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Everything posted by draego

  1. Level 1 confirmed in the new backer update. I think i like that
  2. i do enjoy stretch goals also. And i love the first one sub class. I like that idea better than multi-classing but i do hope the stretch goals do not burn up other creative time for the main game. We really don't need to many crazy types of goals. I can see stuff like localization and what not. I am sure they can manage it though. can't wait.
  3. Ye this article was one where i got that info http://www.pcgamesn.com/pillars-of-eternity-2/pillars-of-eternity-2-release-date-story-setting
  4. hmm i am pretty sure i have read it more south east asian and Polynesian locations. So i dont see where desert comes in. It more tropical it seems.
  5. Ye i am skeptical about this one. If you pull abilities directly from other classes like people seem to think then you get crazy op builds that you cannot balance the game for. I am curious what Obs has in mind. I am sure it will be interesting.
  6. I know i hope this forum isn't what they were teasing us for. At this point it would be shock if it wasn't POE2
  7. Figurines can be really good in tough fights they can block enemies and distract them from attacking a characters. Generally help when you feel overwhelmed.
  8. In Magran's Fork at the bottom left there is a fine weapon you can get without any fighting.
  9. i agree with you JerekKruger and i think this attribute system is one of the most flexible i have run into. Its hard to go back to gated attribute for certain classes after this. I think it wasn't always perfect like in the barbarian case but for the most part you could do what you want and it was fun. I hope they keep it going this direction in the second game. And screw realism this is a game. The only reason i think barbarian intellect is hard to wrap your head around is because of past expectations like others have mentioned. I had the same issues at first then once you play its fine.
  10. There is a build page under the "Pillars of Eternity: Characters Builds, Strategies & the Unity Engine (Spoiler Warning!)" forum. look for barbarian builds to get an idea of what you are trying to do. be careful with some of those build though they min max a lot which i dont like to much but the good thing is attributes dont matter that much. What matters more is playstyle, talents and abilities. so a lot of those builds can be done with almost any non min maxed attribute distribution so i wouldnt necessarily sweat a retrain. for example there is a barb in there with the attribute distribution. MIG: 10 CON: 10 DEX: 15 ® PER: 21 (!) INT: 15 ® RES: 7 and MIG: 19 CON: 03 DEX: 15 PER: 18 INT: 19 RES: 04 and MIG: 18 CON: 03 DEX: 04 PER: 16 INT: 19 RES: 18 so almost anything works. again i dont like min max to this extreme and it isnt necessary but you can see people make all kinds of stuff work
  11. Well it starts to get crazy toward the end of the game. Trust me your part will be crazy powerful.
  12. 1. Dex isnt that important for dual wield which already i think gives you something like 50% attack speed. Also there is a talent for dual wield to give you another 20% speed 2, 3 There are not attribute points on level up. You get extra attribute points from spells, potions, resting, food, and gear. The gear items will not stack with each other so two items with + intellect will not stack (exception is weapon attribute bonus, if you have weapon that give attribute bonus then it will stack with other gear). When it comes to gear other types of bonuses can be way more important than attributes bonuses. In this game most of the time +2 attribute gear isnt huge but more like icing on the cake. I wouldnt worry about trying to stack all + attributes on you character maybe concentrate on one maybe two attribute. armor can also be upgraded to give you a +2 attribute bonus freeing up one of your other slots for more important bonuses. 4. Yes you can use heavy armor and still reach zero recovery. Also although i dont think it stacks with frenzy potions Deleterious Alacrity of Motion give you 50% attack speed so when you are not in frenzy use them. 5. max level is 16 6. the purpose of traits is role playing. This is an rpg and traits are an rpg mechanic. people will react differently to use based on traits.
  13. Ye personally i like rangers the best lots of versatile builds will any weapon and can do some serious single target dps and some group cc with with bows. I actually like melee rangers the best dual or two handed lots of fun. i was just trying to think of class that can nuke enemies that is why i gave the druid info.
  14. It maybe a little cheezy but check these items for druid - heart of the storm, wildstrick shock - and greater, and druid shock spells. I am always shocked at how much melee damage druids cause when in shapeshift with wildstrick and associated utility talent with a certain belt and then you still have other crazy powerful aoe nuke spells. Druids are not my favorite class i prefer rangers for the mico, coordination, and movement (especially melee rangers) but druids always seemed really powerful you can also switch up druid abilities i mentioned up above to all fire (Scion of Flame, wildstrick butn - and greater burn and druid fire spells) also druid shapeshift uses unarmed combat so there is talents like peasant and talents that increase damage like sneak attack. As far as the nuking part i always found them kinda ridiculous. And even if you choose a particular element like shock or burn or whatever lots of there other spells are still useful for nuking.
  15. What about druids. You can keep them at range and nuke and then change to close up melee at times. Lots of powerful spells that can hurt lots of people.
  16. Loving the directory commentaries. Keep it up. It is interesting how people have complete opposite views of games. Two questions stuck out to me. 1. One was about rangers sucking, I never got this especially since all the updates. Rangers can rock with micro and coordination. I just wish they would show their true damage output by show both pet and character damage. I think some people would be surprised by the total output. 2. The other one was about tyranny combat being faster. That was the opposite of my experience. Tyranny combat felt slower and more grindy. You couldn't ovoid any combat in tyranny except for dialogues either. The game felt like one big dungeon crawl. I like some dungeon crawling but not the whole game. Hope POE2 doesn't go this route.
  17. Ye i usually dont go into that dungeon until level 3 or 4. Not every area is meant to be beat in order you find them. Sometime you have to go level up and come back. And i concur with the cipher comment i have never found any class necessary for any part of the game.
  18. I enjoyed Tyranny but hope POE doesn't go in this direction. These comments are from a tyranny hard mode play through. There were some things to improve on in POE 2 but nothing i dont think that hasn't already been mentioned outside of the context of Tyranny. + Stronghold executed better in Tyranny. Enjoyed having to go to stronghold to upgrade my equipment and build potions. Liked the research\forging aspects of stronghold. Although POE stronghold did get better with patches. + The game economy felt better balanced for the most part throughout the game. I liked that i couldn't buy and upgrade every item in the world. If felt like there were limits. In the third act you do start to getting flush with money but because of the resource requirements for forging\researching\crafting you could not do it all. For most of the game i felt like i had to make real choices between what to research\forge\buy at least compared to POE. POE had some of that in high level upgrades but you could basically buy anything you want from every vendor in the game. + Party banter on maps. In POE if you weren't focused on the party you could miss the party banter. In Tyranny you could be looking around the world and still hear the banter. + When not in combat your weapons were holstered and you pulled them out at start of fight. + Like the sneaking better in one aspect. Even though i didnt use sneaky fighting style abilities you could get closer to enemies to perform sneak attacks. In POE if felt real hard to get close to enemy to perform sneak attack maybe i just didn't do it right. - Don't love this classless system but not because its classless. Would rather pick skills when leveling up. The support skills were especially annoying whenever you picked locks or traps or would sneak up on enemies the whole party gets skills or whenever you learn magic your whole party gets skills. It felt like the game was against character specialization in some respects and everyone in your party should be sneaky and have magic. At the end of dialogues your whole party would get random skill level ups for apparently no reason outside of picking the lore subterfuge choices. Maybe if the system was executed better it would be more enjoyable like wasteland 2 classless system. In that game each character was specializing even though all skills and weapons were open to all characters. - Tightly focused game on crit path. I liked POE more open world of exploration with optional fights and content even though POE does limit some content. Didn't love being locked into going into certain areas at certain points in the Tyranny world. I like the optional quest in POE as contributing to the world building better - Tyranny had more of an info dump world building approach, instead of introducing lore through optional quests. This is not a reading complaint as i do like dialogue trees. Also this is prob just a subjective issue for me but i enjoyed the POE lore better and enjoyed not being that important in POE to start. - Tyranny maps had more dungeon crawl feel. Not that i didnt enjoy dungeons in POE, just dont make every area in the game feel like a dungeon crawl. - I found POE combat more strategic and fun, even though i know there is cheese in POE combat the further you get into the game. Didnt feel like positioning was as important. Missed the simple flanked typed affects. Also this could simply be the way i built my character but i found i had way to many skills with all the companion\faction skills and magic when i really wanted to focus on melee for my main character. I did find that toward the end of the game with the prebuffs i did just that and was able to focus more on melee and rarely use companion skills. I ended up with 24 non skill tree chosen companion\faction skills. I know some of these are passive but still geez those skill were on top of my own magic and melee skills i picked. - Even less love for being sneaky in this game than POE. You couldn't avoid any combat outside dialogue and really why would you in tyranny because your skills are tied to you fighting as much and long as possible. Would like less focus on combat even less than POE and more sneaky options. - No friendly fire. I thought i would not be bothered by this going into the game. I really didnt care when i picked up the game but i did miss it. - Prebuffing - didn't love the prebuffing with magic. Didn't like it in baldur's gate either. I like how for the most part POE makes you use your abilities in combat. - No companion quests. Maybe some of the skills should have been tied to companion quest lines. - Even though i know the purpose of Tyranny is replayability i find i can do more character role playing in with POE. I felt like there is more room for more nuance playthroughs in POE (except for a nature loving play through looking at you White March expansion although that is also optional). I did start Tyranny several times with different roles and the game still had a sameness feel compared to POE and this is probably due to the dungeon crawl feel of the game.
  19. I get it but it makes the aoe charms gimped a little if you accidentally charm that last several enemies not just the last one and oh well they all are enemies again spell wasted. This doesn't make since. I dont see the difference between charm or paralyze, unconscious, etc effects. They all disable enemies to the point where enemies have no action against you so you can take care of them. If would be equally crazy if you paralyzed all enemies but because of some code quirk they all became active again instantly.
  20. I'm not sure if this is a bug but to me it seems like a bug. The beta patch fixes this "Charming all enemies in combat will no longer reset combat". That seems to work but the last enemy still loses the charm affect and become hostile too soon. I would think that the charm affect would last for the whole duration of the affect regardless of whether there are other hostile enemies in the area.
  21. I'm not sure if the charm affect is fixed in the beta are not for the last enemy. When i charm the last monster and then attack it the charm seems to come off. Also if i charm a monster and let it go the charm comes off pretty quickly. i would expect the creature to stay charmed for the duration of the affect and it is not. Now that i look back at the beta fix it says. Charming all enemies in combat will no longer reset combat. This works in beta but this is only part of the fix i would think though. It seem that charmed affect is still bugged.
  22. I generally use Aloth for this since he will be casting plenty and starts with one mechanic. And yes almost every point has to go into mechanic. It usually works fine for most of game and there are resting bonuses and scrolls for mechanics if you need additional.
  23. Its png format. You need two portraits. The large one ends in "_lg" and is 210 x 330 and the small one "_sm" is 76 x 96.
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