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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Good story makes good RPG, bad story makes bad RPG, that is the simple formula" Yeah, because stories is what drove people to play RPGs liek the GB games, WL, the Fallout, M&M, etc., etc. LMAO
  2. "It sounds like Bioware's decision to be inclusive does actually bother you despite what you claim, remember Volo gay people are just like you and me..there is nothing to be scared or worried about. And yes Bioware has become an important player in the gaming space around inclusivity and are recognised as such by most. I respect them immensely for what they have done around appealing to the whole fanbase" Inclusiveness doesn't bother me. Hatred, sexism, and racism bothers me. Power control freaks, and nazism bother me.That is the SJW/feminist mantra. And, that's what BIO and espicially their more vocal devs believe. Fave Gaider - even thoguh he is a white male (though gay) hates white males. Soemother BIO yahoo loathes gamers. Which is stupid because they make friggin' games. And, the worst thing about SJWs/feminists (espicially the on line types) some of their most hateful disgusting acts are perpetrated against the very group they swear to be fighting for - women. See the porn star above who they attack because of what she chooses to do with her damn body and what clothes she wears. Also, i noticed you totally ignored those two female GGers videos. You want to know why? It lets you contrinue to pretend that GG is only evil rapist sexist racist worse than ISIS white males. LMAO *goes back to playing games* Another win for GAMERS.
  3. "By story, I think she meant "narrative"." Story means story.
  4. "The backbone of RPG is STORY" No. "but today story element being reduced" Story element has been enhanced. "but their story actually." Nope.
  5. Funny but it sure uses a lot of anti male sexist believes within seconds. Of course, in the past i'd never would have noticed such stuff until the SJW/feminists decided to make such pedestrian nonsense into THE BIGGEST EVIL EVER. L0L Back to movie, it has potential to bring some good laughs. ;D
  6. That's because they killed all the men. Remember the 10 articles that announced all white male gamers dead? can't atacck the dead. Well, you can but its fruitless. Gotta attack the living. L0L Which means GG is all women. Hell, I'm a women since if I were male I'd be dead. <> Or a zombie. <>
  7. But, BIO has already shown their hand. They are on the 'talking point' SJW side of having more inclusive stuff like homosexual, bisexual, transgender characters. And, this doesn't bother me. But, it does bother SJWs who have attacked BIO as being sexist (because you can't really win with these so called 'progressive' as they are extremists_. To me whatever BIO's motives are - even if its purely wanting a neutral/nonstance - is morally reprehensible. Using NDAs of compelte silence curbing their employees' personal opinions under fear of being fired or worse is evil, disgusting, and nazish. The very things I'm fighting against. Like I said, even if individual BIO devs are anti GG, I say they are allowed to share their opinions. It's disgusting to stop people's freedoms.
  8. Nonsense. Multiple BIO employees have posted on Twitter and elsewhere bashing GG. Repeatedly. This is about power. That's why its evil. Silencing people from having a voice 9either pro or minus) is evil. If individual BIO devs want to bash GG that's their choice. BIO should not stop them. Or vice versa. BIo - the company - should either a) be neutral or b) side with their customers aka gamers. P.S. Being a gamer doesn't make one sexist either. I'm a gamer and I believe in equality. Anti GGers do not.
  9. I tell you. SJWs are nazis. Evenw orse, they are hypocritical,r acist, sexist, fear mongering nazis. Also, it should be noted that BIO absolutely loathes gamers and their customers. And, their employees. Supposedly (not proven yet) that BIO and Ubisoft are in the process of forcing their employees to sign NDAs to not discuss/be pro GG at all or be fired. That's evil.
  10. Female rebutle of the '25 invisible benefits of being a male gamer: TRIGGER WARNING FOR SQUEAMISH SJWs: Some 'foul' language may be heard. Another one though I haven't gotten to watch it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wey8Ue381nI How 'bout them oranges, Brucey?!?
  11. I'd rather they focus on the father not the grandfather... It's too bad we already know the series ender. L0L spoiler alert: The world EXPLODES and the (not quite) last Kryptonian is sent to earth.
  12. Same. Level 13. It took a few minutes but it never 'dragged'. It wa sintense and it was easy to tell progress was being made.
  13. I just faced and killed Mrs. Frostback. Definitely one of the best dragon fights in any game and easily the best fight in a game with such overall crappy combat. I'm sure eventually DA3 dragon fights will get boring since there is a relatively large number of them though.
  14. Not surprised. People like her are evil and full of hate.
  15. "This "review " is absolute trash, at first I thought it was parody but it seems the journalist is being serious." Uh... I hope this was a parody reply to the parody review.
  16. "They clearly never bothered to test the game, no beta testing, and they don't care, the very same mistake they did in the past two games of the same series, that is why Cory can be killed in less than 30 seconds, how come the last battle that is supposed to be climatic end in less than 30 seconds?" Eh. Plenty of end bosses can be killed within 30 seconds if you 'cheese'. Including plenty of BIO games. And, the ones who cna't are usually vheesy with ridiculous amount of HP . See your precious DA1. And, BIO never 'lied'. Don't lie. "a game is not just a game you know," False. A game is just a game. PERIOD. "Customers always right you know" I hoep this is sarcasm because this simply isn't true.
  17. http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/12/04/The-Sexodus-Part-1-The-Men-Giving-Up-On-Women-And-Checking-Out-Of-Society Of note is the anti feminist video at the bottom. How long does it take for SJWs to bash the video? "EDIT: David Pakman has released another video on allegations made against him as well. He's not even pro-GG, he's just asking questions. It's ridiculous. You only have to question the status quo to be labeled as a harasser." Pakman's problem is he's an pologist who is to busy kissing butt and saying sorry to people who won't accept it even though he's done nothing wrong. If anything, he's gone out of his way to try to paint GG as a largely harassment group while still allowing GG representatives say their piece. Problem is anti GG/SJWs never wanted a discussion. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want a discussion with ISIS zombies either. *shudder*
  18. "I really respect CDPR for pushing the game out, this is an important lesson for other companies that release unfinished games" Yet, it'll still be unfinished. That's the way game development works espicially in 2014. \I do find it funny that when movies are 'delayed' it's seen as a bad sign most of the time but when games get delayed people either *shrug* or think it's a good thing. Even though there's no evidence if it's good or bad.
  20. Are people still pimping Rivers for MVP? l0lz Him or overrated Twatts winning that award would be an outrage.
  21. "Bioware doesn't have a whole load of those aspects down yet. I think Bioware's open world was generally a failure, they don't know how to populate a huge world and make it as interesting as Bethesda does." Even DA3 at its worst is still better than any Bethesda crap at its best. Also, no doubt BIO uses propaganda. Gaider himself has basically stated quite clearly he hates white males and doesn't give a crap about them. BIO has an agenda. There is no disputing that. The facts are there both in game, the way they post, and the way they advertise. Of course, so far its irrelevant. I can ignore that crap as the white noise it is. DA3's biggest issue is game play not the propaganda since that can be totally ignored. I've playd the game for 30 hours and I haven't seen any of it while playing (just videos). As for Q, that poster needs to stop being twof aced. Q's been spamming propaganda and agenda this entire time and spouting opinion on the game despite not playing it. I don't get why Q doesn't just focus on a fun game and play that instead of pushing themselves towards a heartattack. It be much healthier.
  22. "I have this terrible scenario playing in my head where a guy is holding his dog and officers tell him to drop the gun, but if he does his dog will probably get shot for running loose. " Eh. Cops have shot dogs tied up in the backyard because they barked 'too loud'. L0L
  23. "So we are all idiots to him" Truth hurts? "As a woman I found it hugely offensive. As someone who is meant to be the oppressed class, not only had I never experienced any of the things mentioned in the video, but it bothered me that a range of men would mansplain to me what I should be offended by." L0L 'Mansplain' always cracks me up.
  24. If youa re gonna bring your SJW agenda into a game discussion so you can grandstand your side I will do the same. If you don't I won't. \Instead of focusing on actual game quality you wanted to discuss 'social justice' and 'LGBT'. That's silly. And, now you want to discuss me. I'm irrelevant. if you want to discuss Volourn make a thread in off topic to discuss that loser. This thread is to discuss Dragon Age 3. Capiche? ON TOPIC: Varric is still awesome.
  25. "I watched the video, it really didn't look like murder." Watch it again. He tackles someone, puts a choke hold on him, and squeezes while the guy tries begging for mercy, he ignores the begging and continues to squeeze until the guy dies. That is cold blooded murder. btw, You can't be arrested for resisting arrest. The logic doesn't make sense. He was accused of selling 'illegal cigarrettes' yet supposedly he didn't have any on him. And, even if he did, that is not probable cause to commit cold blooded murder. \ How can someone who believes in 'social justice' be okay with someone getting away with cold blooded murder simply ebcause they wear a blue uniform. That's sick. Yet, you get mad because someone was mean on the internet. COME ON.
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