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Everything posted by draego

  1. hmm i doubt it, for ranger. there is a specific sub class for pet-less ranger the ghost hear but i am not sure.
  2. Thanks for the link. So at least we are not hard-forced into alternating between classes. Yes, I also have noticed that Josh has included [Weapon & Shield Style] which is a talent, not an ability. There is one thing that worries me in that post though: 1 spell slot equals 1 ability slot? If so, that's not good, not good at all. In PoE1, on each odd level, fighter could select 1 ability, while priest and druid were learning 3-9 spells. Not to mention that if a lvl 3 battlemage/warden/cleric would have to choose between taking knockdown vs a rank 2 spell... guess what he would choose. Provided that fighter abilities use resources from a common pool, while spells are limited to spell-usages per rank (conform to spell-progression table by power level). Well those are wizard spell so they get grimoire to get more spells. Not sure how druid/priest work.
  3. I may be a little boring but this sub class will prob be my first build no multi classing. I like ranger melee builds Stalker - Stalker and companion gain bonuses to Deflection and Armor Rating when close to each other, suffer Bonded Grief when too far apart. One issue i can see is that the bonuses you get dont apply in a far enough radius so you can apply flank to enemy. if its to hard to flank and get bonuses there is little point in my opinion (well if you are using ranger a straight tank i suppose) but for a flanking/skirmishing build flanking is needed and would just stick with base class. This class will have interesting multi class builds for me. The passive ability from chanter combined with a very active class would seem like a min max dream (which i don't like doing). I also hate passive chanters but they are good. I guess the only saving grace could be that the high level chants wont be allowed for this multiclasses and maybe dragon thrashed is in that 8-9 power range. That would be funny prob more like you get it at lower level and it doesnt scale as high as single class build. The other issue for this class would be is if any active ability from other classes disrupts chants. That could be a consideration. I guess the other class thats a maybe right now. Mage Slayer - Gains spell resistance and can disrupt enemy spells, but cannot use potions or scrolls and beneficial spells have shorter duration. I am playing a barb primary tank right now and love it. so i a may want to play that again and i would be curious if the disrupt works with carnage. Maybe a Corpse Eater would be better for tank so it can still take advantage of front line fighting but not have to worry about flanking to get to casters.
  4. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165555197431/does-the-new-multiclassing-system-still-allow. This is a link posted in in another thread. It looks like you can pick from either talent tree you want when you level up. So if you want most talents from one class you can do that. So its not as ridged as AD&D. It also looks like they have simplified the talent abilities. If i am reading this post right you can pick what POE 1 calls talents/abilities on any level up you want. So i can pick multiple spells on back to back levels or maybe multiple abilities on back to back levels. not sure but that is how this post reads
  5. Wow, you are committed. I honestly never experienced this. I can tell its a little slow for me but this is crazy
  6. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165559173611/hi-could-you-elaborate-a-little-on-the-troubadour. Just saw someone ask Josh
  7. I dont think the ability progression is character level based like "Minoletta's Magic Missiles adds +1 missile per 2 levels". There is still a power level and i bet the missiles spells scales with the power level. so single class reaches power level 9 and multi reaches power level 7. So you will be able to pick all skills from both classes that correspond to power level 7 or below with a multi class and if those abilities scale they will reach power level 7 with multi class (just two levels below a single class missiles). where a single class will reach 9 for both abilities choices and scaling power. So it not multi classes are 50% of single class. And on top of that you will be able to pick more abilities/spell with multiclasses so they will always have more abilities than single. Finally you dont have to alternate with the classes on what abilities you gets. so for fighter/wizard you can get 75% fighter abilities and 25% wizards. Well at least this is how i interpret the info so far with some speculation.
  8. ding ding. Ye that is just wierd but i like them for the most part. It would be nice to rename yourself but there may be in game text that references the name and then your name wont match but that prob not a big issue. i have seen that request in other places
  9. it will be nice when they take away loading for building and insides in POE2. they also claim to have worked on loading times in general. so there is always next game.
  10. Ye i get where you are coming from. I just dont see loosing faster casting invocations as a problem if your goal for this build is to not cast invocations very often but keep up say dragon thrashed phrases without the interruption of invocations (this is the standard build you see in the posts of POE1 chanters. I actually hate it but there it is). Ye i figured i misunderstood your comment about lingers "Brisk Recitation off: Longer lingers, takes longer to prepare invocations"
  11. This is what i was mentioning earlier. You can still specialize in one class heavily even though you multi class making you feel more like first with a little bit of the second. This is good because even within a given multiclass you can have different playstyles and strategies since in multiple runs you can take completely different abilities. Boeroer will have his work cut out for him.
  12. The way I interpret it, higher invocation cost is the price they pay for longer linger, which is their signature class ability. Optionally, they can use Brisk Recitation to sacrifice the extended linger duration in favor of faster phrase build-up when they want to use invocations. Makes sense to me. So it's a subclass that you can switch off? How does that make sense? Ye i dont see it that way. The brisk recitation for this class is a modal. So by default the modal is off and while its off the linger is longer. So that is the base existence of the class, longer lingers. If you turn on the modal then your lingers go shorter. Brisk Recitation off: Longer lingers, takes longer to prepare invocations Brisk Recitation on: Normal lingers, normal time to prepare invocations The normal is probably approximate; we have no way of knowing yet. But fundamentally you are taking the sub's specialization and undoing it. "Brisk Recitation off: Longer lingers, takes longer to prepare invocations". That isnt a bad thing its the point of the subclass. In POE the best chanters dont even use invocations much. This is a build for a passive chanter which is pretty much what lots of people did in POE1. If you dont like passive chanter that is fine but it doesnt mean its bad (I dont like passive chanters fyi). and yes shorter could be +50% to +25% linger (they didnt specify that part) still better than other classes but not as good without the modal. And not sure if you meant this i could be misunderstanding. but lingers have nothing to do with when you can cast invocations but just the fact you dont have access to brisk recitation would make it take longer in a since. basically you would be back to casting invocations at a normal rate without brisk recitation
  13. The way I interpret it, higher invocation cost is the price they pay for longer linger, which is their signature class ability. Optionally, they can use Brisk Recitation to sacrifice the extended linger duration in favor of faster phrase build-up when they want to use invocations. Makes sense to me. So it's a subclass that you can switch off? How does that make sense? Ye i dont see it that way. The brisk recitation for this class is a modal. So by default the modal is off and while its off the linger is longer. So that is the base existence of the class, longer lingers. If you turn on the modal then your lingers are shorter (and they didnt specify what shorter means. it could be that you go from +50% to +25 and that would be shorter but still longer than other classes they need to specify that.). Im not sure why that is bad, you get longer lingers. if you want to play a more passive chanter this is the class for you. Seem fine to me
  14. It is possible that once a companion joins, you get to select their first class and whether you want to MC—if you do, a pop-up lets you pick the second class and relative subclass. AD&D-style MC does away with a piece of flexibility I was looking forward to. Say I want to use Xoti as a Monk, but I really want a Priest in my party who is not the Watcher. With the old system, I could take any other companion and slap 19 levels of Priest on them. With AD&D-style MC, I must rely on a hired adventurer instead. However, this is just my nitpicking. I like the new system better overall. Ye i remember the original concept was you are forced to pick one of the base classes then you could multi to anything. I wonder if this is still the case so for Eder when you want to multclass you are force to pick fighter/rogue first but then are allowed to pick anything for the second. The would allow more flexibility you are referring to. Good question for Josh
  15. i think the video says you still have choice about the abilities/talents you take from both classes. So if you want to be more of fighter while mult-class fighter/rogue you can still feel like more of fighter by not picking that may rogue abilities. So its something
  16. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165552067891/hey-josh-how-will-the-return-to-add-style. not sure if this is a full answer from Josh. I am wondering if you are forced to multclass them? or maybe you can single or multi but just have to stick with one approach
  17. Not sure if this is helpful but i believe the new affliction system is more comprehensive than the first game. In POE priest basically was needed to combat all afflictions with prayers there were scrolls and paladin stuff. In the new system the block/counter to afflictions are being spread out to other classes. So priest aren't as 'necessary'. I know they have monster buffs also.
  18. i was also curious about the power vacuums with the original multi class system. I like to play rangers with pets and it always seemed weird to me that if you took just 1 or 2 ranger levels it would leave your pet overall level to low. (I was assuming the pet level mirrored ranger power level not actual character level otherwise you could take one ranger level to get 20 level pet which would be op.) This would be tough because your pet would die prob instantly against higher level mobs or you would have to just hide your pet across the map so you didnt get bonded grief. I am sure there are other examples of the issue of non viable multi classes as originally designed but rangers are always on my mind. This new way definitely simplifies the issues and now you 'just' need to balance for multi class characters where both class will always end with the same power level.
  19. I am pretty sure Divinity: OS2 is filled with choices. I didn't play it myself, but from I have heard it very much seems so. However, I found the following excerpt from "Rock Paper Shotgun's" interesting considering the discussion. Also apparently writing in D:OS2 is good, which is a welcome surprise after kinda funny, but mostly cringy D:OS: Ye there are lots of choices. I was referring to the way your choices are presented. They are trying something different within the dialogue options at least to me in games like this. When you talk to the npcs your choices describe what you are saying not what you are actually saying. it was just odd when i first played.
  20. The thing that shocked me with DOS 2, because i hadnt looked at any playthroughs and read any info, was my characters own voice. I thought the game was messed up at first when I talked with the first npc and i didnt have any dialogue just what seemed to be placeholders. Dont love that but the game seems fun so far. I dont actually care if the game is fully voiced and if like others have said the options suffer or dialogue suffer because of voice acting i dont love it. I am sure POE2 will be fine though they are already promising more voice acting so im good.
  21. There is a thread around here comparing druid to rogue in melee dps or something like that. You can guess who won hehe. Don't tell firkraag888 . Not sure where the thread is. Boeroer mentioned it in this thread but not the actual link
  22. Well, yeah, in general I felt very positively about the companion roster so her being middle-of-the-pack is still fine by me. I was also considering the White March companions in my list, mind. Ye there are 11 companions so i get you.
  23. So... if i would install it right before the 'point of no return', i could play it with this savegame, right? But why wait the dlc is made for the middle of the game fyi.
  24. I dont know if you played the game before so i dont want to spoil anything but i believe the point of no return for the dlcs are right before the final dungeon of the game. Any time before that you are good and can complete the dlcs. In fact you are fine in terms of story for the dlcs if you installed them soon. You wouldnt notice any hickup in the story.
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