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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I don't think guys can quite understand just how offensive and demeaning it was for women scientists to have some di&**&*head representing the ESA wearing an sexist shirt." Tell that to the woman who made the shirt in the first palce than gave it to her friend. Stop crying like a little boy. We don't need to hear more womansplaining about how evil men are.We get it already. \We also know all men are monsters, rapists,s exist, abusers, and a host of other nasty things. It's all good.
  2. "But...Ygritte isnĀ“t a barbarin" Yeah, she is.
  3. "that a concerted, organized and self-aggrandizing effort at forum trolling could be underway. I find it sadly troubling, yet oddly entertaining. I'm just glad I'm not a reasonably conclusive person. Or so I'm told." No.
  4. "I agree on the fact that in this kind of games the combat is not the focus point," \Uh. Combat is one of if not the main focus point. And, nothing wrong with that either.
  5. "complain the game lacks x mechanic from IE Games" Considering the game was pimped on the basis of the IE that's a rather valid complaint.
  6. "Classy Chu, as always." Look at him. Dehumanzing a minority women simply because she didn't drink his koo-aid. I bet she's all for equality. She's just likely not for insanity or hating white men simply because they are white men.
  7. "If you are a white heterosexual male, you don't have a right to comment on what is offensive to minorities or not. This might be hard to understand for the average white heterosexual man since he is used to always be in positions of power, if not taken by his own body atleast by others with a similar body. You dont have a say in everything, especially things that you have no idea whatsoever about." LOok at this stupidity.
  8. "The collector's book was never a strategy guide. You got the hard copy of the lore/world book." ReallY? Damn I completely got that wrong. Damn it. Another $30 down the train.
  9. "Now, obviously people are free to dislike a game" \ Your thread should have stopped right there. Making a thread crying about other people's opinions is plain stupid. People are free to like or dislike a game for ANY reason. if they make a post complaining about an issue and you disagree feel free to respond them which is also your right but starting a thread just to whine about other threads is pure poppy****. Now, I'm gonna go start a thread about all the threads whining about other threads just so the cycle can continue.
  10. "For me its more annoying, the reality is its a game that offers massive entertainment value." You do realzie that even with the removal of the limerick this game is still filled up with everything youa re supoosedly standing against? Sexism, racism, and a host of other nasty un PC things. Women are called bitches, racism is praised, raping, spousal abuse, child murder for ****s and giggles, etc., etc. Some of this stuff is also included in other backer material. LMAO
  11. "Because you also can do it in normal D&D?" Not with a smart DM doing things logically. Outside of large dungeons that have their own full fledge 'world ecosystem' like Undermountain and Undardark it should be impossible to rest in a dungeon. PERIOD.
  12. "Go to the top of this page, read the name. WHY in god's green hell are you posting on Obsidian's forum if you hate them so much? Honestly, your complaint is rediculous on the grounds that in general, games do not feature material from fans/customers ever, and if they do, the company chooses and edits exactly what they allow in their game. Not to mention that products in a capitalist society are not under any requirement to allow the words/statements of the public in their product. I think you completely fail to understand what "freedom of speech" actually means. When's the last time you read someone's angry tirade about "the coloureds" on the back of your breakfast box? You haven't, and won't because cereal companies have full control over their products and freedom of speech doesn't apply to the packaging of their products! Now, if Obsidian got a court order to prevent this poem from ever being read or seen, you'd have a point, but otherwise you just look like a young kid who has heard terms recently and uses them despite fully understanding. I would love it if you could point out a triple A game that features your poetry. Go on, name one. Also, you hate Obsidian? Why post on their forum? You kids just overreact to every little thing these days. Like you just eagerly await any little excuse to rage and pretend you're rightious warriors for TRUTH!! All the while good developers feel the financial brunt of your teenage angst." L0L @ this post accusing others of overreacting. "(by the original author, no less)." He had no choice. They were changing it no matter what. This was just the polite way of doing it. But, trust me, the decision was made the moment Sawyer agreed with the twitter person who wants to kill Sawyer.
  13. I see b00bs! That's perverted and sexist! Please remove from game. Thanks. \And, his sword is a hint at something. Check your privledge, ****lords!
  14. "Planescape Torment is the only old IE game with a better story than PoE. They all have better stories than DA:I or D:OS." L0L
  15. "The stronghold overall just isn't very well thought out, I found. It lacks the homebase feel that Bioware managed to create with the Normandy or Skyhold, or the variety of the player strongholds in BG2. Fortunately it's also completely optional." PE's stronghold is by the worse I've seen. BG2, DA expansion, DA2 (yes the house/mansion), DA3, and NWN2 OC all do i t better. It's embarassing. The only good thin about the stronghold is what's below.
  16. I approve the different approach of writing from an npc perspective. Well done.
  17. Don't like it ignore it. It'll die down always does. I was into arguing it too. Now, I don't nearly as much. Eventually, it'll just a memory.
  18. "Why can you only wear 2 rings? Dont seem right with 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. And what about earrings?" Too much magic intervering when worn on the same hands. yeah, it's mumbo bumbo jumbo bobbley **** but we are talking about magic here after all. That said, there are games that allow more than 2 rings. Even D&D had 'optional rules' that allowed more than one ring per hand. *shrug* \That said, on this issue, cloak/necklaces sharing the same slot is just plain silly.
  19. "The Xaurip on floor two? Because I don't think there are any goblins in 'Pillars'." Xaurip, goblin, xfart, kobold, gibberlings. Same **** different pile..... of dead bodies. <>
  20. "Fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hate. That's one degree of separation; this is dark side 101 here, come on." Quoting SW = EPIC FAIL. The fact i know you are quoting SW = sad panda.
  21. Nonsense. MC/DC could be handled easily. Only an unimaginative main streamer would think otherwise.
  22. Yet their games still sell way more than PE ever will. HAHAHAHAS! "I REALLY hope with the success of PoE, this form of gaming comes back." What success? You think EA/BIO would be HAPPY if their game sold less than 1 million? COME ON.
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