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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Putin murders Russians so, no, he doesn't deserve to celerate.
  2. "have let him kill you," More proof this game sucks.
  3. "SitS going into bèta" \ Why are you trolling the WL2 thread with some other trash game? Discuss this trash game.
  4. Not to mention calling all gamers white male rapists and comparing them to ISIS who brag and show off cutting off people's heads not to mention that ISIS actually does go around raping women and men. Oh yeah, I forgot, SJWs feminists don't believe men can be raped. L0L
  5. I'm an **** in both real life and the internet. I just hide it better in real life to avoid drama.
  6. "Typical Finnish response, totally out of touch with reality " Wow. Look at that bigotry.
  7. That goes for both sides. Basically nobody in the wreal world gives a crap about gamegate, gamergaters, SJWs, or new age hateful racist sexist feminists. I know plenty of people who play games in RL and nobody talks about this nonsense. Vast majority of people just want to play games they like and they don't bother with games they don't like. i'd feel awkward bringing this silliness up in RL. LMAO However, they don't whine about he games they don't like either nor do they try to change them aka like the Anitas of the world. Of course, it's a known fact she hates gamers yet lies about being a gamer. PATHETIC. That's the kind of person you support.
  8. Yes. If I was a lame butt twitterer I'd #equalist #equalism non stop on it.
  9. Lefered is a tool. This has nothing to do with them being 49 fans. It has to do with them being douchebags. P.S. And, men. :D
  10. Told you feminists are evil nazis. Equalism is the way to go.
  11. The AL results are definitely surprising. I was pegging Tigers and Angels as the ehavy favorites but they got slaughtered...
  12. Why do so called feminists hate, belittle, insult, trash, bully, and marginalize women even though they claim to be fighting for them? LMAO Equalists and gamers are a lot more pro female than feminists or SJWs are.
  13. Why does it have to be news? Thsi section is also for questions.
  14. "That's my point, we seem to making assumptions. And that is not helpful if you want to base your argument on facts which I assume we all want to do?" Like the assumption that all gamers are white male racist rapists? L0L "True, but it wouldn't be childish. If I was in charge of a website like RPS and I really had an issue with someone I probably wouldn't post anything about there games. But it would have to be an issue around something serious, like if the company was homophobic. Its optional what content these websites post" HAHAHA SJW. SJW Never Change L0L This is a guy who chastized and accused me of censorship. Hypocrisy is thy middle name.
  15. All your link proves is that he was prone to a lot of tall tales after coming back from the war. It doesn't suggest what happened during the war with him is inaccurate - only that he could make up wild stories during his civilian life to keep up his image that the media hyped. If the movie focuses on the military part (like in the preview) it'll be fine. IOf course, we know the movie is going to over dramatize stuff ebcause that's what movies do.
  16. Maybe they have those 'negative traits' not because they are Russian but because they have you as a 'friend' who feels it's okay to bash your so called 'friends' on the internet. LMAO
  17. That Kian article is garbage and is blatantly anti GG. He makes excuses for her because he believes gamers are white male rapists. He even admits that he has a low opinion on 'traditional gamers' in that very article and then tries to 'haha' his way out of it. Piece of crap.
  18. I'll try to be as clear as possible: 1. There is NOTHING wrong about ranting about games "2. Making a new topic for every single rant DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE As I said before, imagine if every single random news from the Random Video Game News topic would be pulled out from there and slapped on the main page as single topics, would that make any sense to you?. This and the rest of joke rant topics are a cry for help. We simply wish to keep the forum tidy. This is an awesome forum and I don't want it to turn into a dump." If anything turns the place into a dump its silly posts like yours.
  19. "arguing about art is just about the most pointless thing in existence. I think he's very good, and those cards look very nice." L0L
  20. "I like Leigh's passion," She's evil. Besides she isn't even a feminist because she hates women.
  21. "I'm a SJW and I don't think you are rapist just because you are white, male gamer. I publically acknowledge that. There you go, your expectation has been achieved. Are you happy now?" One poster isn't a crowd. "Yes Gamasutra is a website where the "reviled" feminist Leigh Alexander posts on, so it has become one of the websites that many people on GG see as the enemy" Alexander is a hater. She hates both men and women. She's about power and control. She attacks women who disagrees with her - she's even gotten women fired for speaking out against her. She's one of those feminists who truly believes all men are rapists just by existing. The fact you obviously support shows why SJWs cna't be trusted when it comes to true equality.
  22. They did finish it. The game had a beginning-middle-end. y u lie
  23. My only goal is not to be accused of being a rapist because I am a white male gamer. But, yeah, those expectations are too high of sexist pigs like the SJW crowd.
  24. Feminists are pieces of crap anyways who are some of the most sexist people in the world. Bruce is an example of this. He believes all white males are rapists. He specifically thinks I'm a rapist even though I have never raped anyone in my life but hey if the SJWs say I'm a rapist I'm a rapist. LMAO\ \Feminists are evil to the core. Equalists are the people who truly believe in equality. If you are not an equalist you are scum.
  25. "WHY AREN'T PEOPLE BACKING THIS??" 1st person real time space NO THANK YOU.
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