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Everything posted by draego

  1. The thing I don't understand is this: if you didn't like it, you didn't have to do it. Is the fact that it was possible really so bad that you want to remove that possibility for everyone who did like it? I find this to be the base argument for alot of issues going around. I dont know the answer or what the line between limiting the gamer or giving option but that option is not necessarily more optimal. Maybe that is the line if what you allow is more optimal then its hard resist using that function.
  2. Ye the only way i can see this being change is if enough people talk about this issue to make them change their mind. And i dont think they need to change a lot. So i dont think the unique part they want to accomplish should go away. So they said their will only by one flaming sword in the game. Thats fine and interesting and makes the game unique. Josh also mentioned one dragon slaying sword in the game also neat, but the fine to superb enhancements should change back to how poe 1 was.
  3. This confirms what I and others have been saying. http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/157791066261/hi-josh-question-about-enchanting-in-deadfire. Weapons will only be upgraded to next quality step. This stinks Ye but when loot is static this makes weapons you want to use arbitrary. For example the flaming sword, if its designated an early weapon with no enhancement then it can only go to fine. Then if later a corrode sword is designated a late game weapon with a superb enhancement. Then there is no choice to make, late game you will use corrode sword even though you made a priest or paladin or something else that has developed his whole identity around flaming abilities and weapons but because some dev decided the flame sword is early game then you are screwed. And what is worse is if you choose a skill like scion of flame (if still there). This doesnt add cool choices it limits how you can build you character from a role playing, power gaming and aesthetic gaming perspective. This almost feels like going back to the stupid +4,+5 stuff in BG. It would be better if they remove the enhancement enchantment altogether. So no fine, superb enhancements at all and just scale the game accordingly. Then ye it interesting to find the only flaming sword in the game and its unique but you dont have to throw it away for a corrode sword if you dont role play corrode damage. This also further requires metagaming in order to not build your character wrong which is an explicate goal they want to avoid.
  4. Really this is the last straw. This is the weirdest issue to decide to not buy a game on. i dont care either way but dont you think you are over reacting just a bit. I mean if the game is not good then ok fine but walking.
  5. Ye bashing needs to be fix for these shield like this
  6. Ye i never understood why this was such a big deal to powergamers but i dont care either way. I will just use their base stuff.
  7. I would think also to make it more viable there should be more roleplay use for stealth. Like going into upper floor of home alone or around a area to find someone or something without fighting. To me i would also want to use it to subvert fighting for more options. There were a couple of missions like that in POE1 but not enough. I dont want the whole game to be stealth game but more than POE1
  8. I actually think uniqueness is an admirable goal and should be explored. what i am wondering is the generic accuracy bonus stuff. so its fine to have only one flaming sword the whole game but if i cant bump its accuracy i will have to use another sword in late game due to scaling issues. Maybe this wont be an issue but we need more info. I'd assume the generic accuracy/damage enchantment will still exist, just, you won't be able to add kith-slaying abilities to a weapon without them, or burning to a non-burning weapon, or an attribute bonus to an item without them. Yes you for sure wont be able to add the secondary and slaying options like in POE1 which i think is fine but they have made it seem like the accuracy and damage wont scale. I have even heard them on twitch mention that you can only improve or enchant the item once. They were not clear what they were referring to but i assume this is the accuracy stuff because elsewhere they mention being able to augment your flaming sword for example in different flaming buffs. So these to things sound separate to me. I am all for the unique stuff being unique like they mention dragon slaying sword and flaming sword so those are the only ones that can have those enhancement which can be cool. But if that flaming sword is an early sword i find and the only flaming weapon in the game which they said is true and i want to my character role to include this flaming stuff to synergize with other flaming stuff they heavily implied you wont be able too by virtue of not being able to get it past one enhancement. I really hope i am wrong and really want them to explicitly say how this is going to work but from what they said it doesnt look good. This will also kill aesthetic reasons to want certain gear because it wont be useful later on. The other thing they can do is remove the accuracy and damage weapon buff completely from the the game. This way later unique weapons wont outpace earlier ones they will just be different. This could also solve all the issues and i would be fine with that because then you would not have to get rid of your gear if you really like it.
  9. Josh mentions there will be chanter sub class that focuses on summoning in the all day stream 5.47
  10. Josh mentions there will be chanter sub class that focuses on summoning in the all day stream 5.47
  11. POE1 one handed builds were possible especially after the one handed talent change. I guess this post should be 'can you make one handed builds better than other builds' for POE2 because it was a viable choice.
  12. Ye i dont get it. Just role play your character the way you want them to behave in those situations so dont take or do quests you dont want to. I played recently a berath priest basically like judge dredd so follow the law and when i went to temple of ethos and was told raedric forbids people from messing with ruins i skipped it. it isnt rocket science you dont do stuff your character wouldnt do. I get sometimes you need to bend some stuff but optional quest are optional and they are definitely not needed to go through game. And if you care about roleplaying then ye sometimes you get benefit sometime you dont but no i dont feel compelled to powergame and figure out how to get all best loot and talents at the cost of my character there is plenty of content to not worry about that
  13. I just hope i can through through someone overboard or make them walk the plank or something. Maybe they can justify it by it being a sacrifice to Ondra and then ondra would make me forget about them and i wont feel like I am a bad guy so you can have your skaen like talent without feeling bad about it. Maybe this would satisfy the good people dont get talents post.
  14. They have answered this a couple of times. They said i believe that there will be optional level scaling at the beginning of the game i think. and its not oblivion style it in a range for encounters.
  15. Ye i am in the slow mode crowd here but the original BGs game were based on RTS engine if i am not mistaken which the + - thing is a staple of that genre. So that is an interesting idea. Don't know how hard it would be to implement.
  16. It didn't work well in baldur's gate d&d. you couldnt make a low int wizard or a low might fighter. This is the point you didn't even have a choice. At least in POE there is some choice. And no perception is not necessary for everyone. I've made builds with leaving perception even or slightly below. POE was a step in the right direction. If they tweek it i hope they dont go back to BG style for sure. Despite my strong support of the AD&D multi-classing, that is about the only thing I liked about those rules. 3rd edition did the stats far better, and I think it's dishonest to automatically compare the current system to the absolutely worst version of D&D out there that has been used in a crpg. I understand but that is what the game was originally compared to so i may have just misunderstood your reference to d&d
  17. I love sub-classing idea. Cant wait to see different class flavors. I think they have done a great job on stretch goals because lots of people are bummed they are not promising the sun and moon. So i like, that people are hating on the stretch goals. sorry couldn't help it the mild complaining - to outright rage doesn't bum me to much but i understand the sentiment.
  18. It didn't work well in baldur's gate d&d. you couldnt make a low int wizard or a low might fighter. This is the point you didn't even have a choice. At least in POE there is some choice. And no perception is not necessary for everyone. I've made builds with leaving perception even or slightly below. POE was a step in the right direction. If they tweek it i hope they dont go back to BG style for sure.
  19. I thought the attributes were a good way to make them all mean something to every class. It wasn't always completely successful. As for wizards you can make a great wizard with no might. Your wizard could be "flimsy arcane genius wizard" as you say easily. I don't see the issue.
  20. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91496-from-the-twitch-qa-bashing-shields/ This is a link to talk about bashing shields in general mostly their bad except for the two mentioned before and Badgradr's Barricade would probably only be recommend for high accuracy build.
  21. Feargus said this goal wasn't in place of doing a more involved companion: So ye i may never use these npcs maybe, but its fine. It adds flavor to the game.
  22. I think you're right to point out this difference and agree it can be tough to know exactly where to draw that line. Similar discussions could be had with Dragon Age Origins (adventure game with RPG elements) and even Skyrim (sim game with RPG elements). Ye i mean i put a jrpg on my list chrono trigger. I did it mainly because it was my first game i played like that and it really stuck with me more than the final fantasys in similar era. So there are lots of rpg genres. So games like diablo seem like fair game.
  23. It's in the CallOfCthulu interview (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/122300066), not the Obsidian developer Q&A on twitch that was on a bit later. I couldn't tell you exactly where and it's way too long for me to sit through a second time in order to check. Basically, Sawyer stated that it's something that could be done and it wouldn't be that hard to do, but pretty low on the current list of priorities so it may or may not end up getting implemented. Part of the reasoning was that it would see limited use, so starting a thread to illustrate the level of interest in the feature actually seems like a reasonable way to go about trying to skew things in favor of its implementation. Damn. Ok, Well I guess we just have to get it noticed!!!. watched the Obsidian developer Q&A stream twice. had kinda come to the opinion that he was trolling so "my apologies" jnb0364.. no prob i couldnt remember which one and i didnt want to deliver the bad news. good luck
  24. Josh addressed this in the last twitch interview.
  25. I actually think uniqueness is an admirable goal and should be explored. what i am wondering is the generic accuracy bonus stuff. so its fine to have only one flaming sword the whole game but if i cant bump its accuracy i will have to use another sword in late game due to scaling issues. Maybe this wont be an issue but we need more info.
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