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Everything posted by draego

  1. I was thinking the same thing about priest and paladins. That is why i dont like them as my MC. They get you to think of conversations in more of a meta/power gaming perspective instead of roleplaying choices and make the player worry more about what a writer thought was clever, aggressive, passionate. When in your mind you may feel those dispositions match different dialogue choices. I have heard that before about the permanent stats. I think this is just a playstyle difference. I never really worried about permanent attributes. I just picked on or two attributes that were really important to me like resolve or int or perc. and would just maximize that one with an item and resting and didtn worry about the other checks but i get your point.
  2. I disagree. what you call obligatory, i call making role playing choices. You shouldn't be able to easily make all stat checks in the game. It seems to me you want the game to make it easier for you to power game. They are changing item attribute bonuses in POE2. They are making it so item classes like 'gloves' only have one type of attribute bonus to eliminate all stacking overlap issues. This will make attribute bonuses more rare i suppose. The thing about attributes in this game is they are less important than abilities, talents, and equipment for fighting mechanics so i would generally have maybe one item, sometimes two with attribute bonuses. It seems fine to me to have limited attribute bonuses since they drive both the role playing and mechanical aspects of the game. Then you can have more balanced role playing stat checks instead of having to design the game around extremely high outlier stats. Crafting in POE2 will also be more limited. You wont be able to do all the crafting you do in POE1. They are doing this to make equipment you find more unique. ( And they think players should have to switch lots of equipment around because thats more fun or something ) I dont love all the crafting changes but if they allowed crafting to include attribute bonuses then i would want it to be modest similar to POE1. And your final suggestion is also more about power gaming. i mean why should an aggressive person get more might. This type of stuff would heavily direct players to dispositions instead of letting the player get these disposition organically which would hurt role playing. I do get it from a power gaming perspective, I just skew toward role playing more. Not that i dont enjoy some crunchiness.
  3. Also the scaling will be in a range. This isnt a oblivion situation where all enemies will always scale to your level. its more like this dungeon is a level 5-8 scalable dungeon.
  4. It not just that single class will have access to higher level spells where multiclasses dont but the spells the single class get will be better throughout the game. The spells will be higher scaled spells because their power level will always be higher. So the same spell a multiclass priest gets , which they will get at a later character levels, will always be worse versions of the spell when compared to single class spells. We will have to see how much worse but it will be worse.
  5. Josh is out so: https://twitter.com/adam_brennecke/status/915245732994498560 and then this: https://twitter.com/adam_brennecke/status/915310610438512640 Adam is teasing something. But no i dont see. Is it the shadows or something? They are always talking about the shadows. Do the roofs disappear when you go near them? Are the UI elements movable to allow player customizations? Maybe this is showing UI combat window can be be sorted by a single character? Someone will probably get it, i am out of guesses.
  6. Yes, I will likely try a ranged Fighter for the 3rd ranged spot, and if he fails, I'd have to consider adding a 3rd caster (in addition to the Priest and the Wizard). I have not liked either ranged Rogue or Ranger when I tried them, but I still want a ranged auto-attacker (so I don't over-micro), so trying ranged Fighter first likely. Sorry about the ranger. But what about ranged Chanter. That is probably the least micro you can get. And you can still give them Stormcaller a great ranged auto attack weapons. And Boeroer seems to argue fighters are not great ranged.
  7. Well there is a animal companion auto attack selection under the ai behavior for rangers. The passive option says the animal will not move to attack automatically under any circumstances. I generally dont mess with the AI but maybe that option would work. Havent tried it myself because when i say i turn off the AI what i mean is i turn it off for everyone. usually i use this tactic when i am doing a ambush by luring an enemy which is not my normal tactics. So i turn off all AI so all characters will sit tight until i want them to move and then just turn the AI back on.
  8. I generally play with wolf or if i am not a ranger take sagani. In tight spaces they are second line fighters plugging holes in the line and attacking once others have engaged. But in more open spaces i usually flank stealth with the pet and either a melee ranger or melee other character. I generally always keep them stealth during the first beats of combat until everyone has moved to their positions and taken some aggro and first spells are away. Then i usually send them to the squishiest enemy if any and focus my ranger and prob another melee on that enemy. This can lead to engagement issues if you need to run past others. You just have to avoid that. I do find myself turning off AI for ranger sometimes so the pet stays put until i want them to move. This is really for more critical battles though. I dont do it all the time. Of course there are times when also use my animal to come to the back line and try to aggro an enemy that is focused on my squishes. So ye i move them around alot and try to keep them from dying. Nice thing about wolf and Itumaak is they have +15 disengagement so its helps to get away from enemies.
  9. I think we have yet to learn what powers synergize with each other. We know carnage and sneak attack wont work together. I wouldn't be surprise if carnage and soul whip dont work together but maybe. It would be a nice update with this kind of information maybe not until the beta will players see what can and cannot stack together
  10. It's very likely that a multi class rogue will have lower sneak attack than a pure rogue. TBH I feel there's a chance a trickster will be exactly the same as a rogue/illusionist, but a Trickster will be able to multi class to something else while a rogue/illusionist is already multi classed. Yes multiclass anything will always have a lower power level and therefore all abilities/spells that scale will not scale as high or as fast as a single class like rogue sneak attack. trickster will not be exactly the same as rogue/illusionist https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/165588449701/how-would-a-multiclass-combination-like-priest-of
  11. I dont know, on twitter they mentioned today is the last day to get higher rewards
  12. From Josh on something awful: I remember Obs talking about stuff like this in the updates. I wonder what other powers wont combine like soul whip / carnage? I think players concepts of crazy op builds maybe more nerfed than they think.
  13. Quote Josh: Ok i hate WiLdRhYmErS. please fix ranger name. Just wanted to add to the general hate for this name. We will see.
  14. I know but I use the IE mod to change that and to apply them to companions, too oops, I didnt read your last sentence . To quick on the trigger
  15. Paladins and Priests companions are not affected by your dispositions choices. You only have to worry about your MC.
  16. Here's an idea for Priests: have them automatically learn a small core of diety specific spells each power level, and also allow them to choose a few on top of that. This makes up for not having Grimoires, and makes sense from an RP perspective too (I think). I think they have options to cut down the total number of spells from POE1 a caster can have so they are not to OP with the new per encounter mechanics but still have some versatility. I mean right now you get 20 abilities/talents/spells total and in theory i actually like treating casters like other classes to even out the classes, but it also nice to have some versatility and since wizards already can break that limit that, it would be nice to allow the other casters something similar. Maybe when you guys beat the beta to death a nice compromise can be reached. It is hard to say without playing what the sweet spot is for total number of spells a caster should have in the new system.
  17. I was wondering about this. I think it would be good to let them pick extra spells to balance wizards vs other casters.
  18. Nice. And non of that is captured in the rangers stats so most players that have played once or just a little bit think rangers cant hit hard but the combination is good as long as you dont mind micro which i dont. one run i have going is dual wield melee ranger with drawn in spring but tidefall would be great to. keep those dots up. The wolf animal can do a little more damage also. They start with higher base damage i think. (Thanks Boeroer)
  19. Grimoires are different in POE2. You cant select any of the spells in them and they will contain less spells than the POE1. They wont be full of spells like your ending spell book in POE1. We will see if there will be some kind of exception like a quest related grimoire that lets you customize it or something but otherwise until we know they are restricted.
  20. It looks like right now all abilities/talents/spells are selected as one per level and they are all equivalent in the since that you select them one per level with no alternating like in POE1
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