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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Awesomely eprfect 3rd quarter,. Only quetsion why he suck so bad the other 3? Only 5 points per one? He was obviously not trying in the other quarters lazy scumbag. BENCH HIM.
  2. "Yeah so next time I run a light and get pulled over, I'm spitting in the cop's face cause muh rights. It's my right to antagonize those bastards, then play victim when they retaliate." I see. Yiu spit in his face and the cop is then justified to murder you? NAZI LOGIC,.
  3. No surprise the lawyer is all for blindly obeying 'authority'. Youa re the type who would be okay with slavery as long as was legal. Thanjk god people were willing to DIE and KILL for the right to be free and for others to be free.
  4. So you believe in slavery? "their territory" THEIR TERRITORY? WHAT! THE HELL IS THIS!?! 1. Their job is to SERVE and PROTECT. \2. Does their territory include your home? Why do people believe in slavery and nazism? If we listened to what you brainwashed people thought slavery would still be legal. This, to me, proves that you believe slavery is a-ok. That's evil. "Any mistakes they make can be hashed out in a court of law." \ L0L This has been proven false repeatedly. L0L
  5. Cowardly police at it again.
  6. Eh. Typical article by a SJW feminist who is racist, sexist, bigioted, and hateful. Why does he hate women and minorities so much that he feels correct talking down to them? EVIL.
  7. Or the facts have been spelled out, people have done research, and the history shows the truth so the truth has been able to been shared more openly now than the past when the media wasn't as heavy into things and the facts were iffy. It's all about spin when it comes to polls. Polls are almost meaningless trash when they can be spinned, controlled, abused, and tricked into claiming whatever the creator wants them to.
  8. "Anarchism is widely considered left-wing." L0L
  9. "Orog its a gaming forum, not a website for pictures of scantily dressed women?" \ \Poor argument. This WOT. By definition every thread here should be closed. Is that what you want?
  10. "I think some of you that work in offices should take all the pictures from those threads and put them up on the walls of your cubicles. Don't let the corporate world repress you! " You shouldn't be on the internet on game forums at work anyways. Don't be lazy and do your job! "Also its not such a big deal the thread was closed, this way we we can spend more time discussing other things" Nah. "I don't think pictures of women in bikinis objectifies women as I've said in the past but I do understand how it would offend other people with more conservative views." You want to appease conservatives? WHY? I believe in freedom. By erasing those threads you are manspalininjg to the women who chose to share those pictures with the public and telling them they are evil for sharing their 'sexy' pics and that they should cover up because it is immoral to show off yourself physically. Don't justify such controlling behaviour. That's what ISIS wants.
  11. Not surprised Hurlshot and Bruce are okay with this. This is silly. These are pics that can be seen anywhere including the beach and it's nice to see a collection in one spot. Wasn't like it was 'sexist' since there was a 'hot man' thread - just wasn't as popular. *shrug* Don't like a thread don't read it. That's what I do. \ Oh well. All those complaints about BIo boards being 'too restrictive' and Obsidian boasrds being 'free' has been proven to be flat out lies. That said, Obsidian boards their rules. ." It's not about political correctness, " Yes it is. Why pretend otherwise. Someone complained (mod or otherwise) and said they were tasteless. And, Obsidian shut it down for PC reasons. The thread was up for how long and the forum didn't fall apart now Obsidian considers the thread evil? LMAO
  12. "I think both sites are generally filled to the brim with pure awful and I'd rather not go to either one." Yet, you post here...
  13. Wait. If you use 'PC Master Race' it means you are a racist nazi. WHAT!?! Are people that idiotic?
  14. "The one area of foreign policy I agree with the Obama administration on is the notion that the nations with these jihadi problems have to be the ones to fix them. The only way to bury an idea is through the kind of confrontation and folk memory that only happens if you are the buggers doing the actual fighting." I agree. Therefore, if I see someone being mugged, I won't help because they should help themselves.
  15. Wait. I'm not 'crazy' enough for being a GG? WTH? Then again, screw GG. LMAO I'm just anti racist sexist hateful nazi pieces of crap which SJWs and anti GGers are. P.S. That Adam Baldwin thing is HILARIOUS. :D Using that as 'proof'. LMAO
  16. "I wonder how Michael Moore would do living in Russia" Moore is anti US. He would likely make excuses for Russia and somehow twist it so it is Amerika's fault. He likes to spread lies about other countries. I know. He definitely likes to like about mine just in a lame attempt to make his look bad.
  17. No. Tell me the good in The Mountain.
  18. "In the books" Never saw him order any rapes or mass murder of unarmed civilians. I saw the opposite - him allowing injured soldiers of the nemy to be taken care of and spared. Even his fellow lords were whining to him that they were running out of room/food cause of all the prisoners they were keeping. Take that and comapre it to Tywin when it gets to the castle where he stops the stupid torture so he can use the prisoners as slavers/servants. And, laters the mass murders, pillaging, and rape of unarmed innocent villagers. Also, he allows the Mountain to practice on prisoners/POW/enemies for ****s and gigles before his big fight. More evidence of his depravity and non concern for others. Stop defending the character just because he's interesting to watch 9which I agree, he's a terrific character). But, he is the very definition of evil. In and out of the universe. But, at least he's not inappropriately creepy like these guys are: :D So he has that going for him. L0L He actually was pretty decent towards Arya though. But that doesn't make him non evil. You can be evil and have admirable qualities and you can be good and have flaws.
  19. The idiot is one guy drinking with his friends acting tough and crap spouting ignorant bullcrap. ISIS is an army with weapons who have taken over cities and have a history of mass murder. GREAT COMPARISON.
  20. Damn. Winner of NE-INDY better be careful. Seattle won even with their qb having 4INTs. I doubt he'll repeat that performance in 2 weeks. Oh oh. For shame, GB, for shame.
  21. Never saw Robb Stark ordering mass slaughter of unarmed civilians or raping of women. In Fact, I saw him giving help to the 'enemy' wounded. Show me a scene where Robb orders the murder and rape of innocents than I'll call him out for it. Now, I saw soldiers in the Stark army who DID rape. They are evil but as we see in the show Stark isn't all powerful. In fact, one can argue its his 'good' nature that ultimately did him in thoguh you could also argue Robb's choice to break his vow to Frye led to his demise but I don't buy that since Frey is too evil and sick to be trusted hence his reaction to the threat on his wife's life. . Of course, Tywin's cruel and vindicative nature did him in as well. \I get why people feel the need to defend Tywinn. He's an enteraining intriguing character with an excellent actor but let's not pretend he's something he's not. People claim I'm discussing him through my 'modern' eyes. But, it's just not me who sees it. The characters in the show view him as a 'villain'. Nobody likes him, nobody likes what he does, everybody knows he's a bad guy who will hurt anyone to get what he wants (power). That's the definition of 'evil'. No matter how 'awesome' he is doing it.
  22. Really? What 'evil' has Jon Snow done? Yeah, he's made error of judgment and mistakes but that isn't the same as doing evil. As for Tywin. You are whitewashing his actions. The guy is self serving to the max. he doesn't care about his childen at all. They are nothing but tools. The difference between him and Cersei says everything in that regard. He talks about 'family' legacy but he doesn't care abiout that. If he did, he'd recognize Tyrion's true value to the family cause. Let's not forget the mass murders he repeatedly orders. Not to mention the constant rapes. And, don't blame the Mountain alone. In the very show he orders the mass slaughter, pillaging, and raping of whole villages. His grandson dies and instead of letting the other grandson mourn he decides to harass him about kingdom. Surely, that is a conversation that could have at least waited a few hours not behing held over Geoffry's corpse (and I loathe Geoffery). Let's not forget his part in the framing of his son. There was no need for that but he is evil and loves power. Power and control is his only desires. I say this even though I like the character and while he has characteristics that can be admired he is evil. You want an example of a greyish character? Jaime Lannister. Tywin is top 5 evil characters. Just because he's not a psychopath like Geoffory or Ramsay Snow doesn't make gray. If anything, it makes him more diabolical because his evil actions are all planned out even though he knows they are morally reprehensible. But, he doesn't care, because of his own selfish desires. Anywaysm, while I'll miss the actor, the character got what he deserved - a throne of crap for a crappy 'king'. Hunger and desire for power and control at the cost of everything and everyone else is the very definition of evil.
  23. This idea that F&I is about shades of gray is funny since it is obvious both from the tv show and book spoilers that there are clearly good characters and evil character. The point the story is making though that even good people can do bad things and evn evil people can do good ie Cersei and her love for her children. Anyone who thinks Jon Snow is anything but good or Tywin is anything but evil just aren't paying attention. There is no grey there. A character like Tyrion can be tricky except not on tv show - while he does 'bad' things he's clearly meant to be a good cheerable guy.
  24. Yup. Too bad she's seems to be the minority.
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