippers entirely brought into existence by men, to increase a game's appeal for men is somewhat different from real life, living, breathing, flesh-and-blood people choosing to do that job because - Heavens forbid! - they enjoy it." Yeah, because female developers don't bring fictional strippers/hot women in games. *cough* Bayonetta *cough* who is SJws big target,
  19. "If the USA attacks Iran" I never said the US should attack Iran. That's like extremely last resort. But, it's also silly to negoiate a 'deal' when the side you negoiate with has no intention to honouring said deal and you are getting nothing for it.
  20. Yeah so he should suck the **** of the man who prefers to support the country that wants to destroy his country. That's ludicrous. Anyone who defends any pro Iran stance is evil. This is a country who publicly declares theya re going to wipe other countries off the map. They should be treated exactly the way NK is not worth negoiations. The US has made about a billion 'deals' with Iran and Iran has basically laughed at every single of them more than willing to break them. They'll do the same with the current deal about to be agreed on.
  21. Rather pro Isreal than pro Iran. Iran, the country that mass murders their own country and are guilty of EVERYTHING anti US freaks hate the US for . LMAO \But, hey, I guess Isreal should toe the line and be okay with one of their allies being buddies with a country who wants to wipe Isreal off the map. HAHAHAHA!!!!!
  22. "Funny how you omit the salary comparison from your examples." Says the guy who has shared zero numbers other than vague 'game development has a high burn out that no other industry can comapre to.'. Then wen called out yopu whitewash low pay low skill jobs so I point out high paid high 'skill' jobs to match. Don't ask for numbers if you aren't gonna bring any to the game. Also, it should point out that most atheltes don't make millions dollars. \Nice try, though.
  23. "There is a high burnout rate in the game industry because of awful conditions that are only comparable with low skilled low pay jobs and with games development. Studios for a long time treated artists as being disposable since there was an over-saturation of job seekers wanting to enter the industry. Lately they have realize that they are driving talent away because of lack of stability and overworking and now are left to develop their own talents without the benefit of an experienced guide ." There is a high burnout rare in almost every industry. I bet Wallstreet which is not low skilled low pay has high burnout rates as well. Sports also fit the bill. Politics likely as well. I bet I can go on. Game industry is not really all that special in this regard be it high or low skill /pay jobs.
  24. "Here's an interesting point. I read that the average time people spend working in the game industry is 4 years, which is an incredibly low number especially factoring in your Carmacks and such that have always been at it. Instead of focusing on it being unfriendly to women, maybe it should be pointed out that it's pretty much unfriendly to everyone." \ Eh. Hardly surprising. This is likely true of almost any industry since it includes all the people who don't last long at all.
  25. I blame the cops because they mishandled the situation. The man was likely scared and reacted in self defense from the psychos who assaulted him. It's just as plausible as the 'police are never wrong' theories.
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