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Everything posted by draego

  1. Looks great. Like the realistic reactions from citizens but I may have missed this in other updates but i noticed the transition from outside to inside a building didnt require a loading screen. I know they said they would fix this but glad i saw it here.
  2. Great update. I know you guys had mentioned that the building transitions were streamlined for less loading time, but it was cool to see that when you enter a building, the load screen doesnt come up. Aloth pranks were fun also.
  3. That is still true for PoE, innit? Not in the traditional sense, but they do allow you to pick locks above your current skill level. Yes they let you pick a couple of levels above your current level with additional lockpicks and there are scrolls that improve your mechanics
  4. To me their lack of starting mechanics is almost irrelevant. If you want to use them just invest in mechanics. You can always start with at least 1 mechanic from a background. If you focus on giving them mechanics they will be fine for finding traps and locking throughout the game.
  5. That's what I did. Just wanted to know if someone has changed the class of a companion, and the game did recognize it correctly. I guess it is indeed a meta issue. A nice guy without meta knowledge, would quite unlike try to blow it up. It's a mysterious machine he knows little about. What if it would blow the entire district, or the whole of Defiance Bay? It's safer just to stop it, and put guards and quarantine (so no one can enter into Heritage Hill) until further investigation. Too bad there is no such option. I have rolled a character who in part despised animancy and who thought it was a threat to all god fearing folks so i destroyed it. In general he was a 'good' guy but still found reasons to destroy the thing for the good of the community. So it just depends on what you mean by good guy.
  6. The wiki is not completely out of date. I know its not totally accurate but you can get some general info there. And if we are answering you on a forum for game that is over 2 years old i am pretty sure we all think its great. . One of my favorites. Take the builds with a grain of salt. Most are min maxed and it is complete unnecessary to do so especially if playing in something below POTD. Skills, talents, and equipment can be more important than Attributes so dont sweat it if you get to worried about it. Rule 1: Ignore all Npc's whose name background is Yellow. These are all kickstarter backer content and so if you are into it go for it but it has nothing to do with the story. Otherwise go for it.
  7. I guess this is why we dont see Josh post here . We are like his little rat laboratory scurrying here and there to be examined . Good stuff though
  8. Ye i thought he had mentioned the stalker before and i couldnt remember where.
  9. I love the animal companion and being a melee ranger but ye even with no pet there are lots of abilities others dont have. Wounding Shot (there is similar for others but not same), marked prey, swift aim, vicious aim, arrow sense, driving flight, binding roots, Stunning Shots, twinned arrows, powder burns. I wouldn't call these nothing or that fighter is same. I personally dont like the new ghost heart subclass because ye petless ranger misses the point but there are others to choose from so that is fine.
  10. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/162955086071/hey-josh-with-the-devoted-reveal-im-wondering-if Still not sure what the benefit for choosing weapon is. It seems to be implied better accuracy at least but they are not restricting other weapons just giving penalties and not allowing specializations
  11. I wouldn't interpret it that way. Chanter were jacked up because you couldn't cast their invocation at all for a predetermined amount of time. With the wizard when a fight starts you can still cast the spell it just takes a little longer to cast. I know its a slight distinction but its there.
  12. I am glad to hear stealth mechanics getting some love. So their will be a hearing radius as well as vision cone.
  13. Also a fighter sub class called the devoted - dedicated to specific weapon
  14. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/162835265756/hi-josh-i-had-a-question-about-skill-checks-in New info about the dialogue checks. The companion dialogue assist are not as bad as i had envisioned because they wont be a 1:1 assist which is good. It still seems like there could be a small possibility that since the devs have to take into account that you are getting assist from your companions, that your main could invest heavily in a skill (but all npcs have zero in this example) and still not pass a check because the checks have to be higher to take into account the assists. But at least its not 1:1 so it may not be that bad. It also seems wierd that i could have zero skill like diplomacy and then because of companions pass a diplomacy check but again its not a direct 1:1 contributions so the effect wont be that exaggerated. but this isnt as big a deal as the first example.
  15. And the first thing they say is "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE? GET OUT!" as some in Baldur's Gate do. Seems legit Well there has to be some compromise, the game has to be played.
  16. I don't see it. Most all the other animats in the game were made by the Engwithans so they are a different culture that died off. So ye the designs are going to be different. Maybe you feel the design is aesthetically bad but that is subjective.
  17. Barging in works if you're commander shepherd who is above the law and basically has a universal warrant. Otherwise, it always bothered me as well. Knocking adds an extra layer of gameplay both navigating the world and rp/social-engineering like stuff. Plus it's a huge boon to the stealth aspects of games. Stealth imo is one of Pillars weak points. Ye when i play more of a good character and just walk into npcs houses, i imagine that i am knocking on the door and the npcs are just letting me in for a chat. As opposed to me just breaking in.
  18. Can we have the Deadfire game portraits early so if we want to make a full play through for both games with a portrait we like we have time to do it before the release?
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/BWGSRJrFUEY/ Going full 'pirates of the caribbean' i see.
  20. I think there are two issues. You need to make your front guys better at dps (so that they are more of a target, not saying you are making full tanks but if you are then dont are at least only have one tank and no more) and have your wizard use more CC instead of damage spells. Ranged characters are fine i generally have 2 or 3 so something like wizard, priest, ranger or cipher, priest, chanter. I mean almost anyone can be ranged. Also if they break your font line, try to have your animal companion or another back line character aggro the enemy and run away with your wizard. Animal companions are good for this or even like Druid. So if a druid is in your party and he is ranged or reach weapon, if an enemy break the spirit shift him to go and aggro that enemy. Your back line wizard should control the battle field while your front line one can do the damage spells or better yet have both of them through out some CCs spells (the battle should be on lock down especially with some of the later spells). This is the best strength of the wizard. They have killer CC that turns encounters into killing fields. Wizards are probably one of the strongest if not the strongest class (And i hate wizards in concept in most fantasy games even this one i dont love wizards but recognize their utility). For instance stop using Aloth for fan of flames and start using spells like Chill Fog (although not CC but blinds enemies) and Slicken which are way OP for level one spells for what they do and how useful they are later in the game. Your ranged wizard could also use weapons to help with CC so giving Gyrd Háewanes Sténes to yoru wizard which has a chance to cast dominate and combined with Blast talent it just not fair. There are probably some players that have more specific advice. I generally play on hard and once you get a handle on CC from all kinds of classes you can own the battle field. For instance you could charm the enemy that breaks the line with a cipher or use your priest stuck spells to stop the enemy so you can move your wizard away from them. And all these tactics are level 1 tactics so you dont even need high level party to accomplish. Druids have charm and paralyze beast type creature early or better when they get Returning Storm and Relentless Storm they can lock down enemies really good. Another way to go is to keep everyone hidden until the enemies aggro your front line. This helps with the initial part of the battle although i tend to throw out CC before the battle event starts so this wouldn't always be the way to go. Ranger are my favorite class (although they are not the strongest for sure). They can do lots of damage if you combine the damage of their animal companion and themselves (The game does not record the animal damage in the log though so sometimes it hard to judge for players if you are just looking to the log to give you damage stats). The animal companion can attain some awesome damage with the right talents (like predetor's sence, vicious and merciless companion) and your Ranger like Sagani can even provide some CC with weapons like stormcaller and talents like stunning shots and driving flight, binding roots and animal takedown. I dont always get all those but usually most of them but they do take time to build up over the course of the game. You do have to micro rangers though to get the most out of them and their pets and that play style isnt for everyone especially if they are not your main. Also for me the best use of fan of flames is with a fighter like Eder. Just use Disciplined Barrage first and maybe ,but not always necessary, have a druid or some other caster (since its a scroll) start the battle with a spell like Tanglefoot or any spell that lowers reflex. Im not sure i every use a back line wizard to cast that spell although its possible it just takes a spells slot for other useful spells
  21. Having 1 lesser party character is a clear sign. Many would mindlessly defend Obsidian here but i would not. Their initial plan was 4 party characters. Due to how well the reception on Tyranny (if you asked me, Obsidian testing the water). And they know making Deadfire with 4 party characters and hell will break lose and so they go with 5. The issue here isn't consoles. It's the controller. Many cRPGs designed with controller in mind would ruin that game hard. If it sells like hot cakes on consoles, then say goodbye to Pillars franchise. Is the same as Dragon Age. It is why we have Dragon Age 2 and Inquistion. Button mashers. Also i have completed Inquisition on the highest difficulty. There's no tactics. It's an action game. Sure many would say more moneys to devs the better. I agree. But you really like the franchise to get watered down in terms of gameplay and design because of controllers? Nope. I'd rather it stay exclusive. "Their initial plan was 4 party characters." where are you getting this. Is there an interview you can point to, to show this otherwise you are just making stuff up (thats fine to speculate but dont act as if this is fact if its not without proof). I think the console thing is no big deal. You can see gameplay already and it doesn't look all that different than POE1 except for some nice visual improvements and I love POE1. The devs did say they were open to doing a POE tactics or some other version of POE but i believe they would inform the user what type of game they are making.
  22. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/162251532341/will-departure-of-ca-damage-pillars-2-writing. This question isn't biased much . How is Josh suppose to answer this - "Well, our game falling apart i guess we need to pack it up."
  23. Ye josh could have just stopped there. Making up solutions to problems that were never there. Oh well we will see.
  24. If you do want to be a lower level you can also do this. You can go to an inn and retrain and then stop before you reach level 8. That would be tough giving back levels but its one way to go
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