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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "So once again I can completely understand his apology which he made on own accord" No. He was bullied, intimidated, harassed, threatened, and pressured into it by a bunch of evil nazis. If he truly thoguht the shirt was so awful he never would have worn it in the first place. The fact that feminists and SJWs support such evil tatics doesn't surprise me.
  2. I just heard a major spoiler. Let's just say those whining that decisions in past games are meaningless are gonna be proven wrong (if the spoiler is proven accurately). HOLY HELL WHAT A TWISTTTTTTTT!!! (damn internet for spoiling stuff r00fles!)
  3. "Guys a shirt like that can be worn at a Rave, a club, a comic convention or walking around a mall or dozens of others places but it does project an image. Now a person may be fine with the image it projects, like someone wearing a shirt with a neo-Nazi symbol, but you need to accept that you will receive criticism from sectors of society as that image is offensive to some people And obviously the scientist realized that as he apologized. I can also tell you that most corporates wouldn't think too highly of someone coming to a job interview wearing a shirt like that So I don't think we need to see this incident as " glaring example of feminazism " but rather something that was just inappropriate to wear for someone like the scientist who was doing an interview that has global coverage. Its not a mystery or surprise to me why he was admonished?" No.
  4. "But do you accept that wearing a shirt like that was a bad idea for someone in his position or doing an interview around something like the comet?" I try not to go overboard when judging someone on what they wear. It would take something very extreme to offend me and even then I wouldn't hunt them down, harass them, bully them, and go out of my way to humilate. Because, I'm not a nazi. In fact, I laugh when people go crazy over the actual nazi symbol because what people wear just isn't important to me. Come talk to me when someone is actually harming someone. not just offending them. Because, otherwise, I'd have to report SJWs and feminists because they offend me by their lies, diceit, racism, sexism, bullying, hate mongering, evilness, nazism and hatefulness. I believe in equalism. They do not.
  5. "Your are defined in society rightly or wrongly by your appearance." Isn't that one of the things SJWs and feminists are supposed to fight against? AKA no fat shaming. It's not the rape victim's fault they were wearing 'sexy' clothes, etc., etc. "But its just a shirt" \Then why make a big stink of him wearing it in the first place if it was 'just a shirt'? The double think here is HILARIOUS and SAD. "But resorting to crying in an interview, isn't that a bit dramatic?" You wouldn't be saying that if it was a woman harassed, bullied, and itnimidated over her clothes. But, then again, we know you are sexist. Manly men aren't allowed to cry and nothing engative can be said about women because you and your kin think wrongly that women are weak and fragile and need to protected like little children. So... why the double standard?
  6. So.. feminists (mostly white males) bullied, intimidated, and threatened a space scientist into an emotional breakdown over a friggin' shirt that was a nice gift by a female friend. That's EVIL. More evdience that feminists and SJWs are just nazis .
  7. You need to post TRIGGER! when you make a post hinting at potential suicide!
  8. GG wins simply by gamers existing. If people like Bruce's buddies had their way I'd be dead. They threaten me with cold blooded pre mediated murder. They failed in their mission. I still live and am still playing games. NOTHING they do can stop me. It's INSTA win for all gamers.
  9. "And I can guarantee you in another 3 months where we mark the 6 month anniversary of GG there still won't be any substantive changes that GG endeavours to achieve." What has the anti GG side accomplished? NOTHING. Their goal is to commit mass murder and they have EPICALLY failed at that. R00fles!
  10. Could be because they were harassed and attacked by crybabies because they wouldn't have a female protagonist. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  11. So... by your logic... so does the developer of Tomb Raider... not allowed to be be male in those game.. Or Twitcher which you like won't allow you to play female. B00 H00!
  12. SJWs whine about boobies... BIO's new game includes b00bies... seems to me BIO isn't on the side of SJWs and feminists. SJWs whine about Bayonetta... so Bayonetta 2 isn't made... oops, Bayonetta 2 is made... seems to me those develoeprs (WOMEN!) aren't on the side of SJWs and feminists! Actions speak louder than words. Publishers and develoeprs will side with the money... that is the gamers. GAMERS. WIN. AGAIN. And, oh yeah, gamers still live despite feminists and SJWs wanting to murder us.
  13. No. Your stretching. Afterall, they're alreayd on gamergates' side. They make games gamers want to play. Afterall, EA is making DA3 and sports games which I want to play which means they're on MY side. And, they know we are not dead. *goes back to playing NHL 14 because EA is on my side so suck it sexist racist hateful mass murdering wannabe anti female feminists sjws* VOLOURN. WINS. AGAIN.
  14. Eh. Splitting hairs. Even your own link states he's a scumbag. It's pretty clear he wants the white race destroyed. He should start with himself. lead by example as they say. Guy's a psychopath. Trying to defend such a disgrace to the human race.
  15. But, Bayonetta is evil trash that is sexist....
  16. "Do you guys just brush off the fact that most devs are against you?" As long as they make games I want to play, nah, they aren't against me. I'm wagering namelesshero is just another one of those hateful white male ganmers that were proclaimed dead by the very people whose butts he's kissing. he also whines about 'harassment' and 'bullying' even thoguh the side he is on are the ones who murdered me and threatened to murder all my gamer friends and also used racist and sexist slurs against them accusing black and female gamers 9as well as others) to all be white males. *goes back to playing games while dead* VOLOURN. WINS. AGAIN.
  17. "I don't agree with Damion Schubert on many things, but this is pretty amazing." \He's a piece of crap and his fake 'apology' proves it. Not to mention the close of comment. He's too much of coward to face his punishment for being a doo doo brian. Also, James Fudge's last name is fitting. Another scumbag. "Receiving review copies is a professional courtesy afforded to us by game creators both big and small. It's not a right," 100% right on. "We nevertheless also think it would be a courtesy for publishers to allow any reviews based on early copies to be published in time with a game's release, not a minute later, not 12 hours after a midnight launch." 100% wrong. The demands these pieces of crap make are hilarious. They owe you NOTHING.
  18. WL2 - still awesome NHL 14 - Damn EA will screwing up NHL 15 NWN - Was the Best, Is the Best, Always the Best RBI Baseball 14 - HUGE dissapointing uopdate of a classic serious. Dopped the ball HUGE on this one. Waiting for DA3.
  19. "Has Sarkeesian attempted to pass legislation against games?" I have no doubt she would if she had the power to. Thompson was a lawyer, thoguh, so he tried to use hsi 'skills'. \He tried to use the law. She's using her 'skills' too. She's just as dangerous and as much a bullcrapper as he is. But, she's a girl so if one opposes her theya re sexist yet you and the rest of the JSWs and feminists didn't give a crap that Thompson got many death threats, was the subject of harassment, and all sorts of nastiness. Why? Because he is a white male and 'brought it on himself'. But, feminists and SJWs view woman as weak, pathetic, and like chidlden so Sarkessian must be rescued. I respect her and other woman more than that. She is an adult and can (or should) be able to handle the 'meanies'. (death threats are not cool and should be punished and be unacceptable no matter the target INCLUDING gamers). So, why do you defend death threats against me and lies that I'm already dead? You support it even while claiming we are 'fake' friends. LMAO
  20. Sarkesian's biggest problem outside of her ignorance is she whines about how females in media are treated like damsels in distress (not true in actuality but that's her perception) yet demands that females be rescued ie. treated like damsels in distress. Either women are grown adults who can take care of themselves or they need to be rescued.
  21. I'm glad little 'ol me has that much power.
  22. "So not many names then, I am surprised. As for GG, I am not seeing how it ties in well with this, but can see why you'd want it to, heh. For the most part I've not really seen it carrying on as a White Power movement." Because he wants to link GG to being members of the KKK. Because comparing me to ISIS isn't harsh enough. L0L
  23. "If you answered yes to both questions, then you know what kind of people that are associated in gamergate." Gamers. ie. People who play games. It's not complicated. \Gamergate' is a lot more varied and accepting than feminists and SJWs are. Those groups are hatefull, cruel,. evil, mean, nazish, racist, sexist, and a host of other nasty stuff. They have threatened death, they have harassed, belittled, dehumanized, and other nasty sized. They have wiped out all white males claiming they are simultaneously dead and dying. They have belittled and comapred women to little babies. They have whitewashed all minorites. Even though the vast majority of SJWs and feminists are whites and a large number of males. However, they have failed. They have tried to murder gamers but we are still here. Because, feminists are weak and pathetic and have no power - espicially no moral power because they have no morals. They don't care about people. They care about power, control, and slavery. "It's a terribly simplistic response to give someone who has been hurt by words. I couldn't imagine feeding that line to my kids or my students when they are genuinely upset about something. It completely invalidates their emotions. There are better ways to build emotional fortitude." L0L Yet, that is exactly what you do are doing. 'invalidating emotions' L0L "One of the foundations of the creation of GG is about the insult associated with the word "gamers" and the outrage and offense that certain gamers felt." I'm more 'worried' about the death threats and proclaimations of my cold blooded murder. The ones who feel I deserve because I'm a white male gamer and I'm not a human being - just a monster, rapist, and sexist. "In other words how would you dispute a view that said " GG hasn't accomplished much and never will " GG has accomplished what it needs to - gamers are still alive and still playing games even thoguh we were proclaiming dead and threatened with murder. If people like Bruce had their easy I wouldn't exist. I'd be wiped out and thrown down the toilet bowl. Well, sorry Bruce, you won't succeed in your mission. I will exist. i will ALWAYS exist. *goes back to playing games and living life*
  24. Namutree wins. Gamer has NOTHING to do with the colour of skin. Gaming has never been about colour. Anyone who thinks that is racist. Plain and simple.
  25. The guy is insane. He wants to be KKK but completely misses the point of them. L0L LMAO at all the funny semi anti GG comedy here.
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