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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Yeah. The world has had violence and sex way before video games ever existed. To blame games for that stuff is stupid, asanine, and insane. Not to mention extremly evil and nazi like.
  2. Lookin' unreleased. And, stealing others' work.
  3. "To be able to simply say "PoE" and have that count as an argument every time someone claims it's impossible and/or untenable and certainly not profitable regardless" Eh. Don't overrate PE. So far, it doesn't look as good as it was supposed to be. Now, WL2, outside of the annoying little bugs, is fantastic. btw, AP did suck in every way manageable. If you are going to suck up to Obsidian, actually mention their awesome games like FO:NV or MOTB. Not AP or the PE ebta. Also, people keep claiming that PE's writing is the 'best ever'. But, how? Because of the deep story of ogre hunting? LMAO WL2 > PE
  4. "Apparently other considered options were male abuse shelters and prostate cancer. It sounds definitely like 4chan thought it’d be a laugh to give their profits from a feminist game jam contest about getting women into the industry to services specifically targeted towards men. So, just keep that in mind the next time 4chan tries to abuse that goodwill." They finally admitted it. Feminism isn't about equality. It's about helping women and making things better for woman. Men don't matter. They're just scumbag racists. HAHAHA!
  5. Finishing games is also part of the fun of gaming.
  6. "Semantics." Not semantics. Simple fact.
  7. Obsidian didn't make either IWD or PST.
  8. It will be effective in the long term if other things are handled as well. ie. the Iraqi gov't performing better.
  9. "I think Obsidian is peerless currently in the isometric arena." No.
  10. More than yours.
  11. "Post Apoc rogue-like in Kickstarter; looks cool! [spotted by Hexer]" Has potential depending on character system.
  12. "Gadafi, Sadam, Assad etc were the people who had the strength to hold all the wild dogs of their respective countries on a leash. NATO killed most of them and now the dogs are loose and thirsty for blood. " Of course, the fact that Gadafi, Saddam, Assad, etc., were 'dogs' as well who mass murdered people en masse, right? How convienent that fact is forgotten in people's speed and desire to defend these heroes. L0L
  13. I've gotten more conclusive proof that STEAM is beyond garbage.
  14. Wow. That's all I got to say. Wow.
  15. *yawn*
  16. Yes, I am.
  17. My computer is well past the recommended settings. That's not an issue. I personally blame Steam. Outside of PE Beta, WL2 is the only game I've played on Steam. It's the only explaination for BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH.
  18. "Also, while I fully support the idea that you, personally, are a white male bigot (and a not very bright one at that)," L0L That's the most hilarious thing I've been told. But, hey, you got 2/3rds of your insult right because we all know white male is an insult in 2014 in PC talk. Can't be white male. That makes you evil. Well.. I am evil. I am no bigot. Bigotry implies bias. I hate everyone. No bias there. But, hey, tell me how I hold minorities down or treat them differently than other white males. But, hey go on, accuse others of bigotry when you and Bruce (and that Russian punk) are two of the biggest bigots on this board. Hatin' on a specific group because of their skin colour and gender. LMAO R00fles!
  19. "is good for everyone in the industry." No. Someone creating the new shooter is NOT good for me which means it is not good for 'everyone' unless your definition of 'everyone' is broken. Then again, you support the idea that gamer = white male bigot so your opinion on definitions is useless garbage anyways.
  20. "unfortunately, torment, wl2 and poe is already purchased and paid for by Gromnir through kickstarter. *grumble*" Then don't back KS. Just wait to pay for games later liek you claim you do. As for me, the game seems fine bugs wise but it does give me a blue screen of death that restarts my computer once and awhile. SCARY!
  21. Uh yes they do. Kreia is extremely good example. It's very preachy. You take the characters from PST which Kreia is based on - not preachy at all hence vastly superior.
  22. "God cant be evil." God can and is evil. This is undisputable fact.
  23. As the resident DA2 fan, it fully depends what you want out of a game. WL2 is definitely the more old skool hardcore combat oriented exploratory character building turn based game while DA2 is more story/character focused. I'm 99% of respondents are gonna say WL2 is better because they already hated DA2 for ignorant reasons.
  24. "Not everyone automatically thinks GG is a great idea KP" Smart people do. Down what hateful bigots like Zoe, Anita and the other hateful people. That includes Bruce who hates white male gamers just ebcause they're white male gamers and then turns arounds and bash all other gamers who including women, blacks, and others because they have the GALL to support white male gamers and the term gamer which is for ALL gamers. Not just one group. LONG LIVE GAMERS! DOOM TO ANTI GAMERS!
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