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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I think what Sharp_ One is trying to say is that there is a perceived lack of condemnation from the Muslim community whenever there is an act of terror from Muslim extremists" The problem is too many (not all and even one is enough) muslims do/say the following,"What they do is wrong but..." Once you do that GAME OVER. Don't make excuses. Simple as that.
  2. Emily Watson is #NOTYOURSHIELD: https://ca.celebrity.yahoo.com/blogs/celeb-news/emma-watson-delivers-stirring-speech-at-u-n-204442194.html Sadly, she's stuck in the past when 'feminism' meant actual equality. Too bad she doesn't get that but at least she understands that the 'new' feminism is EVIL. "I've spoken about feminism, the more I have realized that fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop." "Feminism," Watson continued, "is, by definition, the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes." Use a different word. Feminism is immoral and is dead and is anti men. Ms. Watson is an equalist. She should admit it. Watch the whole video. I don't agree with everything she says in her speech but it's better than the nonsense that Bruce and his online cohorts spam.
  3. "D:OS is still being actively patched." Irrelevant. It was playable from the start. Just like WL2.
  4. Ms. hernandez is an idiot or a troll. And, she spits upon troll rape victims. Seriously, is that supposed to be taken seriously? Also, why do people constantly disrespect women and accuse them of being little babies that need to be protected like kiddies? L0LZ
  5. This game is very playable.
  6. "A tip for those who want to conserve med packs. I found if my characters are very close to levelling, I'll hold off using med packs and try and get to the next level. Levelling up gives them 100% health." Yeah, noticed. Annoys me when games do that However, it doesn't cure injuries like concussions.
  7. Without those 'alliances' the US wouldn't be the most powerful country in the world which means they wouldn't be able to negogiate various deals from a position of strength.
  8. Ganrich you are full of crap. None of those prove a 'false review'. It only proves that you 'disagree' with said review. And, that is coming from someone who didn't care for ME3 overall. Heck, it's the only BIO non S:RPG RPG that I didn't bother to finish. And, whining that you'd give it a 6/7 but they gave it an 8. COME. ON. "I know you are an advocate of DA2, and that is fine. I am sure there are games I like that you dislike. We can have differing opinions, but I am not derailing this thread further to have this debate here after this post." It has nothing to do with liking/disliking a game. See my comments about ME3 above. It's just that your points mainly come down to 'i disagree with review'. Which is fine but it doesn't mean the review was 'lies or false' in the sense they were purposefull trying to mislead you. You'd have to prove that the actual reviewer wrote stuff they didn't actually beleive at the time they wrote it. Good luck with that. Having a different opinion doesn't mean nothing.
  9. This is the Beautiful Woman thread not the 'Under 18 Girl Who Can Swim' thread.
  10. Sounds like real life to me...
  11. "To answer the question, "Tell me about a game you bought from a 'false' review?" ME3, DA2, Gears of War: Ascension, and there are probably more." Define 'false review'. And, it better be more than 'review said game was good/bad but I thought different'.
  12. "the level of hatred for radicals is vehement" They sound rather radical to me...
  13. Plenty of attractive women have been hoodwinked into procreating with less attractive men. Sad but true. It's the only reason why I still have hope.
  14. So, including black characters makes one a SJW? LMAO Why is their skin colour so important to you? Why does it matter? Just say they look boring to you but you decided tod rag race into it, and bash them for being black. That is racist. Just admit it. Don't be such a coward.
  15. "Cullen (anyone ever cared for that guy?)" Lots of people did. That's why he is in the game. People begged for him. You seem under the impression that the game was made only for you. LMAO P.S. Cole is worse than basically all the others including Cass and Bullcrap. And, your racism is hilarious.
  16. Cole is horrible. How can you forget Varric who is one of the best rpg characters ever. Out of the 13 chgaracters on that page, Cullen is likely not even top 0.
  17. "I'm always for more skills in RPGs (and I would *love* more in PoE) but that type of gameplay wasn't really that present in the IE games so it's not really to be expected." WRONG. Don't blame the IE games espciially when PE has added/changed things. That is such a poor excuse espciially when PE did add skills so to do a half hearted job of it is dissppointing. Bottom line is PE has a lot of work to do in 3 months to be the equal of WL2.
  18. Before I go in detail, this message is for all those DOS fanboys: This is how you make an old skool game. Also, (very early) WL2 > DOS And, it's not even close. Yeah, DOS has better graphics and the spells add a cool dimensional but everything else? ADVANTAGE WL2. Some points though: Sawyer would hate this game because the stats and skills certainly aren't 'eual' or 'balanced'. The story set up is actually very good and believable even if it isn't PSTish. This is also the best use of 'codewords' I've seen. Formations would be nice. Combat is hella fun. Haven't died yet but did have a character get hurt due to a combo of frog attack and friendly fire. L0L Otherwise not much threat from the raiders. Love the fact I was able to talk down the toll group in a meaningful way. My biggest beef is having to move on right click. Lift click just feels better and more natural. I wish there was an option (haven't seen it) to make it so. Individual vs group xp is interesting. My leader character is sure to level up quicker. Wonder what the difference will be long term. Already lots of freedom where you don't have to follow the main plot. The first NPC you get feels like cheating since she's super high level.
  19. Hey, it's only fair! That's the version they should make for the ladies/gay dudes.
  20. I guess that's the advantage of steam. They have even the dev companies intimidated and brainwashed that they get access to stuff first. L0L I might have to bite the bullet and get on steam. But, hey, it's free so at least they ain't getting my money. L0L But, longer I hold off, the more I'll be spoiled about the game.
  21. WUT? Does the edition let you play the game? That's all that matter as that was offered us who back PE to the level that gave us WL2. All that extra crap wasn't promised.
  22. BG2 ending was fine as it led into TOB and TOB was as good an ending as any. ME3 ending wasn't though the overall game was subpar. I didn't mind either NWN2 or KOTOR2's ending. Not great but not bad. I'm of the belief that you cna't do much more with endings anyways. What do people want explicitly? From what I see, it's almost random what endings people like or don't like.
  23. I really want to play this but no gog yet.
  24. "think some tall ridiculous stance on steam is pathetic really." What's pathetic is how hardcore YOU are about a certain service that you feel the need to attack others over their preference. Go enjoy steam all you want. I prefer to have all my games in one plays. Plus, I'd rather avoid all the hardcore steam extremists like you. I tend to try to avoid nazis who want to control other people and what services they prefer to use. It was bad enoguh I had to use Steam for the PE beta. I'd rather not get suckered into using Steam again.
  25. That doesn't help those who got WL2 through PE backing.
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