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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "No, it is not the same way, it is stupid and childish, they add that feature with Spiderman and Batman in mind" The one acting childish is you. Going on and on about a game and developer you hate. It's extreme temper tantrum. move on. It will lower your blood pressure. "Vivienne is probably the closest to Lawful Evil we're going to see in DA on the protagonists side." Uh... Loghain wants a word with you. "I'd also like the Inquisition perks to be separate from character abilities, particularly picking locks." Some good ideas but I don't like the idea of having it have no effect. It makes the inquisition perks more meaningful and more personal for the player for them to effect the character.
  2. "The game had tons of town hubs. Redcliffe, Skyhold, the various Keeps and merchants around the world. I get what you're saying, but it's not like there was only wildnerness and no shops." Exactly. People who claim there are towns or other 'civilized' areas must not be playing it.
  3. It looks like Dragon Age games. The Inquisiotr can throw that chain over 100 yards the same way the rogue can disseappear, the same way the mage can create fireballs, and the same way the warrior can taunt enemies. And, of course, they didn't listen. They realize you hated the game years ago so you weren't never a part of their target audience so why tailor the game to your likes and dislikes? It would be useless.
  4. So do giant spiders if scientists are to be believed...
  5. "Rejuventaion, Regeneration and Mass Rejuvenation are a waste for you to take, it's for support character like Wynne. it is better for you to blast your enemies than busy casting these spells isn't it? heroic Offense, Heroic Aura and Heroic Defense are also a waste for you to take, all these are a support for melee and the bonus isn't great either. It is better to spend your mana in other spells than wasted them with these spells. That is why they remove this spells in DA2, and combine it all into "Heroic Aura"" Nonsense. These spells are awesome. And, what happens if someone doesn't want to have Wynne in the party? Why must everyone play and think exactly like you? They removed those spells from DA2 is ebcause they know people like you prfer their RPGs dumbed down ala KOTOR. "Having done it both ways I found the DA:A story makes more sense with a new character. I guess the PC was supposed to be the one to do the deed at the end of DA:O according to their canon. It seems to me there are more conversational element if the DA:A Warden is a new character." Naah. Canon aside, DA:A works perfectly fine with a DAO orginal warden. It's a heck of a lot more cooler. Not every PC spellcaster has to be offense oriented. Some prefer to be defensive oriented. Every spell you mentioned is extremely useful.
  6. "KotOR is well designed, better than DA:O i can say. Although KotOR isn't perfect, but we can see it is not a lazy work. Character progression, skills/talents, i admire KotOR than DA:O. KotOR 2 is a bit messed up." KOTOR is dumbed down DnD. DA is deeper, superior, and way better designed than KOTOR. "In KotOR we must be careful when we build a character" No. "no one ever take that and it never used by any means." Evidence please. "There are so many spells but most of them are wasted. Creation school especially." More evidence please.
  7. KOTO2 is just as overrated as KOTOR1. It pretended to be deep but was ultimately shallow with a lot of mumble jumble that meant nothing. Both KOTORs were good games with above average stories and subpar but pretty combat. The 'rules' were just dumbed down DnD.
  8. "putting it above KOTOR, ME and BG is quite a big thing IMO, what elements are respectiely better in this game compared to the others? Could you share a more thorough explanation?" KOTOR and BG are both really overrated. But, I don't know if I'd put this over some of the other BIO games. Certainly not better than BG2 or NWN.
  9. Everybody has a vendetta against Ansem. It's him versus the whole world. Sad really.
  10. "Sparse in magical, valuable loot, particularly named weapons and such. Standard weapons, gems and a little gold were all over the place. You could still accumulate a lot if you were thorough but other games tend to wallow in magical loot from the start." Your definition of 'sparse' is vastly different than mine. BG1 was loaded with ph@t lewt.
  11. I disagree. I may be evil but I don't play the victim. How am I trolling? You made a post asking for others' opinions. I warned ya. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to. \Keep blaming the victim. It's cute and entertaining.
  12. You sound like another arrogant, selfish, evil, nazish, piece of crap douchebag of a 'fan'/customer. Evil to the core and yet trying to play the poor put upon victim. Boo hoo. \The fact in this very thread you ask for feedback and you promptly attack the two people who responded to you proving that your nothing more than what I wrote above. Don't get mad at me since I did what you asked - gave you feedback. Don't ask questions you don't really want answers to.
  13. 2handers do a lot of damage but if you are doing friendly fire, whirlwind is a bad idea to use if you have an ally in melee with you. I know because I had FF, had Cass use whirlwin and she was doing mondo damage to my PC. L0L
  14. "Baldur's Gate 1 had one of the best loot systems ever, keeping the fancy stuff sparse (and divided between 6 characters)." Define 'sparse'. BG1 was full of ph@t lewt. "Maxed out regeneration potions heal its user self and all other character's in party so if all four members drink one you can be quite sure that your party members will not die for next 70 seconds and then you drink next potion. You can carry at least 5 per character, so it is quite while before you run out. Maxed heal potions give heal your party members from brink of death to full health. Your party can carry 12 them with inquisitor perk that rises your carry capacity from 8 to 12." So you drink a bunch of potions and claim it is easy. That's not easy at all. Going in with a well laid out plan, looted up, drinking potions en masse doesn't make it easy. It means you played smart and were rewarded. As Drowsy claims many players aren't going to be at your level. That's why there are different dicculty levels. Do you also have friendly fire on or off? Also, there was no need to provide proof you killed the dragons. I never doubted that.
  15. "At this point, let me just state: I despise both sides of this argument and wish only the worst on them. I have been reading all these happening somewhat half-heartedly, and none of the two sides seem very nice." Pot. Kettle. Black. "Worst" is just a word I used, I don't actually want them to be raped, tortured and murdered"\ Look at the coward backtracking. Own what you write or don't write it at all.
  16. "What difficulty are you playing at? I get beaten up by dragon 4 levels below me. :/" I bet the eprson died to dragons or almost died or had companions fall during dragon battles but is now bragging how 'easy' they are to sound cool. Or use cheese to win ala BG2 dragon braggers. It wouldn't be the first time. I haven't faced a dragon myself yet.
  17. I got the first bug once. Reloading first. It happened to me when I road my horse into Redcliff. I've had no issue with the 2nd one. They banter quite a bit. In fact, in Valammar alone which i just finished I probably had nearly half a dozen of them.
  18. I llove how even 'anti gamergaters' are often attacked for innocent comments. The problem is many 'anti gamergaters' originally have that stance because they see the insta label of gamergate = sexist rapist murderers who are zombie dead so of coruse they are gonna say no that is bad. But, the moment they dare try to actually read/research/take part they go ahhhhh gamergaters aren't the evil ones. It's the sjws who are the evil nazi scumbags.
  19. It's so tiny in its ltitle corner of the Hinterlands. L0L Also, best dungeon to date has to be Valammar.
  20. Uh... Hispanics are white... or that's what I heard when that hispanic guy killed the black guy....
  21. "That's sweet, I like to see people develop a little Romance crush on characters in a RPG Welcome to my world Volo, the world of Romance where you are never truly alone " Has nothing to with 'romance'. Just a well written character. Period. Afterall, Varric is one of my faves too.
  22. Still early in the game, but I find Cassandra to be a terrific character. Consistent yet capable of growth. And, now, knowing she's played by a 'lovely blonde' is all the more impressive. The actress couldnt' come off anymore different than Cassandra.
  23. Yeah, they are awlays crying about less 'violent so called manly' games and having more 'cutesy feminine' games (which is beyond sexist in ofitself) yet when one is on offer they oppose it even thoguh it's made by a friggin' woman. LMAO
  24. Arcane Warrior has never been the 'best'. LMAO
  25. Yeha, but at least I don't think anyone was seriously hurt though some poor (black i think) reporter had a rock hit her head.
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