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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. What's up with GG? Well, I'm still alive so Bruce and co continue to fial in their mission event hoguh they had already proclaimed victory. their death threats are laughable and scary at the same time.
  2. "Yes they were innocent but not to the attackers, they only targeted the newspaper. They didn't just plant bombs to kill anyone and everyone, like we see with other terrorist attacks like the 7 July 2005 London bombings " Stop defending the mass murderers. Those artists were innocent. We wouldn't even be having these stupid debates if the pictures were mocking Chritianity/Catholicism as theya re the time. There is no acceptable defense of this shooting. NONE. That pic should be photocopied and airmailed to all muslim countries where extremists are in control.
  3. "Also this was pointed out that the attackers didn't want to necessarily kill innocents, they targeted people working for the newspaper only" People working at the newspaper were innocent. What a disgusting thing to say!
  4. The best part is 'trolling' via posting the truth.
  5. ":Glad to see GamerGate has completely abandoned all pretence of being about ethics in journalism and revealed itself to be little more than reactionary whining about "feminists," "SJWs," and "progressives." But hey, thanks to them, relative nobodies like Sarkeesian, Quinn, and Wu are now getting far more exposure than they would have otherwise. Good job, GG." That's because feminists are evil and hate women and men. They slutshame women. they try to get women fired soemtimes even succeeding. They try to murder women. They talk about raping women like its their duty. \ And, we haven't even discussed their opinion of racial minorities. *shudder*
  6. "(I wouldn't say the entire of feminism is an issue being such a huge, varied and amorphous blob of people just like #GamerGate," Feminism, by the very existence of the word, is sexist. It's not varied. It's pure sexism. Feminism good masculinism bad. That's sexist.Therefore evil and nazish.
  7. "o I understood your post perfectly, but my point doesn't require a deep understanding of the sex industry. Its kind of obvious, I would think this would be clear" If the sex industry is so horrible then why have you taken part in it? THE. LOGIC. "how do you think anyone would feel about having sex for money.....yes you may enjoy it but what would the emotional and psychological impact be?" trust me. I'd rather my job be have sex for money than my current one. Sadly, I'm too ugly so no woman would hire me. R00fles! "I'd prefer we prosecuted the unscrupulous individuals whom use sex workers, pimp out the girls and propogate prostitution, rather than the young ladies themselves. They are often victims of circumstance, and of course their plight should not be swept under the carpet or censored, the same as any other victim of crime should not be." Customers shouldn't be. It should be legal for both the workers and the customers. What should be illegal is the actual abuse or sex slave 'workers'. That is what's screwed up. Slavery and assault is already illegal in most countries 9espciially the West) so perhaps if the laws would be be enforced plus not dehumanizing sex workers like it's done. Like in my country. Prostitution is technically legal. But, previously sex workers would be charged if they 'adverttise'. Now, it's even further legal but customers are still technically breaking the alw. That's dumb. It's either legal or it's not. OPeople anti prostitition or anti female for two reasons. a) Some women are fine with being prostitutes. They prefer that lifetsyle (not coutning those forced into it/abused. b) While rarely publicly discussed, females are also customers. Giggilos exist for a reason. "Orog I really enjoy debating with you but I'm not sure if you are trolling or not now when you compare a guys that cleans sewage to the same as a sex worker? I am going to assume you are being serious and respond What happens when someone becomes a sex worker is that they lose that part of them that makes sex intimate and personal." | Have you done a disgusting job? It's very demeaning. "This may not seem like a big deal but it is, think about it. Most sex workers I have met don't have serious boyfriends or a real relationship and you can understand why most people wouldn't seriously date a sex worker and most of the time the girls feel the same way" How many have you met? I've met exactly one and she had a boyfriend. Stop making stuff up.
  8. No. "(Or if you prefer, Kreia is an antagonist, unlike Melissan she's not a villain because she's arguably right about The Force being an uncaring slave/ puppet master and she did not start with the intention of killing you- indeed she sees even the final fight as her helping you)" No. She's unarguably wrong. She's evil to the core. She doesn't care about anyone espicialluy not the protagnist. Kreia is a piece of crap. She has no ethics s evidenced by her flip floppy nature of attacking and insulting you no matter what you chose. C&C = L0L And, it was obvious from the start she was up to no good.
  9. One of the best expansions ever. Only HOTU and MOTB can compete.
  10. "I never understood how people could waste time playing a game out of spite, it seems from your post that you played the game just to be critical of it. DA:I is nowhere near perfect and has some glaring issues but the fact that you dislike everything; even what they did well, is telling of your bias." Because he actually likes the game. He's trying to be edgy and keep the 'coolness'. Ranting and hating is an internet pasttime. Afterall, you cna't know for sure if a game sucks unless you played it 7 times.
  11. "But Volo is the one who keeps on asking me "why I don't want his niece to play GTAV" which was something I never, ever said. So I'll just ignore this type of question from him in the future " 1. You believe it is acceptable GTA5 be banned because it has hookers being killed in it. 2. My neice loves the game and enjoys playing it. 3. You want it banned tells me you feel it is okay for you as a man to mansplain to my niece who is a young woman what games she can or cannot play. \How is that acceptable? \"And Volourn, if you call everyone a Nazi, it loses meaning. Your usage of the word lost meaning threads ago. You could be calling him a friggin' teddy bear right now and it'd have the same effect. If you wanna be taken seriously, maybe you shouldn't call literally everything Nazi-esque." You ever stop to think that that's the entire point? Now stop being a nazi and telling me what to do. Thanks. :) "Giant lol at you, Bruce, for using the colloquial implication of sex work and then pretending you were making a point. It was an interesting move to be sure to go from "but didn't you guys say sex work wasn't degrading so I didn't insult his niece" to full blown "sex work is degrading and demeaning (which also means I was insulting his niece)" but looks like it didn't work. I also like the part where you have a problem with Volo, and respond by attacking his niece instead of him. I recall that we had a discussion about trolls before in another thread, when someone claimed trolls just attack people's weaknesses and are therefore not sexist. I pointed out that trolls will often attack men's female loved ones, such as their mothers or girlfriends, showing that they consider the man's greatest weakness to be the women they care for rather than their own actual weaknesses. You heavily condemned the practice and supported my viewpoint at the time - very surprised to see such an inherently sexist act from you, Bruce." BINGO.
  12. "I am sorry your niece works in the sex industry but there is no judgement from my side. : \ More evidence of your evil. Besmriching my niece like that. What has she ever done to you? She is no prostitute. She's not even 18 yet. Stop being sexist and evil. "And I have no issue with her playing GTAV " Yes, you do. You feel it is acceptable to ban games if you dissaprove of the content. You find it acceptable that GTAV is banned and want it completely banned. That, to me, tells me you want to mansplain why it is acceptable for you to tell my neice what games she can and cannot play. Nazi and evil to the core. Not to mention pure sexism. Let's not forget you continue to try to ruin a young lady's reputation even thoguh you don';t even know her out of spite of her uncle. Yet, you claim to be a feminist. LMAO
  13. " but it is not the natural state of modern man" What illogic.
  14. Why do feminists and anti GGers - espicially the ones in this thread - so reaidly endorse sexism, racism, and hatred. They still haven't explained why it's okay for Bruce to mansplain to my neice why it's okay for him to tell her what games she can and cannot play. Why is it okay for Bruce to enslave my neice? That's evil.
  15. Same. He should have never gone back to Cleveland in the first place. It's a joke franchise and a joke city with an ultra joke owner. Even now, the team is way better than lasts eason but not good enough. Also, team is 0-2 in last two games without him....
  16. "Need a license to drive a car? Okay." Considering the number of accidents or misuses of cars by legal license holders, not a good exmaple on your part.
  17. You like the film starring a male but hate the film starring a female. Not surprising. Not surprising at all. Divergent > than 99% of comic movies espcially that trashy Avengers series.
  18. Only up to a point.
  19. Divergent and Maze Runner are two of the better YA films out there. In fact, they were two of the better films of the past year.
  20. "Canadians are wanking themselves over this on news sites here, rather funny that. Wonder what type of gun she had." They shouldn't be since we just had a mass murder committed in our country. "As for using guns to overthrow the government, good luck with that. The greatest weapon against the government in a revolution is going to be the media and the ability to spread information. You aren't going to compete against the military, you want the military to turn against the government with you." It's been done before. It is unlikely but not out of the realm possibility. It's not simply about outshooting the army. It's about forcing the army to ultimiately make a choice between mass murdering civlians or obeying the gov't's threat of murdering them for treason.
  21. "And now GamerGate is doxxing Chrus Kluwe." Kluwe doxxed himself. He's a former NFLer who was in the public eye well before Gamergate. Big deal about doxxiing. I have doxxed myself in the past. Not a biggie. Unwanted doxxing is lame and only wussies go out of their way to do it yet you continually defend doxxing of GGers. Why is that? besdies, isn't anti GGers the tools who want the internet not to me anonymous and have everyone be forced to post with their real names? On top of that, yeah there are scumbags on GGer's side. They're pieces of crap. They are a lot more idiots and scumbags on anti GG's side. These are the people who attack women specifically because they are women,. These are the people who dox others repeatedly. they rape, they murder, they kill, they assassinate, they enslave, they manspalin, they they threaten. Yet, these are nazis you repeatedly defend. WHY? Why do you defend nazis? You anti GGers also ignore repeatedly the anti GG evil brigade. You didn't even actually reply to the person who answerred to you. Same as Bruce who hasn't yet stated why he feels he has the right to mansplain to my neice and how he has the right to ban her from playing a game she enjoys. That's evil and cowardly and sexist. A man telling a woman what she can and cannot do. HOW IS THAT ACCEPTABLE!?!
  22. Uh.. Only the Inquisitor can close rifts....
  23. "do you feel that there is a covert and orchestrated campaign from some circles to attack and discriminate against white males in modern society" \Yes. If you think otherwise you are insane and aren't even paying attention to your very own rhetoric. \"What's wrong with black Annie?"\ Niothing wrong with a black Annie. In fact, the new movie looks like it can be fun. The problem here is the reason why a black Annie was chosen? Was it chosen because the actress/actors would work or was it to push some sort of agenda? Then again, it's a remake, so most people will hate on it just because. Not me though. Looks solid. "Why not create a new female character similar to Thor instead of changing the original?" Yup. True for lots of stuff. Like the idea there should be a black version of Bond. Why can't there just be a movie series started about a black spy? Heck, aren't there movies with exactly that? Why Bond? It's pure pure PC anti white agenda. I even like the idea of the black actor to play him. He's pretty good but why not just have him start his own spy franchise.... \ \I know why. SJWs are evil bigoted, hateful garbage. I still have yet to receive an explanation why Bruce feels its okay for him to mansplain to my neice why she isn't allowed to play a game she enjoys. It's been like a month now. L0L
  24. "his record is crazy good. " No, it isn't. 8-8 is not 'crazy good'. It's merely middle of the road. Also, he makes poor decisions starting with taking the wrong QB.
  25. ``This is a brand new pathetic in text sizes. For pete's sake, offer SD text sizes as well. I can't bloody read the menus. It's worse than Stick of Truth. Why are all developers so bloody stupid now when it comes to this? There was nothing wrong with text sizes 5+ years ago. Just because you can make them smaller doesn't mean that you should. Or if you do want to, offer bigger text sizes as well.`` Get glasses. The text is easily readable. ``You've got to be kidding, DA2 was a terrible game, DA:I is better by a mile. I don't even know how you can prefer DA2 over DA:I. `DA2 is better. Tat`s why. DA3 is way overrated.
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