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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "some heads turned, but few men did more than look." Misogny! This video is barely different than the other one give or a take a few things.
  2. "Younger people are generally less informed," More ageism!
  3. "Obviously older people are bored and have nothing better to do than to vote ? " That ageist! :D
  4. I should point out that I agree with Bruce.. the stuff written on that is just guffaw worthy. \I like the 'double or annul their husband's vote' line.
  5. That's right. When talking about gender issues, harassment, and all that stuff in 2014 you bring up stuff from a long time ago... to prove what? I don't know one person personally in real life or anyone on the internet barring trolls who are trying to take away women's right to vote. ARE YOU INSANE?
  6. Arthur Chu is an insane psychopath.
  7. "I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone the creator and the executive producer of Bayonetta are both females." And, often attacked viciously by feminists and fellow women (I seperate those two because too many feminists are sexist racist white males lol). P.S. And, wait, int hat twitter link OPakman is being bashed for an interview he had with a scumbag well before he was arrested for some crime? WUT? That's like hunting down old interviewers of OJ and labeling supporters of his more recent crimes. LOGIC. NOT. FOUND.
  8. Mean. Was the tripped girl in on the trip or did the guy decide to prank her too?
  9. WUT? Isn't the stereotype of gays is being 'feminine' anda woman's best male friend who likes clothes as much she doe?
  10. Echoing others I have a question: If this piece of crap subhuman of a husband was so obviously guilty of abuse to the point that a 'lawful' court sanctioned his assassination why wasn't he arrested, charged, and convicted of these heinous abuses? Why was he given custody of the child? Does the court not care a child is in the custody of a horrible horrible horrible monster they saw fit to approve his assination? COME ON. \How can Bruce give the seal of approval to this evil scummy justice system that allows such a horrible piece of crap get away with such satanic abuse and get the reward ofm raising the child? You see, no matter which way it cuts, the court was completely and utterly disgusting. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE.
  11. I'm not surprised CBC would pull that kind of crap. They're evil that way. They don't believe in equality.
  12. The above post is one of the best posts I have ever seen on the net. Close this thread, and sticky it on every forum everywhere. GAME OVER, man, GAME OVER.
  13. "Ah. And, as I see it, the "feminist group" was not "dumped" into games media. Games media finally openly acknowledged what is blindlingly obvious-- that it was no longer acceptable for the community of "traditional gamers" to blithely tolerate those who heap scorn and abuse on anybody with the temerity to point that mainstream games regularly trade heavily in cheap titilation and casual misogyny. Calling out this kind of stuff in other media has been a prominent and accepted element of critical responses since the 60s, and the time has come for games to stop being the exception." Oh please. Games are more geared to be more hateful to males. Male victims are more prevelant in video games. The vast majority of enemies killed are either me or monster (of cours meany believe men are monsters lol). L0L Misogny L0L That word is so abused and misused it loses a lot of meaning. Espciially when you see rea legit cases of sexism in the world.
  14. "You are not quoting properly. You do not attribute to where/whom the words you quote are from. Use '"" all you want, but cite correctly if you're going to do it that way. That said, format and ease of read for those you're writing for matters. The quote boxes provided by the forum are much superior to "" in the ease of read department. Using them is not 'dumbing down' for the internet, not using them thinking that they are somehow 'dumbing down' is being what you're trying to avoid: dumb. Learn what a troll is. I'm certainly not trolling." Trolling again. Stick on topic and stop the eprsonal attacks on my posting style. Deal with the topic. ON TOPIC: Shame on the scumbag judge and the incompetent prosecuter.
  15. I am quoting properly. I'm not dumbing down for the internet. These are " ". Deal with it, and stop trolling, and stick to the topic.
  16. "You are coming off way too strong and that can only hurt your credibility." L0L
  17. "Also, am thoroughly surprised to find Bruce is okay with this." I'm not. He got triggered by the abuse thing. The moment he read nothing no other facts matter to him. He doesn't need proof. He just needs to hear that line and he'll automatically believe the woman. Because, he believes all men are evil and if theya re accused of something heinous they must be guilty and a woman would NEVER lie. Then again, even IF the guy was abusive hiring a hitman AFTER the fact is still wrong. And, it's definitely illegal. But, Bruce and co still defends it but he would NEVER defend it if the situation is reverse. Also, Bruce continues to lie. He claimed there were no charges. But, there were charges filed hence why a judge was invovled and there were appeals even to the point that one court said the 'abuse defense' was wrong. Then, there's the fact she would have access to literal millions if he was dead. Then there's the fact she told the udnercover that she was never abused. EVIL. "Well, lets not forget that OJ got away with killing his ex-wife and another guy, so it's not like only women get away with this stuff." A. He 'got away' with it because there wasn't enough evdience to convict. B. His entire life was ruined. Was foudn guilty in civil court, his professional life was over, and he's now in prison. Oh btw, why is he prison? Because he was trying to get back stuff that was stolen from him (his story). But, as the court rightly said, even if he was telling the truth there taking the law into your own hands and hunting down the thief in a hotel room with armed guards is not acceptable behaviour. Just like hiring a hitman FOR ANY REASON should not be acceptable. So, why are you people defending the woman or the stupid male judge? Patriacrhy my behind.
  18. Cops are heroes and should be obeyed and taken at face value no matter what: http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/11/woman-sues-lapd/
  19. What evidence? Nothing in the article suggests there is any such evidence. Just the judge taking the woman - who tried to murder someone using a HIT MAN - at her word. Even IF he was abusive (which according to the udner cover agent says she told him no) she shouldn't be able to get away with hiring hit men to commit murder. Do you support cold blooded pre planned murder? This was NOT self defense. But, hey, she has to be telling the truth because she is a woman and women never lie. I mean according to you he is scumbag because she claims that he hit her but she is a-okay even though she planned to commit murder for money. LMAO btw, Charges were filed. That's why the judge was involved. Duh. I think you better read the article again. Why do you disrepect women so much that you can't treat them equally. I guarantee you if a man hired a hit amn to murder his wife and then accused her of abuse you would still want him in prison.
  20. Did you actually read the article? L0L
  21. Heat arguably have more depth than last season. The only thing that makes them 'worse' is no Lebron but they aren't Cleveland. They are not gonna collapse w/o James.
  22. And, it's nott hat Kabernick is a horrible QB. He has talent but it just does not fit. SF is in 'win now' mode not 'years from now'. Of course, they did each the SB with huim but that was ebfore teams had time to scout him thoroughly.
  23. Patriarchy at work: http://www.ctvnews.ca/w5/justice-system-scrutinized-woman-hires-hitman-but-goes-free-1.2079731
  24. Yet 49ers and their silly fans chiose him over Smith who made a crappy team good despite having much less talent around him than what's on SF.
  25. The fact you have the Heat out of the playoffs entirely and Cleveland as #1 is just illogical.
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