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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. The bot itself is funny and gave me chuckles. The article, itself, is pure garbage. Only racist sexist pieces of crap nazi wananbes would support the article or the writer of said article. Pure evil. "I know I shouldn't be laughing but you guys must admit it is funny when someone gets conned like that under those circumstances" \ Definitely. Which is why I laugh at the fools who got conned by hateful feminists who hate females. :D
  2. WL2, NHL 2014, and NBA 2K15.
  3. Didn't have to wait that long. Did one small area and got radioed back to base. Some nice equipment including power armour. L0L
  4. Playing in California.l really need to upgrade my weapons because the uber weapons the enmies have is annoying. L0L Not to mention the enmy seem to come in greater numbers with more hit points. Not a good combo.
  5. "the impact is do I invest a hundred hours plus of my life in it?" EA doesn't care if you play for one second or 1 million seconds. As long as you give them money. "hope you're joking man" Truth hurts you, huh? GOOD.
  6. "Women are treated bad in general, they earn less than men, and get worse treatment than men." But, that's not mdoerate. It's patently untrue in so many ways. It's a myth spammed by liars taken as gospel but repeatedly proven false with facts. "o the reason GG needs to shutdown is its utterly tainted. Its not going to achieve anything because of the extremist element that has hijacked its motives. Close it down and start some kind of group that can be regulated and raise the valid issues that you guys feel need to be raised" Sound slike feminism which is tainted., feminism hates men AND women. Feminists and SJWs believe that white males are just rapists exist pigs. They want all men killed. Yup, tainted. pergaps, feminism should be closed and start some kind of group that is more reaosnable. I know. I'll call it Equalism. So, Bruce, why do you support a group like femnism that wants all men to have their balls cu off, set on fire, and then murdered? Or a group such as feminism that believes women are weak and pathetic and should be treated like little children? Why do you support such a heinous extremist group? "That and, well, people bashed a woman and that's always misogyny." That's the key. It's okay to bash amman but fon't be negative towards a woman. Why? Because, feminists like Bruce believe women are weak and fragile and need to be protected at all costs and women are inherently more valuable than men as men are nothing but fodder for war and cattle for more kiddies and banks for more money. Men aren't even human. Theya re monsters who must be kept away from children AT ALL COST. "All "gamers " weren't attacked" Yes, they were. they called gamers white male sexist racist pigs. They claimed 'gamers were dead'. GUESS WHAT? I'M STILL ALIVE. You lose yet again, feminist nazis. Talk about death threats. Equalism > Feminism GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER.
  7. •" The godfathers of the RPG create their masterpiece!" Oh. come. on. Who wrote that nonsense?
  8. "Are you saying that Gaider was lying?" I'm saying he's pretending it's still 1998 and BIO was an independent studio owned by the docs. \ That scenario simply doesn't exist. "Ah, ok. Then I don't understand how you can defend Bioware after DA2 and their marketing spiel on it." DA2 > BG1 + KOTOR + KOTOR2 + PE + DOS + ALL YOUR OTHER OVERRATED GAMES THAT ARE ACTUALLY CRAP.
  9. SJWs and feminists prove, yet again, they are simply nazis. Equality is the way to go. Why don't they believe in equality?
  10. "sexually frustrated guys" I ssriously doubt a celebrity like Baldwin is 'sexually frustrated'. L0LZ "But do we now dismiss any opinions from feminists as "automatically biased " ?" Absolutely. Because they are. Just like, as a gamer, I'm biased against being called a white male gamer sexist rapist. I'll always be biased being called that.
  11. "I recall Gaider coming out and saying that the 11 month timetable was entirely a Bioware decision. I'm inclined to believe him." A BIO decision is an EA decision. EA *is* BIO. BIo is NOT a seperate identity. The docs - when they were still there - were on the EA board. EA is 100% in control; Everyd ecision - good or bad - is an EA decision.
  12. "Maybe one of the resident forum feminists can explain it for the rest of us?" It's simple. They are sexist and love using stereotypes of both men and women. Men = violent monsters who only exist to rape and murder Women = Weak will creatures who need to be treated and coddled like children It's sickening. It's bad enough feminists hate men. It's even more hilarious that they hate women too - the group they are supposedly fighting for. Anyone who believes feminists want equality are lying through their teeth or are morons. Equalists are the cool people. If they did, they'd be fighting for men to have equal rights in the court room when it comes to how they are treated in divorce, custody , and abuse cases? As for games, there are already plenty of games directed at the 'female stereotype'. It's too bad that 'geminists' have double speak where theyw hine that women are stereotyped but then turn around and stereotype women too. Not to mention the hilarious stereotyping of men. LMAO but, what do you expect, thoguh, when the SJW motto is 'all gamers are white male rapist'. R00fles! *goes back to playing games*
  13. "Look at your typical Bioware game, they offer male and female character selection, you can choose your race and you have same-sex Romance options. There games are already inclusive and most people are fine with that. So I am not sure what people are really worried about when we talk about " changes to games that appeal to the entire fanbase"" BIO games are considered sexist, Do you REALLY think someone like Anita is fine with your precious pirate queen? I guarantee she isn't. Who, in this thread, is arguing there should be less women playing games or in video games? Nobody. I don't give a crap if women are in games or play them. Doesn't bother me one bit. Don't make stuff up. Nobody is arguing this point. However, there is no 'need' for more women either? Or less. Or more or less men. It should be pointed out, btw, that most of the men in video games are treated nothing more than mere monsters to defeat. Very few games have you mass killing women. I can thinkf only a handful that do that but I can think of many who let you kill men by the hundreds if not thousands. but, people like Anita and Bruce whine about the one female killed. L0L \Because, as know, in this 'man's world' men are nothing but fodder meant to be tossed in the meat grinder while women are too fragile and broken who need to be locked up in the house because all the fodder will rape them. LMAO Why do 'SJWs' hate both men and women? That's evil, sick, and twisted.
  14. "I'm not sure you seem to grasp the concepts of beta testing or ndas. Unfortunately I can't explain them in detail in this case without violating mine." L0L NDAs L0L
  15. Plenty of women have no problem with 'violence in games'. Why do people make stupid stuff like that up? People trying to speak on behalf of the entirety of women is hilarious. It's like saying all men play games because of violence. LMAO It is so disrespectful to the women who have played 'violent' games like FO, Diablo, Destiny, etc., etc. Even the Sims has violence in it. People whine that women are pegionholed into certain roles in entertainment yet they turn around and pegion hole those same women. It's beyond ridiculous. \Women are human beings, damnit. Their likes and dislikes are varied. Let games be made and the potential customers can decided what they will or will not play. \People like Anita and Bruce are wannabe dictators who believe in controlling other human beings. That is simply wrong.
  16. "Why is it so important to you that Anita S. be the bad guy?" It's not important at all. But, she is the bad guy. She is evil, and hateful. She is alsoa flat out liar. I may be a piece of crap but at least I'm honest of it. She pretends to be something she's not. That makes her a coward. \ She also believes women are weak and pathetic and need to be handheld and treated like little babies. That's sexist, and condescending. \I have way more respect for women than so called 'feminists' do. I treat women like grown adult human beings. 'Feminists' treated them like little cuddled children. That's evil and scummy.
  17. Damn Giants. Get a better o line and stop depending on your run so friggin' much. 1st half eli was 6/8 (with 5 sacks against) and they had run the ball like 16 times. Screw that stupidity! Eagles are 5-1 when they have a subpar QB. Damn it. Need to find a way to beat a hot Dallas team next week. <>
  18. Anita is evil. She also hates women. She belittles them. She shames them. She spits in their face.
  19. "In defense of the level 50 cap, beyond more HP, what does anything above level 40 get you, anyway? Shouldn't you have all the skills you really care about maxed out by then?" The point is level limits are stupid and show weakness on the part of the developer ESPICIALLY in a sandbox game like WL2. if someone wants to goa round the wasteland killing random enemies to reach level 1000, let them. L0L Nobody who just plays the game won't get much further than the so called anyways so why is level 50 a-ok but 54 isn't? DOES. NOT. MAKE. SENSE.
  20. "What about the woman choice? Relationship is not a choice, it's a decision made by both party. So your choice doesn't matter, you only need to lobby the woman to make her decide to be with you. But in this case, who make the decision? Surely not the player, but Bioware." That's the point. Just ebcause YOUR character chose Cullen doesn't mean he chose you for the long term. Maybe he just had a crush/infatuation with your warden and then moved by DA2. My golly, you sound like a stalker who just won't let go of a past not quite a lover. Let Cullen go. He doesn't love you anymore.
  21. "But Cullen in DA2 is totally a different person, player choice is doesn't matter" I choose to be with a woman I'm attracted to. She chooses to tell me to get lost. My choice doesn't matter That's the way the world works.
  22. "How interesting that you consistently do have time to respond to Volo but not to anyone actually making points." I'm not threat. I'm not popular on the internet so attacking me and labeling a white male racist sexist rapist just get chuckles from both sides. L0L
  23. Yeah, and it's dumb.
  24. I'm level 25-26 and just started California. And, I missed more than my fair share. i also think it be very easy to get to level cap just with random encounters if you choose to.
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