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Everything posted by draego

  1. Ye i agree melee rangers are fun because of the tandem animal/ranger melee. That is why i generally play that way with rangers now. I think i will want to usually play single class ranger in POE2 but i can see some cool multis: 1. Ranger/Druid - so wolf companion and wolf spirit shift or any animal druid combo plus a few spells. With the new druid subclass that emphasizes spiritshift this should be pretty powerful melee combo. 2. Ranger/Rogue - because animal give you easy access to a flanking status effect. 3. Ranger/Cipher - at least the abilities that buff others in party so you can buff animal or those abilities that bounce off companions but do it to animal and the crushing beam with animal companion. I really enjoyed the ranger class in POE and hope the other two subclasses adds to either the animal and or melee of ranger.
  2. How dare you sir. no animal companion. I didnt find them boring at all i like micromanaging positioning between my pet an ranger in melee. That play style was fun for me. They have only mentioned one subclass so far and there are two to come. The one they mentioned is this: your animal companionhas died some time in the past but you now have the ability to summon a ghost animal companion or something like that. So a petless ranger with a summon. I personally dont like this because i like the animal companion but i know a lot of people, including you, will because then they can be a ranger without the animal companion. I to hope that one of the subclasses will be melee focused or pet focused instead of ranged. I play mainly melee rangers now in POE1. I had more fun with those. There is a thread for subclasses that should keep this info up to date fyi.
  3. There is a cursed weapon in PoE. Do you mean the Dissapointer or the Unlabored Blade? Both are "kinda" cursed but not really--the effect is temporary and limited to that weapon only. I assumed they were talking about The Grey Sleeper where you cant unequipp it.
  4. I have to say i dont love wizards usually and priest even less. Anything that makes them more useful in POE would not be fun. I think they were powerful enough. I actually enjoyed them more than any previous game i have played. I know this is subjective view. But what would be worse is if they become indispensable to quest solving and dungeon puzzle solving. We dont need classes that are absolutely needed for play throughs. The worst things games can do is make god classes that can do everything by themselves. So something like a wizard that can cast invisible (so become better than a rogue) cast charm a random npc (so better than a skilled talker, although i know POE is a little different), telekinetic and move crap out of the way (so stronger than a body builder), etc. I hate that stuff. Making a magic user basically better than anyone at anything is not fun. However, they did try to add some stuff in WM scripted interactions where you could use your powers, that would be fine to add some more of that stuff. Where multiple classes and class skills and yes magic could solve issues even outside of scripted interactions. In that since i would agree in a limited way where all classes including non magical classes skills could be used in different scenarios.
  5. Then you would be wrong. I think people confuse weak with boring (subjectively speaking). As many have proved in many play throughs they can be the top dps character in your party while being a tank. I dont love the chanters but the only thing i think they need is to be given the Sirin setup from Tyranny. Meaning, you can stack chants pre battle so you can cast faster at beginning of fight. Other than that i dont see that they need much changing but look forward to the sub-classes. They can also fit any role in the party, ranged, ranged melee, melee, tank melee.
  6. I agree and i would further add, even though it may take to much work and wont happen, I would like to see portraits with the same faces but different hair, hair color, facial hair in some circumstances. What they did in Shadowrun? Ye but i bet shadowrun portrait are not a as hard to make but would still appreciate it.
  7. Just fyi to clarify. for conversation stats the most common i believe are intellect and resolve followed by perception and might, followed by dex and constitution. But if you include the scripted interactions skill checks there is more of a mix between all of them. This is just generalizations
  8. To increase stats 1. Resting bonuses at inn 2. Food 3. Equipment increases stats- armor and equipment slots don't stack except for weapons. So you can have a weapon that increases might or con and armor or headgear that increases it. But dont fall into the trap of thinking that enchanted items that increase stats are better than other items that have abilities. Its often the case that the increase in stats are not as good as other items. 4. A later watcher talent temporarily increases stats outside of combat. In combat there are spells 5. There are stat rewards for some quests but dont sweat those because they may or may not match your characters role playing values. 6. There are brothel bonuses at a certain point in the game. You can retrain but i personally find that cheesy. There are also no level up increases to stats. Don't sweat the stats to much they are not the most important thing for combat. For conversation they are more important but there is a good mix of conversation checks for stats and skills since there is no charisma stat which was refreshing.
  9. I agree and i would further add, even though it may take to much work and wont happen, I would like to see portraits with the same faces but different hair, hair color, facial hair in some circumstances.
  10. As I understand he wants to get the standard PoE2 portraits only to use them in his PoE1 playthrough, so he has a portrait continuity in both games. Watercolor portraits kick in only in the sequel. Yes standard for POE1 but then you would automatically get the watercolor in POE2 without any extra work.
  11. One thing i would like is for obsidian to release the new main character portraits they have planned for POE2 to us early so we can use them on a POE 1 playthrough if we really like one of them. This is especially true with the new portraits having water color portraits because then it will make the transition easier if you were able to use a new standard portrait from POE2. Just a thought. Also I would like to see portrait faces reused with different hair, hair color, and facial hair in some circumstances. I know that may be to much work but it would be nice to have choices with character creation. Although now that i think about it. If i do wait for the new portraits until POE2 is released then i could potentially start a new run in POE1 when 2 is release and be finished by the time a lot of issue were resolved. hmm now i am torn.
  12. I actually love the attribute system. To me it makes the game more role play friendly. I want to be able to play characters in a way i want and not have to play each class in the a predetermined optimal build for the class. That is boring. I think part of the fun is being able to make every class basically fit every role in the game more or less. So each playthrough i can change that role.
  13. I think josh said that some priest paladins combo wont be possible because of the reputation mismatch
  14. I do find, with a lot of the builds posted, that the attributes are not as important as you would think. So if you see a build with 3 Res and High Dex or Perception or anything. You can almost certainly raise the Res back up to 10 or something and the build will still feel about the same. That is because for a lot of build the talents, abilities and gear are more important than the attributes. And you realize this a lot with the companions who dont have the min max stats but can still be built like the builds posted on this forum
  15. Ye i dont know about exciting builds. i am not a power gamer. Right now i am playing a hearth orlan ranger deadfire slave. I am playing him as a melee dual wield ranger and these are the stats. STR: 17 CON: 11 DEX: 9 PER: 16 INT: 9 RES: 16 The only reason i have 11 con is because i couldn't put any more into strength. I guess i could have bumped up Res again or something. Now i am also not playing on POTD for this build because i dont want to grind to much and just play the story out to send it to POE2. I am dueling sabre and stiletto/club/drawn in spring. I am pumping up pet talents and abilities and will use stunning shots later. I am also trying a trap build. I have never really used traps. I just want to see what they can do. Lots of fun if you like microing and positioning tactics. This build is also nice for conversations as Res and Per come up. Although Res is not needed for conversation per se but its a perk of this build because i dont like to meta game and find out what stat checks are needed for what encounters so it easy to get Res and Per high for all checks without metagaming well not much meta gaming . I have also played a melee Coastal Aumaua ranger with these starting stats a while back. What was nice was most enemies actually didnt target you that much not like a ranged ranger i played where i lowered Con and Res (enemies seemed to flock to him for certain encounters). Like how some enemies target weak companions. So it was easy to keep myself out of trouble. The fortitude defense also synchronizes nicely with the Coastal aumaua ability. This one is more off tank build probably with shield but dont have to. STR: 18 CON: 15 DEX: 10 PER: 10 INT: 10 RES: 15
  16. I dont really ever use guns and i may use grieving mother with cross bow build otherwise i dont bother. Especially casters, its almost never good to alpha strike with weapons with them, so in response to your post just dont do it. its not that hard
  17. I dont know i have never slaughtered raedric guards and you can still make off like a bandit once you complete the mission either way. Ye there is plenty of money, early i just keep it for enchantments and spells but once you get later in the game you get plenty of money for anything you want.
  18. Parts of it are good like unique weapons. So they are removing the lashing and slaying generic enchantments to make unique weapons which i think will be good but i think they are going to far with the quality enchantments. There was a big discussion in a previous thread. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91497-from-the-twitch-qa-enchanting-and-ceiling i basically feel like anameforobsidian mentioned some of us do. It seems that the quality enchantment issue will limit choices which limit builds which limits fun in my opinion. Now it only seems this way. I love pillars so i think they could surprise me and that would be great.
  19. Ye i agree Tigranes, "I leave valuable resource behind", I dont think camping supplies are valuable. I just wouldn't sweat it. Think of it as a challenge. The devs think you cant make it only this far without resting but i know i dont needs to so i am better at the game than the devs thought. Also remember the devs balanced the game around normal and hard they didn't balance the game for potd and this includes camping supplies.
  20. Yes, welcome. ah to be looking at it with fresh eyes. Can't wait for POE2. I remember the first time a made it to gilded vale and went 'oh ****'. Then proceeded to start over with 10 new builds, ah choices.
  21. The rain blight can be powerful in certain circumstances because of immunity
  22. just opened one of my playthroughs, everyone level 16 Spirit shifted druid to cat and was hitting in the 30's (both fast weapons, claws) Rogue was hitting in the 80's and chain stunning and knocking prone (one fast, one med) don't no where your getting that from I didnt get this at all. Generally when shape shifted he hits harder than my twohanders and especially any dual wielders. I just opened a level 10 party with Hiravias, who isnt a power build, his hits are 50 points without any buffs on a medium armored kith. That is with wildstrike and belt but still level 16 for 30 doesnt seem right. Spirit shifts druids are ridiculous.
  23. Ye i finished the game but steam didnt reflect that with an achievement. i generally had steam offline when im playing.
  24. There are no unkillable npcs (i think) but i know of one that will end the game right there. Also i think they planned for user killing everyone so i would think the leveling would be fine.
  25. You may like POE2. There is a subclass that kills off your pet and the pet becomes a ghost summon. I wont be using that one but it lets you update your ranger without pet talents. I hope they have a subclass that doubles down on pets and or melee rangers but to each his own.
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