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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I could finish Planescape: Torment twice in that time. Even with the ability to turn on the rangers I never cared about the world and its people enough to want to see would happen. Also the only games I think have genuinely good stories are Torment, Spec-Ops: The Line, Shadow of the Colossus and maybe Metal Gear Solid 2." Most of those games are pure crap. PST's story is good but overrated. What is so 'special' about their stories that make you 'care' so much'?
  2. Like most of your posts. "Let's put it this way. If I got heated enough at my boss that I said I was going to kill them, whether it was to their face, to another coworker, or even just to myself and was overheard, and this information got to my boss, I would expect I would be fired on the spot, there would also be at least some possibility that the police would be called and I would be escorted off the premises by them. If I then went back a day later and said "hey man, I was just messing around" the chances of me getting my job back would be fairly slim." Exactly. Jokingly saying youa re 'gonna kill someone' only works if you are close with them. ie. Either friends or family.
  3. Are people going to finally admit that feminists and SJWs are sexist racist nazi pigs who believe in slavery, think men are just rapists and women are weak, pathetic, child like, and need to be handled with kid gloves? Feminism is evil to the core. #SupportEqualismIfYouAreAGoodPerson
  4. "What's the alternative?" An actual contract that perfectly lays out what boths dies' rights and responsibiltiies are including what is worthy of ternmination of said contract by both aprties. "Read the Terms of Service. Some of the many complaints people have about Steam, including some that encompass that, are laid out there." 'Terms of service' are not actual contracts and are often laughed out of court. People who take them seriously - outside the obvious - need to rethin it. Now if your 'term of service' is code for 'signed contract' between Steam and a developer who puts their game on the site that's different, Of course, I'm sure almost any contract and the alw allows one to end a contract with someone who threatens to kill them so, in this situation, it doesn't really matter in the long run because Steam would likely win in court if it was pursued down that route.
  5. Feminism is dying. Equalism - the anti racist and antis exist group that battles the sexist and racist feminists and SJw - will live on.
  6. That's a horrible way for people to do business. Developers are dumb to work with steam. That doesn't mean I agree with the death threat and actually I don't blame Steam not wanting to work with the guy anynmore whether ihe was just 'venting' or menaing it. If I'm a boss of a company I surely would avoid working with someone who made public death threats against me. Heck, I'm not a boss, but if my boss made a death threat towards - even if he didn't mean - I'd have to rethink working for me him. LMAO
  7. They don't expect you to care. Consdieirng you can choose to betray the rangers your argument is lame. Not to mention illogical. It's story isn't deep but it's better than most of the game you think have good stories. Trust me on that. "Speaking about perks and traits, WL2 as it is ended up being compared to Fallout much more than it's needed, if you ask me. And conclusion more often is "This is lousy Fallout!". I think the first reason devs came up with brand new role system is to avoid using SPECIAL (does it fall under Fallout license, by the way? Just curious.)" You do realzie that the characetr system used in WL2 is based on WL1 which came out before FO right? The FOs are the 'spiritual successor' of WL not the other way around. "I just hope people playing PoE will never conclude "This is lousy Baldur's Gate!"."\ \I'm more worried that PE will turn out to be plain old lousy or merely 'average'. WL2 doesn't ahve that problem. It's awesomesauce.
  8. So I guess there is no Steam -developer contracts? Steam can just pull games willy nilly or is there a 'do not make mean post/stupid real or not real death threats at Steam boss' stipulation in any signed contract? <> Just wondering.
  9. Luck is a fun stat. It's not needed but it can be useful.
  10. Have fun. You ahve as many as 7 characters in the game so you'll be fine with the right approach to combat. Still, best advice is give every character at least one weapon skill and spreak non combat skills around. It's also good to have at least 2+ characters with the med/doctor skills espciially doctor in case your doc goes down you have back up. Don't listen to the x weapon sucks or y wepaon is best. Everyone has their faves but all weapons can be sueful at minimum (personally, to me, handguns are probably the weakest but others would likely laugh at me for saying that heh). Finally, have fun.
  11. INtelligence. Afgility. Perception. Luck. Sorry but the flimsy excuses try to defend strenth 1 brute force 10 character si silly. It is illogical. It's gamey. Nothing more nothing less. There's no 'RL logic' in it. Also, WL2 has lots of skills 'cause it is old skool and it is a sequel to WL1 which also had lots of skills. And, it's awesome because of it. of course, some skills are shortshafted but eh can't all be winners. <> Then again, according to some everyone should be winners in 2014. Unless you disagree with the hive mind then you are a loser.
  12. "Wow, it's gotten echo-chambery in here. Even Bruce has gotten tired of humoring you all, which is saying something. Anyhow, Kluwe is indubitably a troll with a consistent schtick build around creative profanity, but he's not wrong about the damage this whole thing is doing to the broader perception of people who play vidyagames. Rail about the latest outrageous thing on twitter all you want-- the message that the public gets is still "gamers heap abuse and scorn at anybody who suggests that vidyagames might be a little bit sexist." The side with the most sexists is the feminists and SJWs like Bruce not us gamers. \I have no problem, and never had any with women playing, making, or writing about video games. Nice try with your bigotry. Let me guess. You are a white male manspalining how all the females who support gamers/gamergate are brainwashed? LMAO Feminists are sexist pieces of crap. PERIOD. Equalists > ALL
  13. I don't think an NFLer shoudl be throwing stonea t anyone. Mr. Kluwe knows what kind of cultture the NFL relishes right? And, if gamers are misognyists what does that make the NFL? I mean, there isn't even one female NFler but plenty of female gamers. WHO IS SEXIST NOW!?! \ Also, notice, how, he just happens to be a white male. One of the few in the NFL. HAHAHA! "We are winning the culture war. There are multiple TV shows about nerds as role models. For ****’s sake, in House of Cards, Kevin Spacey plays a goddamn U.S. Representative who relaxes by playing first-person shooters!" yeah, because feminists and SJWs - whose side he supposedly is on - lotahes those type of games. That article is garbage. It explains why he only lasted 8 seasons. "I hope you all, every #Gamergater, picks up a debilitating case of genital warts." L0LZ Anti bullying. I also notice he baltantly ignores female gameing gaters. HAHA!
  14. Sexist and racist feminists always invent new words to absh people people 'cause they are hateful that way. If you are a woman who disagrees with them you are 'internalized misogny'. Like that's really a thing. LMAO Espicially in 2014 in the western world where you ahve access to media of all types. "The sheer magnitude of the sexism and racism on the anti-gamergate side is astounding" Not really. They have a alrge contigent of white males and they are run by feminists. The very word is sexist.
  15. **** coaching,. Stop defending ****!
  16. "Darklands is an awesome, awesome game. Hope you enjoy it." The concept is awesome but the controls and actual game are simply a mess. It could have been a contender. Great character system, great ideas, crap execution.
  17. "Eh. Playcalling isn't the problem-" No. When you constantly do run plays while getting only 2-3 yards per run, that's epic fail. They've chickened out and ran the ball at 3rd down and long. DUMB.
  18. Giants need to fire their overrated trash of an offensive co-ordinator. He's way too stubborn and in extreme love with 1 or 2 yard runs. LMAO This is the second game in a row, IIRC, where the Giants had 3 runs of less than 3 yards in a row. That's stupid. He even wasted precious minutes in the fourth quarter with stupid runs - despite a QB and a pass protection that was getting the job. Eli Manning has a near 3 to 1 TD-INT rating and his best QBR ever yet the team is under .500. That's disgraceful. Poor coaching, hit or miss D, overrated running, and sloppy play. Boo! That's not to take away from Dallas as they are a great team playing well as are Philly who are doing well in spite of their QB's miscues (basically totally opposite of the Giants). 3-4. Still better than last season and we are still in but we got to get crackin'.
  19. "When adapting things from comics or animation, design is an important factor when it comes to the characters. Fans of the the property want the actors cast to look like the characters they are fans of. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with nostalgia, as evidenced by once the movies come out and the actors do fine in the role no one cares anymore. Fans get pissed off when the hair colour of a character is wrong (especially when its something an $8 box of hair dye can fix.), so its not surprising that casting an actress that doesn't look remotely anything like the character would piss some people off. As I'm not a big fan of Jem, I don't really care, but I've experienced the feeling with quite a few comic adaptions." O RLY? Plenty of comics ahve changed characters from white to black with little whining. Besides, as TN states, this isn't about 'comic accuracy' which could be a legit 'whine'. This isn't this character should be black but more of this person isn't 'black enough'. That's evil.
  20. That Rex is guy is an idiot. I'm going to guess that the one who set the interviews up is pro GG as Rex was a raving lunatic and the pro GG was quite the opposite. In fact, the eprson who set it up is anti male. LMAO Rex has a lot of anger and hatred in him. I don't think he should be playing games 'cause he is CRAZY. LMAO @ his 'favorite' game.
  21. You are likely to miss some quests and things because of the infamous C&C. Choose A over B and you'll miss out on C, D, and E.I'm sure even following an accurate walkthrough you won't see everything in one playthrough.
  22. "that not everyone who plays FPS shooters is sane. They may have reality issues; and some game companies are not helping the matter when they clearly develop with the expressed idea of it being a murder simulator as a deliberate fantasy facilitator. It's freaky weird that some of them even fess up to it." Games are not the issue. Crazy people are. Crazy people existed well before games and were killing and doing other crazy before things. You guys do realize that insane asylums have existed for a very long time, right? This idea that 99.999999999999999999999% of the population need to be babysat and live in fear and be babies because of the other 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% is ridiculous.
  23. Yes, and people like you feed into what they want. Let them make their game without whining about it. If people just stuck to quality of the actual game(play) and not whine about 'morals of the game' it wouldn't be a waste of time. I mean I played FO series where you can enslave men AND women, have shotgun weddings, get raped my a super mutant, get the entire world hooked on drugs, dipped in magic mutant making goo, etc., etc., a litle killing of civilans isn't gonna stop me from playing a game. Also, it's not going to make me turn around and do ANY of those things in real life either. But, no, you got peopel talk about how 'evil' the game is, the stupid engine makers running awya like little babies despite the fact their engine is sued for all sorts of violent games but this is too far? Give me a break. I'm into shooters but who knows maybe the game play is fantastic and shooter fans might enjoy it. And, no what, I don't fear that those shooter fans are going to turn around and start randomly kill innocent people in real life. BECAUSE. IT. IS. NOT. REAL. P.S. Bruce is the one who claims you shouldn't judge games so quickly yet here he is judging it quickly. L0L
  24. Gonna be fun to play with the npcs in future playthroughs plus try some of the weapons I didn't use - assault rifles, shotguns, and the like. This game is still awesome and it's friggin' long.
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