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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. " iwd2 is examples that is noteworthy. not every encounter were boss fights, but the level design were far superior in iwd2" Hell to the no. IWD2 was completely and utterly awful in every single way except character system. The encounters were crap, the level designs were crap, the enemies were crap, the bosses were crap, it was all crap. Only IE game I didn't both to finish because it was so crappy. WL2 is hella fun. I don't get the 'all enemies swarm in WL2'. Opposing snipers certainly don't. Enemies will also hide in cover. They'll even use ambush sometimes. *shrug*
  2. That message from Anita is plain old fashion stupid. As someone else has mentioned, that's EXACTLY what Jack Thompson claimed and EVERYONE basically threw him and his opinion in the trash. The same should to her opinion. Bottom line is violence has gone DOWN since video games have become more popular. People like her and Jack are all about slavery, power, and control. They are evil to the core.
  3. "but you think bosses should be allowed to date their subordinates too? They are adults afterall.. " If both individuals agree to it, why the hell not? Why are people always wanting to enslave and control other people when there is no need to?
  4. Wow. Even my piston user could kill them in one or two head. My SM and sniper murdered them before they even got a chance. I think I got hit by a rabbit twice. With badger s- espciially the big ggroups, I had to hit them with an explosive to weaken them.Then they weren't so tough.
  5. It just mean walking around a lot more or riding your stupid horse.
  6. "So yeah it should be illegal" No. As for being 'fired', that should be case by case decision through an investigation of how it effects the actual school environment. A 20 year cold college student is an adult. PERIOD.
  7. "I really doubt such an act would affect a young man the same way it'd affect a young woman. If it had happened to me I can say with assurance I wouldn't have cared, and I know guys who banged their instructors in college at the age of 18/19. " Why would it effect a teenage girl in a worse way than a teenage boy? Why the sexism? Oh, I know why. females are fragile little cfeatures who need to be treated like babies. Why do people disrespect and hate females so much more than men then feel the need to coddle them? A teenage girl who chooses to be 'statuary raped' (lol that term always cracks me up in the way it destroys the actual meaning of the word rape) by an older man is going to be nore more scarred than a teenage boy who chooses to be 'statuary raped' by an older woman. Afterall, last I checked, the stereotypical couple is older man and younger woman. \ Seriously, the double standard is stupid and is insulting to the female gender.
  8. Why do people fear rabbits? They're like super easy. Now, the badgers. Without grenades, you'd probably have to be level 15-20 to beat them.
  9. This game is awesome sauce.
  10. Bruce, what do you think of a male teacher having sex with a female student? is it okay or do you wnat that teacher punished BIG TIME? I bet the latter. That's sexist because you just poopooed the issue. But,t hat's typical for people who hate and disrespect women.
  11. L0L So control is about masculinty? LMAO Everyone wants control and power. Male or female. It don't matter. People want others to do what they want them to do. 99% of people believe in slavery as long as they are the slaver.
  12. "The fact that she didn't play the majority of the games she's criticizing doesn't mean she couldn't have played other games, you know." You missed point. She cliamed that she was a super duper always playing type of a gamer - even bragging about her collection. But, it's proven she has told people that she's not really a gamer and because of that she had to spend a lot of time doing research. I wouldn't mind the fact she had to do researchers - afterall, research is done to learn about stuff - it's that she felt the need to brag aka lie about her game habits. Why not be simply truthful? "She brings up valid points like beating up women is bad and games should not condone violence, issues I had hitherto been thoroughly confused on." \ Yeah, agreed, espicially since it's not big deal when you kill a bunch of men in games. But, women? They're equal but more precious. LMAO People liker her shame and ebase women as much as they do men because it belittles them and treats women like little kiddies.
  13. Some of the items can lead you to get skill boosters as well. Nothing to sneeze at but certainly not a 'must have'.
  14. "Anita, she's pretty upfront about where she's coming from and what you see is what you get." Upfront? She's a proven liar. On one hand she claims to be an avid gamer, on the other hand she claims she had to do lots of research because she never really played games. So which is it?
  15. You wish. But wishes don't come true.
  16. "Anita Sarkeesian has a video suggesting a video game plot idea. It's nothing fancy and in all reality has probably been done before, but it's fine. Basically it's a princess gets kidnapped, gets sick of waiting on the knight in shining armor to save her, so she busts out and saves the kingdom herself." She's made a lot of money. Why doesn't she make it or hire someone to make it if she feels she doesn't have the skills to make it? And, yeah, her idea is fine plus as you mentioned has been done before.
  17. The two PA games look good if not ambitious. I mean, the first is promising quite a bit for only 40k. Multiple fantasy races but no dwarves.
  18. Why not just make a party and roll with it? Don't be wusses.
  19. "The two of us have done battle five or ten times over the course of the last ten hours. When first we met he was a mere shrimp of an Uruk captain—a scrawny little thing with a metal cage around his head, like a bear trap, who shot poisonous crossbow arrows at me. He killed me that first battle out of luck more than anything else, shooting me in the back as I fought another captain. And he climbed the ranks. And climbed and climbed. I've killed him. He's come back from the grave. I've killed him more times. He's come back again and again, each time with a snarl and a taunt, like "You thought you killed me, huh?" L0L 'innovative' L0L
  20. Griffin is better. That is FACT. Not based on one game. Based on fact.
  21. The Terminator oops.. I mean The Equalizer - Awesome action movie. 9/10
  22. Wow. That's sexist. Now, you lower and embase as you only care about my looks. And, you even lie about it since I'm not cute. Anyone who thinks I'm cute can't be trusted. PERIOD.
  23. Wait all you want. I have moved on. I'm not here to babysit you.
  24. Yes, it is. Don't lie.
  25. "And, this should kill the "Cousins over Griffin!" nonsense for the time being." \I agree. People were being stupid. Even during Griffin' 'bad' season last eyar he had played decently. He also never threw more than 2 INTs in any game let alone 3 in one quarter. L0L And, that was against the Giants' horrible D, too. Also, people need to shut up about Eli is horrible, on the downside of his career, or other stupid off. His interception is almost a typical INT for him. Makes the perfect pass, and the reciever loses it. That said, that should have been a TD, anyways. Oh, well. Already better than last season. ELI ELI ELI ELI ELI
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