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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "how blacks are excluded from society" This doesn't make sense and is illogical. It's also an insult to all the successful blacks whoa re definitely a part of society. Yeah, blacks (but not asians, arabs, etc.) are excluded from society... in a country that elected a black person as leader of the nation. COME ON.
  2. "So it have stats...? In know about the game, through videos, through peoples commenting, didn't play it doesn't mean don't know, and doesn't mean ignorance. It is like everybody know about sex even never doing it. Now you insult me even i never one bit insulting you I have lost my respect toward you" Look. You constantly state things that are factually wrong (not just opinions). That is why I am being 'mean'. It's not personal. I don't care if you hate the game. People hate games. That's not a biggy. But, please don't make stuff up. It makes the people who are being unreasonable but unsure believe soemthing that isn't true. It'll be like the pro side making up a blatant lie 9as opposed to having an opinion) to convince people. It's simply wrong. "With this, there is no class whatsoever, the player can customize their character as the player want not restricted to Warrior, Rogue and Mage" Uhh... Warrior, mage, and rogue all play differently. They have vastly different abilities nad usless. On top of combat abilities they also have non combat abilities that seperate them. Rogues can open doors, warriors can bash walls down, and mages can create magical bridges and open/close magic doors/gateways. "In DA:I, you don't get points to distribute, but the dependant stats go up per level." Stats can go up by item, and based on abilities you choose. Not my ideal though. I prefer stats the old fashion way. As for the dragon talk... haven't fought any in DA3 but the dragons in DA1 and DA2 were good enemies that mostly required to be prepared and ready just like BG2 dragons and had some nice abilities. My biggest beef with them is the utter hit point bloat. Overall, the DA series dragons are impressive comapred to the vast majority of games that have dragons.
  3. This is a mostly black community... so these rioters are likely targeting black community businesses. So.. their logic is we are mad whitey is murdering our criminals so... we'll destroy the hard work of our fellow blacks. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE. \ Again, no answer. Why are blacks being picked on by whitety but not other racist/culture groups? Not even Muslims/Arabs get into this sort of trouble despite the aftermath of post 9/11 life...
  4. "What is there to play if there is no stats? Even Skyrim have stats," But, it has stats. Why are you making things up? "I watched the videos, both from fans and the ones who pissed off with the game." You've decided that the game sucks and have no intention of playing it. Yet you spam in its thread despite knowing nothing about it. How many times are you gonna be wrong about the game before admitting your ignorance? "oh, i don't play BG and Neverwinter Nights...the first Bioware game i play is KotOR" No comment.
  5. "So stats don't increase when level up? What kind of a game is that? That suck" Stats don't increase in BG2 when level up. That sucks. P.S. I personally hate the fact you can't increase stats on level up but your logic yet again shows how sad your opinion is. Games aren't movies. They're meant to be played. I always get bored watching gameplay videos. I have never watched a let's play video from start to end. Games are meant to be played not watch.
  6. "And in this case, it really should be a wake up call to the western world, that our minorities and poor are feeling disenfranchised and frustrated.." Have a question.. why aren't Asians, Muslims, and other minorities rioting as well? Do you really think 'white amerika' is so intensly anti black that they go out of their way to make that particular minority miserable including forcing blacks to murder blacks en masse AND elect a black president? COME ON. Also, plenty of blacks live worthwhile productive lives. And, plenty of THOSE grww up in poor neighbourhoods as well yet managed to raise themselves up. Racism exist. Racism is bad. But, it's not a one way street nor is there some huge anti black conspiracy. I mean the KKK is a fringe barely legal organziation that has absolutely no influence and is utterly ridiculed. So much so some KKK punk wants to completely change it. There's also been absolutely no proof that this cop shot this guy because He. Just. Hated. Black. People. That. Much.
  7. I need to know. How is this developer 'scary stuff'? I also love how the SJWs/feminists are bashing a woman because she dares disagree with their narrative. But, hey, GG is about sexist racist rapist white male scumbags. LMAO
  8. The riots aren't justified. Even if the cop was guilty of murder, who are the riots hurting? Innocent people who did nothing wrong. As for the actual incident, too much suspicious testimony. It had to be tossed. I also think this is one of those incidents that prove that racism is not a white only disease. Not that it need to be proven since it should be known already. Also, there's a difference between PROTESTING and RIOTING. Sadly, a lot of people just don't get that.
  9. "Yeah right, where's the stats? You just automatically increase stats at level up," Why be so ignorant? It's easy to tell you don't play the game. "and the game is made for item dependant, " yeah, because DA wasn't. or FO. Or PST. Or BG2. Or pick whatever RPG ever. "to make players seeking loots to get better equipment" You mean likem basically every (a)rpg ever? O.M.G. "This game now have been well known bad, no matter how one want depend it, this game is bad overall. If they ever fix the issue, the game is still bad...everything is wrong in this game" Known by who? Those who haven't played it? Their opinion is meaningless - espicially those who who don't even know what they don't knows. 'Stats incrase when you level up' GHAHAHAHAHA! btw, If levels are meaningless try to fight enemies higher elevels than you. Much harder (if not impossible w/o cheese) than those within level range... just like any other RPG. It's also sad that the Codex can actually made legit criticism of the game while here on the Obsidian baords all the heavy naysayers are pure ignorant. The Codex actually makes decent points. Not sad , though. Codex posters tend to be a lot more rpg literate than Obsidian posters.
  10. *shrug* They were within 10 hours for me... The Deep Roads aren't long unless suck.
  11. DA1 and DA2 were about the same length. *shrug*
  12. A mortality rate that high is nothing to sneeze at. The infection rate, though, is too low though.
  13. "Like i said, any games that requires my own reflex are games with RPG elements, not a real RPG, Diablo is such. The character survival is depend on my own effort, meaning how fast i click or pushing the button, not the character own attributes." EXcept stats do matter in DA3. It's why some enemies are basically impossible to beat at low level no matter how skilled you are at jumping around or fighting. You keep making stuff up and embaraassing yourself. DA3 isn't perfect and there are things to be criticized but you keep harping on the wrong things. That's not a surprise though since you haven't even played it. L0L
  14. It';ll be an entertaining movie but I'm dissapointed in the choice of actors to star in it.
  15. As to singing goes, the singing in the taverns are pretty good.
  16. "I don't like propaganda." L0LZ
  17. "RPG for me is playing a character, if the game is rely too much on my reflex, then it's not RPG anymore, it just a game that have RPG element, such as Skyrim, Halo, and any FPS games." But, you do play a character. You also make choices. With C&C. It's an action rpg. I loathe Skyrim but it's still a rpg. Quality is irrelevant when determining what genre a game is in/
  18. "That's is doing precisely what we expect them to do: protect people. " They weren't protectin anyone. Nobody was in danger until they decided to cold blooded murder some 12 year old boy with a toy.
  19. "Also its easy for you to say " the Police are heavy handed " because you live in one of the safest countries in the world and you probably haven't experienced much gun violence" LMAO Then police can be pretty heavy handed here too. perhaps, instead of ASSuming, pick up a Kanadian paper once and awhile and you'd see we have our over the top pyschos in the police industry. Thankfully, my "city" is small so we don't have Big City Problems tm but that doesn't excuse poor decision makinmg skills by the police. Ultimately it comes down to training. Some people simply shouldn't be police officers - either ebcause theya re incompetent or they are evil. I'll give these coppers the benefit of the douibt - they're simply incompetent. They are supposed to SERVE and PROTECT not ENSLAVE and MURDER.
  20. "this teenager" 12 year olds are teenagers now? Man, the world changes. People defending the cops are shameful. This idea that cops can get away with cold blooded murder is sickening. Why is the first choice always murder? There is no reason why the cops couldn't have handled this better so the kid could live. Sorry, but murdering someone because they had a fake gun is sick and twisted. He wasn't even committing a stupid crime. He was friggin' playing around. Evil to the core nazis. Every time someone defends a bad cop it makes it harder to praise the good ones who make the right decisions.
  21. You want me to give reason why the game is better yet you have provided no reason why those other games are better. Double standard. Not surprising by a troll. Don't bother now as it's too late. BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 is better than you think it is and worse than the fanboys think it is.
  22. "Bring on some examples of good things, then we can talk." Not my job to convince you anything. I'd rather discuss thing with people who aren't trolling this thread for reactions but read people's thoughts on the actual game. You made up your mind. It won't be changed. It's useless to try to change a troll's mind.Don't get butthurt because people called you out. BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 > Better than all of the crappy games you listed above but if you love them go post in those threads and better yet go play them. You'd have less time to troll that way.
  23. What was innovative about it? It was fun (though I didn't bother finishing it) but it was not innovative. . "I can only imagine the hype it would've received if it were an isometric game with a worn out setting." WUT!?! It was friggin' hyped BIG TIME.
  24. Says the guy who spams in a game thread he has hasn't played, has no real intention of playing, and just bashes it over and over as well as bashing those who like it just to get a reaction. Don't get mad that your trolling gets a reaction. That's obviously what you want. Don't get butthurt over it. BACK ON TOPIC: DA3 has flaws. It also has good things. *shrug*
  25. Police at it again. Shoot without thinking. Horrible evil scumbag nazis.
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